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Value oriented holistic management

The term Holistic refers to the wholeness of

any thing, any action, any concept in any discipline of management and life. It sees any thing as a whole but not as a part.

Value oriented holistic management

The holistic approach of management refers

the management functioning and decision making process in combined and united manner with no opponent but unity of all corporate members working in transnational way for the good of all people.

A value is something that has worth or

importance to an individual.Itcontains a judgmental element in that it carries an individuals ideas as to what is right, good or desirable.

Wholeness: It refers the unity or totality i.e.


Goodness: It refers all those essential

values that make the individual perfect. These values are: honesty,kindness,truthfulness,morality etc.

Courage: It refers the confidence of an

individual in doing any work and making several decisions for the right objective with right motive.

Self discipline: It refers self control over ones

own actions attitude and behavior prevent from diverting from the right path.

Living by Inner truth: It is the instrument or

perfection guiding the course of action in right manner achieving the objective.

Why Value driven management

To maintain the man machine equation:

Value driven management recognized the divine model of man, which modifies the man-machine equation. This concept advocates the man as a master of machine or technology. The result produced by the human being with the help of machine or technology

For the sake of Natural Resources: Value driven holistic management talk of

favorable and pollution free environment to assure sustainable economic development without disturbing ecological balance and cordial relationship between man and nature

The stable and distinctive qualities built into

an individuals life which determine his or her response regardless of circumstances Good character is when your head, heart, soul and hands agree to do the right thing, in the right way, for the right reasons and the combined effort gets the right results in the midst of the most adverse of conditions

Definitions of Character
engaging in morally relevant conduct or

words, or refraining from certain conduct or words

List of Character Traits

honesty, integrity, dependability, loyalty,

enthusiasm, etc

Importance of character
Good character is the most important factor

for success in life. People do not trust dishonest people. Possession of gold will be of no use then Goodwill is a valuable property, which can never be robber of. Money may come and go, but our good character stays with us permanently. Good character cannot be stolen away by any thief.

Indian culture and wisdom

1. Immense potential, energy and talents for

perfection as human being has the spirit within his heart. 2. Holistic approach indicating unity between the Divine (The Divine means perfection in knowledge, wisdom and power), individual self and the universe.

3. Subtle, intangible subject and gross

tangible objects are equally important. One must develop ones Third Eye, Jnana Chaksu, the Eye of Wisdom, Vision, Insight and Foresight. Inner resources are much more powerful than outer resources.Divine virtues are inner resources. Capital, materials and plant & machinery are outer resources.

4. Karma Yoga (selfless work) offers double

benefits, private benefit in the form of self purification and public benefit. 5. Yogah Karmasu Kaushalam - Excellence at work through self-motivation and self development with devotion and without attachment. 6. Co-operation is a powerful instrument for team work and success in any enterprise involving collective work.

Value based management

Value based management can be simply

stated as management system in which entire organization is focused, measured, compensated for creating value for stakeholders (i.e., customers, shareholders, employees, vendors). Value-Based Management (VBM) is a customer-focused system built upon shared principles and core values, which is designed to instill an ownership culture within an organization.

Management effectiveness based on values

* Benefits of VBM for employees A workplace that operates according to the principles of Value-Based Management empowers employees as workers and as owners. VBM creates a corporate culture where work can be more satisfying and economically rewarding.

Benefits of VBM for Labor Unions

VBM involves the transformation of labor unions, offering labor representatives new and more important roles than they have played within the adversarial wage system culture * Benefits of VBM for the Company as a Whole Experience within a growing number of companies indicates that the more that people's self interests are unified within a management system reflecting the principles of Value-Based Management, the greater customer and employee satisfaction will be. From this can flow increased cost savings, increased sales.

Need of value based holism in management in India(page 22)

Value helps in decision making: It helps in better decision making because respect for

ethics will from management eye view take all aspects into consideration, both the economical aspects and social and ethical aspects. Essential for long term success of organization: An organization not responding the values and ethics can survive only for a short period but not for long period. An organization is required to build up a strong image for long term survival.

Value creates credibility among

shareholders: If values are properly followed, it would create a good image of company and it would help in attracting an immediate response of shareholders. Value creates management credibility among employees Value creates credibility with the public

Dharma of organization/management
Dharma of the organization is to take actions which protect and improve the welfare of society as a whole along with their own interests
Dharma of organization/management towards employees To provide adequate compensation, air wages or salary for the contribution made.

To redress employee grievances regularly. To

listen and act upon employee suggestions,ideas,requests and complaints To provide for good working condition i.e.saf e and clean drinking water facilities, proper lightning, ventilation etc.that respect each employees health an d dignity. To be honest in communication with employees and open in sharing information

Dharma of organization/management

towards consumers The dharma of organization towards their consumers are to provide the product at: The right quality The right quantity At right time At right place At right price

Ethical/Spiritual Values
Spiritual values can be loosely defined as

ethical or religious values that reflect one's beliefs about life Spiritual value suggest on having a higher level of consciousness. E.g. for spiritual values: respect for self respect for God, belief in giving than grabbing,

Ever changing world

Our value system is central to our success and is much more

than a set of minimum standards. We should stick to it through thick and thin, and policies, strategies, practices and goals should be based on it. Our operations and performance, the way we run the company and do business, must always be connected to our value system. In an ever-changing world our value system should persist and it should be timeless. We can change everything else and we must be flexible and prepared to meet challenges, but we maystand by our values in this ever changing world. Value-based behaviours are a source of competitive advantage and the value system is a key to success. Without a foundation of trust, ethics and genuine statements of and commitment to our value system we will not be able to put quality into the any processes and deliver value to the stakeholders

Our future
The 21st century promises to be a time of scientific and

technological growth at a level never before experienced in human history. This growth will either trigger chaos, disruption, war, starvation and disease or will introduce a period of humanistic cooperation, development, progress, and peace. What emerges will depend upon which values are embraced, taught, encouraged, and legislated

. The value choices, which must be deliberately chosen and not left to chance, must be secular, global, and familial. The accepted values must be embraced, taught, encouraged, and supported internationally, nationally, locally, and personally. What is proposed here represents some of the value choices, the ethical building blocks, that will enable a world of peace and harmony to come into existence--a world in which human diversity is respected and tolerated and, at the same time, a world in which each individual will be enabled and encouraged to maximize his or her potential, without discrimination and in an atmosphere of freedom. What is required to bring about this idealized world is a democratic, pluralistic society which recognizes the human rights of each individual and in which no man or woman or class of men or women shall be demeaned and treated as mere slaves existing only to fulfill the desires of those who would be their masters; a world in which no man or woman or class of men or women shall be used as tools for the lusts of others, or for the ambitions of others, or for the greed of others, a world in which the life of every man and woman and child shall be recognized and esteemed as a unique and ultimate statement of the evolutionary process and therefore of inestimable value. To achieve and make real this concept of a world of peace for the 21st century the following humanistic values provide the basic essentials.

1. Humanistic values for the 21st century must be

secular, democratic, and pluralistic. The values must be of the people, for the people, and by the people. They must embrace common moral decencies such as altruism, integrity, freedom, justice, honesty, truthfulness, responsibility, compassion, and must reflect the normative standards human beings discover and develop through living together. Value development must draw upon reason, science, the arts, and must express concern for justice and fairness and concern for the physical and mental well-being of every human being in an effort to maximize individual freedom without limiting the freedom of others.

2. Humanistic values for the 21st century must be global. As the first generation in human history to have viewed our

planet from outer space, we have been made conscious of the uniqueness of this fragment of cosmic matter which we call "earth" that circles a rather small star (our sun) in an immense universe. So far as we know at this moment, we humans are the only intelligent, rational beings existing anywhere in the cosmos. Statistical estimates suggest that elsewhere planets circling stars may have produced other intelligent life forms, but at this moment we know nothing of these other life forms, despite the claims of those who say they have encountered extra-terrestrial beings. To the best of our knowledge, we are utterly alone in the universe and we are bound together by our habitation on this planet. Our value system must extend beyond national, ethnic, religious, territorial, and racial boundaries. Only a global ethic, a global humanistic value system that embraces the entire world will suffice for the 21st century.

3.Humanistic global survival values for the

21st century require that we treat one another as members of a family, which means that we must look out for and care about one another's welfare.

4.Humanistic values must be taught. It is one thing to propose values, but how are they to

become known and adopted? One way is through education. The word "education" comes from the Latin root educare which means "to lead out." As an educator, it is my task to "lead out" (educo: I lead out). "Leading out" involves the dismantling of barriers which impede humanistic ethical growth, while bringing others to a place where new ethical horizons can be seen, recognized, appreciated and approached. Education calls for belief in what is to be shared, commitment to the ideals embraced by humanistic values, and hope for the future. So many are disillusioned and without any belief in the possibility for change.

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