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RCS Reduction of Canonical Targets Using Genetic Algorithm Synthesized RAM

Under guidance of Prof. V. Mahadevan Dept. T.E

Gagan H Y 1pi11lds04 2nd sem (DE & CS) M.Tech

Abstract Introduction Genetic algorithm (GA) GA with Maxwells equation RAM optimization RCS reduction Pro s & cons Conclusion

Radar cross reduction of canonical structures is the focus A novel procedure to synthesize RAM which is then used in RCS reduction An optimization technique by name Genetic Algorithm is used to optimize RAM. Modal solutions of Maxwells equations integrated with GA optimizers to obtain convincible reduction in RCS

RCS reduction an important constraint in radar systems This is for the reason that in complex structures like fighter planes location becomes visible to radars So the solution would be to use RAM that absorb wide band radar frequencies

The 1st step in the design is to optimize RAM Optimization is carried out by GA Optimized Ram is integrated with Vector wave solution of Maxwells equation Obtain reduction in RCS

Genetic algorithms
Genetic algorithms (GA) are basically a search algorithms based on mechanics of natural selection and natural genetics.

GA s are adaptive heuristic search algorithm based on evolutionary ideas of natural selection and genetics.

Developed by John Holland in 1975 at University of Michigan.
Goals of research : To abstract and rigorously explain adaptive process of natural systems. To design artificial system software that retains important mechanism of natural systems.

Central theme being Robustness.

Components of GA
1. Representation (defining individuals):
Initialize with all possible solution sets Each solution represented by a chromosome; composed of string of genes Usual representation {0s & 1s}

2. Fitness function/cost function

The available solution of chromosome is checked for compatibility w.r.t to a function

Chromosomes satisfying /accounting for nearest solution id chosen for further operation

3. Variation


Accounts for creation of new individuals from old ones 2 types:

Mutation Crossover

Mutation operator:
This is a Genetic Operator, that alters one or more gene value in a chromosome from its initial state. This results in essentially a new gene being added into the existing gene pool. This operator prevents the population being static at same local optima. Types : Flip Bit Boundary Non-Uniform Uniform Gaussian

Cross over operator:

In this form two chromosome (=parents) are combined together to form new offspring. Offspring produced could form better solution.

Types :
One Point. Two Point. Uniform.

3. Parent selection mechanism:

The role of parent selection (mating selection) is to distinguish among individuals based on their quality This allows the better individuals to become parents of the next generation. Parent selection is probabilistic

4. Survivor selection mechanism:

The role of survivor selection is to distinguish among individuals based on their quality

This decision is based on their fitness values, favoring those with higher quality

7. Termination Condition : Commonly used conditions for terminations are the following : The maximally allowed CPU time elapses The total number of fitness evaluations reaches a given limit For a given period of time, the fitness improvement remains under a threshold value The population diversity drops under a given threshold.

Vector wave solution

1. Planar structure

k = propagation constant for ith region A & B unknown coefficients found using boundary condition

2. Spherical structure

3. Spherical structure

RCS reduction using GA synthesized RAM

The 1st step is to optimize a RAM

It is a class of material used to disguise a structure from radar

Radar Cross Section

Types of RAM
1. Iron ball paint
It contains tiny spheres coated with carbonyl iron or ferrite

Radar waves induce molecular oscillations from the alternating magnetic field in this paint, which leads to conversion of the radar energy into heat
The heat is then transferred to the aircraft and dissipated

2. Foam absorber
This material typically consists of a fireproofed urethane foam loaded with carbon black, and cut into long pyramids The length from base to tip of the pyramid structure is chosen based on the lowest expected frequency and the amount of absorption required The pyramid shapes are cut at angles that maximize the number of bounces a wave makes within the structure With each bounce, the wave loses energy to the foam material and thus exits with lower signal strength

3. Jaumann absorber
It is actually a device which control 2 equally spaced reflection surfaces and a ocnducting ground plane

RAM optimization

Optimization by GA
Fitness function

GA parameters
Fitness function Mutation rate = 0.01 Crossover rate = 0.7 Selection process = tournament type Initial population = 100

Optimized RAM in RCS reduction

Comparison between coated and uncoated

RCS reduction in monostatic and bistatic radars



RCS reduction plays an important role in disguising targets RAM = low design cost
Best optimization obtained Computation cost is also less

Layers of RAM can cost for increased weight of target
RCS reduction computation involves complex calculations

Majorly in stealth technology GA tool finds application in almost all optimization processes

Future work
Applied for monostatic and bistatic radars Optimization with reduced number of layers Wider frequency range

The modal solution/GA technique is applied to determine the optimal composite coatings for RCS reduction of canonical targets in a GA with planar/curved surface implementation is also introduced to efficiently reduce the RCS of the curved structures.

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