1st Lecture On The Histology of Urinary System by DR Roomi

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By Dr. Mudassar Ali Roomi (MBBS, M.Phil)

Urinary system

It comprises of kidneys, ureters, urinary bladder and urethra.


Large, bean-shaped organ with thin C.T capsule. Retroperitoneal organ. The concave, medial border of the kidney is the hilum, which contains three large structures.

renal artery renal vein funnel-shaped renal pelvis (expanded upper end of the ureter)

Pelvis of kidney is subdivided into large and small cups referred to as major and minor calyces.

Inspection of Vertical hemisection of kidney


Darker, granular outer zone cortex lighter, striated inner zone medulla A portion of the cortex also extends on each side of the renal pyramids to form the renal columns (of Bertin). Medullary material continues into the cortex as medullary rays. Medulla consists of numerous (8-18) cone-shaped renal pyramids. The round apex of each pyramid extends downward to the renal pelvis to form the renal papilla. Pyramid+ associated cortex= a lobe of kidney

Inspection of Vertical hemisection of kidney


Each renal papilla is surrounded by a funnelshaped minor calyx, which collects urine from the papilla. The minor calyces join in the renal sinus to form a major calyx. Major calyces, in turn, join to form the larger funnel-shaped renal pelvis

Parenchyma of kidneys

Parenchyma of kidney consists of uriniferous tubules Uriniferous tubule= nephron + collecting tubule. Nephron: 30-40 mm long, responsible for production of urine. It is derived from metanephric blastema Collecting tubule: about 20 mm long, conveys urine to the renal pelvis. Derived from ureteric bud.


2 Million nephrons are present in each kidney. Two types of nephrons:


Cortical nephron: their renal corpuscle is located in the cortex of kidney. Juxtamedullary nephron: their renal corpuscle is situated near the junction of the cortex and medulla. Possess longer loops of Henle Produce a hypertonic environment in the interstitium of the kidney medulla that results in the production of concentrated (hypertonic) urine. Consists of approx 1/7th of total nephron population.


Each nephron, in turn, is subdivided into two components, a renal corpuscle and

Two types of nephrons


Parts of nephron

Bowmans capsule Renal corpuscle= Bowmans capsule+ glomerulus Proximal tubule = PCT+ PST Intermediate tubule = thin segment Distal tubule = DST + DCT Loop of Henle= PST+DST+Thin segment

Renal Corpuscle

Renal corpuscle is the Initial segment of each nephron 150-205 um in diameter It has a vascular pole and a urinary pole. It Consists of a tuft of capillaries, called the glomerulus, surrounded by a double layer of epithelial cells, called the glomerular (Bowmans) capsule. The inner or visceral layer of the capsule consists of unique and highly modified branching epithelial cells, called podocytes.

The podocytes are adjacent to and completely invest the glomerular capillaries.

The outer or parietal layer of the glomerular capsule consists of simple squamous epithelium. Urinary or capsular space is present b/w two layers of the Bowmans capsule.


Star shaped highly modified epithelial cells Share a common basal lamina with endothelial cells Primary processes Secondary processes or foot processes or foot pedicles filtration slits = 5nm thick. These are elongated spaces b/w the adjacent pedicles. Slit diaphragm having pores (each having an average diameter of 6nm)

Renal filtration barrier

Structure: It is composed of fenestrated endothelium of the glomerular capillaries, the basal lamina, and the filtration slits with the diaphragm between pedicles of the podocytes. Function: formation of ultrafiltrate of blood plasma in the Bowmans space which contains water, ions and small molecules but not the protein molecules and other large negatively charged molecules.

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