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Click to edit Master subtitle style Sector:6 Tel:021/4137359 Fax:021/4137309 Surface:2000mp, Bus: 122, 368, 221, 105, 168, 173, 268, 126 5/31/12

Billa hypermarket, located in Brasov Strees, Bucharest, is the symbol of a good quality at the most advantage price. The company's central objective is to decrease prices constantly, so buying food and goods won`t be a problem for consumers. BILLA`s policy is to satisfy all needs, with a variate range of products at prices without competition.

Through a performance organization of work, as well as the large quantity of products purchased, BILLA is able to offer its customers a wide variety of items and fresh produce .


Billa offers articles of well known brands, as well as its own brand, that has the same quality as those from famous brands. The qualities of this hypermarket are:

To keep the order and the discipline To respect all the procedures

An orientation for improving

The architecture of the store, the way it was accomplished,the basic design, logo, and representative colours of the company logo, are symbols that creates the identity of the hypermarket.



The slogan of the hypermarket is: Promise what you can offer and offer more than you promised!



Ceremonies are hold on the anniversary of the firm, at feast days such as Easter and Christmass, when the employees receive gratifications, and at the end of the year. Within the ceremony at the end of the year, the Director takes a speech, in which presents a retrospective of the last year, including favorable and less favourable results. Employees

illa aims to offer its guests a pleasant environment, employees are dynamics and joyful persons. Currently, the uniforms are in darken tones, but at the advice of marketing manager, the management has decided to create a new uniform. It will be colored in yellow and red.

Any doubts of the customer, can be resolved in a shorter 5/31/12

Retail always gives you the chance to develop in a dynamic environment where humor is welcome and teamwork is always treasured. Billa is one of the first companies that have introduced retailing concept in Romania. It has evolvedat the same time with the Romanian economics. Billa celebrates 13 years since it


The access into the hypermarket is done includes a single entry with sensors and safety system against theft; there`s no ramps for disabled persons because access can be done without them.


The store has signed contracts with specialized firms which take care of their guard and protection. The store has pushcarts and pimples that makes easier the acquisition of the goods by the customer, as well as baby strollers, which have the form of a minicar. Pushcarts are placed outside the store and pinples are available inside the store 5/31/12


Inside the store, there is a fluid flow of customers in normal days, but it creates some problems during the weekends , because it`s an restricted space between shelves and marked houses. Parking space doesn`t create problems, it has a capacity of 250 parking lots.


There are emplyees who are in charge with arranging and completing goods and the supply is made through the rear access doors. Goods are stocked in its holds and the shelves are supplied only with requirement goods, the surplus is in the holds.

Location of districts is extremely well done, classify by groups of products, which makes easier pregnancy of the customers, making them more pleasant and less time spent in the store.


Location of districts is made starting from the entry of the store and is done as follows: Fruit-Vegetables


Fresh products (milk, cheese, eggs)


Sausage, hot shopwindow, fresh specialities from the oven




Frozen products Preserves Basic foods


Bakery- snacks


Sweets Cosmetics Products of the farm, stationery Toys


A vet checks the quality of the meat as well as the stricter compliance with the hygiene rules. In addition, specialized inspectors are permanently deported in unannounced checks in the shop.

The fresh meat is daily cut and packed on each label products. Various sorts of meat are packed in packages of variate sizes, each client having the 5/31/12

Clever represent the symbol of quality to BILLA's best prices.


Assortment includes over 100 articles from the most varied categories: food, drinks, sausages, canned food, and cosmetic articles updated hygiene rules, household items and much more. Billa shop select for supply only recognized vendors (producers) for food and non-food.Billa tries to respect his guideline of supplying 5/31/12

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