Presented By: T.M.S.S. Tennakoon 11/S/D/Bsc/09

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Presented By: T.M.S.S.

Tennakoon 11/S/D/BSc/09

Project Objectives
The objectives of the (E311)expansion road construction listed below:-

Reduced traffic congestion in day time. Improve time efficiency to reach other destination very quickly. Improved access for pedestrians and cyclists with safety.

Value Management Workshop Objectives

Identify and clarify the evaluation criteria Review and clear about project based parameters Clearly recommended access Plan Inspect the development options and suggest.

Agenda The two days VMW successfully carried out with relevant formulated strategic analyzed. Agenda of the workshop shown below Technically qualified appropriate professionals were participated to the VMW to made perfect decision. The workshop participants were split into groups to assist the progress of the workshop

Strategic Diagnosis Agenda

Introduction of the project by client. Introduction to participants role Explain the project scope and objective Workshop Final report of the value management.

Limit of the Expansion Road

Geographical Parameters Topographical Parameters Financial Parameters

Evaluation Methodology
Participants were involved during the VMW to assessment criteria under three categories, which most important issues for assessing best option. The summary of the assessment criteria provided by participants were categorised under function, Social and Economic, Cultural and Environment

There were two options (option A & B) presented by the Participants of the workshop. Each group assessed by the group qualitatively against weighted criteria. A result of the options according to qualitative matrix exposed in bellow and rated Excellent (E), Very Good (VG), Good (G), Fair (F), Poor (P) against each assess criteria.

The Quantitative and Qualitative information collected by the VMW team members

After review the quantitative and qualitative information finalized they recommended which option would be preferred.

Group 1: Option B was recommended for further development; Better supported to the community. More easy to construct. Better environment available. High safety.

Group 2: Option B was recommended for further development; There are not that much change to the previous group recommended. Better curve to construct near Dubai Autodrome. Good community feedback support. For 6 lanes construction cost will be less. Easy to construct.

Group 3: Group No.3 also recommended Option B for further development; Better safety ranking. Cyclist and Pedestrians get proper area for drive and walk. Traffic impacts appear to be manageable. Better value for money solution.

Group 4: This group also recommended Option B only suitable for further development; Safety is good Control noise impact. Visually better due to motor race. Confirmed as a easy option to construct this expansion

When we were analysed all recommendation, the all groups identified Option B is the best construction way from the value and quality. Finally identified approximately 25 objectives could be met in this VMW
Improve Safety. Minimise disturbance during the construction. Improve pedestrian friendliness. Reduce traffic jams. Reduce noise. Improve live ability Facilitate gateway. Pedestrians and cyclists satisfaction. Provide Service roads. Direct path to join sub ways

Protect heritage. Good environment for race track. Improve landscaping. Maximise and extend public transport. Develop business opportunities.

Map of Extension Road (E311)

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