Fundamentals of Matlab Final

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Fundamentals of MATLAB

Delivered by

Dr. Suman Chakraborty

Assistant Professor Department of Mechanical Engineering IIT Kharagpur

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Introduction Using MATLAB Basics of Programming Introduction to 2D and 3D plot Statistical Analysis Numerical Analysis Symbolic Mathematics Conclusion
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

What is MATLAB
matrix laboratory Was originally written to provide easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK and EISPACK projects that together presented the state-of-the-art software for matrix manipulation Standard instructional tool for industrial optimization and advance computations in mathematics, engineering, and science
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

More about MATLAB

High-performance language for technical computing Integrates computation, visualization, and programming in an easy-to-use user environment

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Uses of MATLAB
Math and computation Algorithm development Application development, including graphical user interface (GUI) building Data analysis, exploration, and visualization Modeling, simulation, and prototyping Scientific and engineering graphics
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Components of MATLAB
Basic Window Extensive Help GUI Toolboxes SIMULINK

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Control System Financial Image Processing PDE Statistics Communications Fuzzy Logic Neural Network Signal Processing Symbolic Math

And Many More

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Simulink Extensions
Simulink Accelerator Real-Time Workshop Stateflow

DSP Nonlinear Control Design Communications Fixed-Point
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Documentation Set
MATLAB incorporates an exclusive set of online help and function references containing following divisions MATLAB Installation Guide Getting Started with MATLAB Using MATLAB Using MATLAB Graphics The MATLAB Application Program Interface Guide New features guide
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Basic Window
Menu Working Directory Command line File Management

Result Visualization Working Variables Command History

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Help and Demo

Access Matlab Help Menu Or Type help in Command Window Access Matlab Demo Menu Or Type demo in Command Window

Type help subtopic

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Basics of Programming

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File Types
.m files Script (executable program) Function (user written function)

.fig files

Plot visualization and manipulation

.dat or .mat files

Working with Formatted Data

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Script and Function Files

Script Files Function Files

Parameter Assignment

Save the file in function name.m

Statement Evaluation

Function Declaration on top Syntax: function [output parameters] = function name (input parameters)
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

MATLAB variables are created when they appear on the left of an equal sign. The general statement >> variable = expression creates the variable and assigns to it the value of the expression on the right hand side ||Types of variables||

Scalar Variables Vector Variables Matrices Strings

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Creating and Operating with Variables

Scalar # variable with one row and one column >> x = 2; >> y = 3; >> z = x + y; >> w = y x; >> u = y*x; Strings >> sFirst = Hello >> sSecond = All >> sTotal = [sFirst, , sSecond] Vector # variable with many rows and columns >> x = zeros(4,2); >> y = ones(6,8); >> x(1,3) = 1729; >> x(:,1) = [0 0 0 0] Colon Notation

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Handling Matrices
Initialization Transpose Inverse




MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Relational operators
Equal Not equal Less than Greater than Less than or equal == ~= < > <=

Arithmetic operators
Plus Minus Matrix multiply Array multiply Matrix power Array power Backslash or left matrix divide Slash or right matrix divide Left array divide Right array divide Kronecker tensor product + * .* ^ .^ \ / .\ ./ kron

Greater than or equal >=

Logical operators
Short-circuit logical AND Short-circuit logical OR Element-wise logical AND Element-wise logical OR Logical NOT Logical EXCLUSIVE OR && || & | ~ xor

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D


for Loop
for n=1:3 % Starting value=1, end=3, increment=1 for m=3:-1:1 % Starting value=3, end=3, increment= -1 a(n,m) = n.^2 + m.^2; end % End of the for loop of m end % End of the for loop of n

Output 2 5 10 a = 5 8 13 10 13 18

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

while Loop n = 0; eps = 1; while (1+eps) > 1 eps = eps/2; n = n + 1; % n indicates how many times the loop is executed end OUTPUT n = 53
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

if-else Statement rt = 1:4; pp=0; qq=0; for i=1:4 if (rt(i) < 2) pp = pp + 1; % Indicates how many times if executed else qq = qq + 1; % Indicates how many times else executed end % End of if-else statement end % End of for Loop

OUTPUT pp = 1 qq = 3
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Debugging MATLAB
Syntax Error
e.g. a function has been misspelled or a parenthesis has been omitted Display error message and line number
??? Error: File: D:\MATLAB6p5\work\DNA melting langevin\HeteroSeq1.m Line: 17 Column: 16 Assignment statements do not produce results. (Use == to test for equality.)

Run-time Error
e.g. insertion of a wrong variable or a calculation has been performed wrongly such as divided by zero or NaN
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Introduction to 2D and 3D plot

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Plots Using MATLAB

2-D Graphics 3-D Graphics

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2-D Graphics
Example: Plot y = sin x in 0 x 2

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Command Line Plotting

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Editing Figures
Edit Button Legend


Line or Point Type

Axis Label

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Command Line Editing

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Plot in Polar Co-ordinate

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Fitting Polynomials

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Data Statistics

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Plotting polynomials
y = x3 + 4x2 - 7x 10 in 1 x 3

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Specialized Plots using MATLAB

Bar and Area Graphs Pie Charts Histograms Discrete Data Graphs

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Bar and Area Plots

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Pie Charts

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Discrete Data Graphs

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3-D Graphics
Use plot3 in place of plot : Simple Enough !!!!

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Use of Mesh, Surf, Contour

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Statistical Analysis

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Data Import in MATLAB

Data as explicit list of elements
e.g. [1 3 -5 5 7 10 5]

Create Data in M-file

Data editor can be utilized, more effective than the first one

Load data from ASCII file

e.g. g = load(mydata.dat)

Read data using fopen, fread and MATLAB file I/O functions
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Other methods of Import

Specialized file reader function
dlmread imread wk1read auread wavread readsnd Read ASCII data file Read image from graphics file Read spreadsheet (WK1) file Read Sun (.au) sound file Read Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file Read SND resources and files (Macintosh)

MEX-file to read the data Develop an associated Fortran or C program

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Exporting Data from MATLAB

Diary Command
creates a diary of present MATLAB session in a disk file (excluding graphics) View and edit with any word processor e.g. diary mysession.out diary off

Save data in ASCII format Write data in .mat file

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Specialized Write Functions

dlmwrite wk1write imwrite auwrite wavwrite writesnd Write ASCII data file Write spreadsheet (WK1) file Write image to graphics file Write Sun (.au) sound file Write Microsoft WAVE (.wav) sound file Write SND resources and files (Macintosh)

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Data Statistics
Basic functions for data statistics:
max min mean median std sort sortrows sum Largest component Smallest component Average or mean value Median value Standard deviation Sort in ascending order Sort rows in ascending order Sum of elements

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

More Statistical Functions

prod diff trapz cumsum cumprod cumtrapz Product of elements. Difference function and approximate derivative Trapezoidal numerical integration Cumulative sum of elements Cumulative product of elements Cumulative trapezoidal numerical integration

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Covariance and Correlation

Function cov evaluates
Variance of a vector i.e. measure of spread or dispersion of sample variable Covariance of a matrix i.e. measure of strength of linear relationships between variables

Function corrcoef evaluates

correlation coefficient i.e. normalized measure of linear relationship strength between variables
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Minimizing Functions
Minimizing Functions with one variable
fmin (function name, range)

Minimizing Functions with several variables

fmins (function name, starting vector)

>> a = fmin (humps,0.4,0.9) >> a = 0.6370
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Plotting Mathematical Functions


MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Numerical Analysis

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Functions for Finite Differences

diff Difference between successive elements of a vector Numerical partial derivatives of a vector Numerical partial derivatives a matrix Discrete Laplacian of a matrix



MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Functions for Fourier Analysis

fft fft2 fftn ifft ifft2 ifftn Discrete Fourier transform Two-dimensional discrete Fourier transform N-dimensional discrete Fourier transform. Inverse discrete Fourier transform Two-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform N-dimensional inverse discrete Fourier transform Magnitude Phase angle
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

abs angle

Solving Linear Equations

Solution by Square System Overdetermined System Undetermined System
General situation involves a square coefficient matrix A and a single right-hand side column vector b. e.g. Ax = b then solution: x = b\A System is solved by backslash operator
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Overdetermined Equation

With a, b dataset fitting equation is predicted as

b(a) c1 c2 e a

MATLAB finds C1 = 0.4763 and C2 = 0.3400 MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Undetermined Equation
More unknowns than equations Solution is not unique MATLAB finds a basic solution even it is not unique Associated constraints can not be coupled to MATLAB

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Ordinary Differential Equations

Nonstiff solvers
ode23: an explicit Runge-Kutta (2,3) formula i.e. Bogacki-Shampine pair ode45: an explicit Runge-Kutta (4,5) formula i.e. Dormand-Prince pair ode113: Adams-Bashforth-Moulton PECE solver

Stiff solvers
ode15s, ode23s, ode23t and ode23tb

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Generic Syntax for ODE Solver

>> [T,Y] = solver (Func, tspan, y0);
'Func' tspan y0 Output: String containing the name of the file that contains the system of ODEs Vector specifying the interval of integration. For a two-element vector tspan = [t0 tfinal], the solver integrates from t0 to tfinal. Vector of initial conditions for the problem.


Column vector of time points Solution array. Each row in Y corresponds to the solution at a time returned in the corresponding row of T
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Numerical Integration
The area under a section of a function F(x) can be evaluated by numerically integrating F(x), a process known as quadrature. The in-built MATLAB functions for 1D quadrature are: quad Adaptive Simpsons Rule quad8 Adaptive Newton Cotes 8 panel rule
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Numerical Integration - Example

>> Q = quad (sin,0,2*pi) >> Q = 0

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Performing Double Integral

% function declaration >> function integrnd_out = integrnd (x,y) >> integrnd_out = x*sin(x) + y*cos(y); % Double Integral Evaluation >> x_min = pi; >> x_max = 2*pi; >> y_min = 0; >> y_max = pi; >> >> intg_result = dblquad (integrnd, x_min, x_max, y_min, y_max) >> intg_result = -9.8698

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Symbolic Mathematics

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Symbolic Mathematics
The Symbolic Math Toolboxes include symbolic computation into MATLABs numeric environment

Facilities Available with Symbolic Math Toolboxes contain Calculus, Linear Algebra, Simplification, Solution of Equations, Variable-Precision Arithmetic, Transforms and Special Applied Functions
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Command Line Demonstrations are available with Symbolic Math Toolboxes

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Example: Differentiation
>> syms a x >> fx = sin (a*x) >> dfx = diff(fx) >> dfx = cos (a*x)*a % with respect to a >> dfa = diff(fx, a) >> dfa = cos (a*x)*x
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

In Summary - Why MATLAB !

Interpreted language for numerical computation Perform numerical calculations and visualize the results without complicated and time exhaustive programming Good accuracy in numerical computing Specially in-built with commands and subroutines that are commonly used by mathematicians Toolboxes to make advance scientific computations easy to implement
MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

Thank You

MATLAB orientation course: Organized by FOCUS R&D

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