Introduction To Art History

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Introduction to Art History

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Definition of Art

Greek- techne or ars which means art or craft technologie is an obvious derivative of the word techne In the modern term art would be related 6/1/12 to poetry, theater,

Definition of Art

In the middle ages-Art was pretty much exclusive group of church, of which art was referred to as certain skills Classical Age-(Fall of Rome)2 6/1/12 socioeconomic

Definition of Art

Towards the Renaissance- the shift became from art became a more specialized one. Art works had religious undertones and were used to instruct


Definition of Art

Centuries between the high renaissance and the 18th century, the idea of special arts emerged. It has become more secularized. Less religious in nature Fine Arts rise of the new rich, burgoiuse

Modern art also referred to as skill, a

Definition of Art

Specialness-value of being displayed Aesthesis-means sense of perception


Elements of Art
Lines-path of a point Shape or Formsperceived area or space Texture-tactile or visual Value-relative to darkness and 6/1/12
Elements of Design

Principles of Art

Scale-overall size Proportion-relative size within the work Unity-repetition rhythm pattern , unity Rhythm-pattern Balance- equalizing the visual weight of elements

Direction-visual path

Themes or Art
Greek Temple Architecture The Greeks developed three architectural systems, called orders, each with their own distinctive proportions and detailing. The Greek orders are: Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian.

Greek Temple Architecture

The Doric style is rather sturdy and its top (the capital), is plain. This style was used in mainland Greece and the colonies in southern Italy and Sicily.

Greek Temple Architecture

The Ionic style is thinner and more elegant. Its capital is decorated with a scroll-like design (a volute). This style was found in 6/1/12 eastern

Greek Temple Architecture

The Corinthian style is seldom used in the Greek world, but often seen on Roman temples. Its capital is very 6/1/12 elaborate and

The Four Steps in art criticism


DESCRIPTION- What do I see? The words you use must be NEUTRAL. Do not use terms that make value judgments, such as beautiful, funnylooking, etc. Focus on the facts.


ANALYSIS- How is the work organized? Describe the artistic choices of the artist. Examine the 6/1/12 shapes, colors, textures, use of

Prehistoric Art in General


Prehistoric Art: Paleolithic

From about 100,000 years ago, for 60,000 years, our ancestors appeared to develop very little, making stone tools that were indistinguishable from those created by Neanderthals and living like them as early hunter6/1/12

Prehistoric Art: Paleolithic

bout 45,000 years ago Cro Magnon developed blades and spear-throwers with a considerably greater range, velocity and penetration. methods and tools evolved rapidly as 6/1/12

Prehistoric Art: Paleolithic

The Venus of Willendorf is one of the earliest images of the body made by humankind. It stands just over 4 inches high and was carved some 25,000 years ago.
6/1/12 discovered on the

Prehistoric Art: Paleolithic

he most intense artistic activity happened just as the Ice Age (approximately 40,000 - 15,000 years ago) reached its most severe, and then about 10,000 years ago, it 6/1/12

Stone Age

Middle The Mesolithic period has some examples of portable art, like painted pebbles (Azilian) from Birseck, Eremitage in Switzerland, and in some areas, like the Spanish Levant, stylized rock art. Patterns on utilitarian objects, like the paddles from Tybrind Vig, Denmark, are known as well. 6/1/12


Many indigenous peoples from around the world continued to produce artistic works distinctive to their geographic area and culture, until exploration and commerce brought record-keeping 6/1/12 methods to them.

Prehistoric Neolithic

Early rock art also first appeared in the Neolithic. The advent of metalworking in the Bronze Age brought additional media available for use in making art, an plaques from the Iron Age increase in stylisticGold shoeChieftain's Grave, Germany, Hochdorf 6/1/12 diversity, and the c. 530 BC

Paleolithic Timeline

Stone age

-Middle age -New age

-Bronze age -Iron age



Create a collage

1. Art definition by the Greeks, classical, middle ages, renaissance, art today. (2-3 pictures each with explanation of each picture. Element and principles of design that can be applied in each picture) 2. Describe the Pre-historic art in the Paleolithic age. (2-3 pictures each with 6/1/12 explanation of each picture.

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