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The Equal Remuneration Act 1976

1. To Provide Equal Remuneration 2. Prevention of Discrimination on the ground of Sex against men & women in the matter of Employment

The following establishments are covered under this Act: 1. Plantation Local Authorities Employees under Central & State Govt 2. Hospitals, nursing homes and dispensaries 3. Banks & Financial Institutions 4. Educational & Teaching Institutions 5. Mines 6. Textile Industries 7. Employment in the Manufacture of Electrical & Electrical Appliances 8. Factories Located in Plantations 9. Chemical Industries 10. Manufacturing Of food Industries 11. Beverages & Tobacco Industries 12. Hotels & Restaurants 13. Air transport Industry

The Act is applicable to whole of India.

Commencement of this Act, means in relation to an establishment or employment, the date on which this Act comes in force in respect of that establishment or employment. Man & Women mean male & female human beings, respectively, of any age; Remuneration means the basic wage or salary, and any additional emoluments whatsoever payable, either in cash or in kind, to a person employed in respect of employment or work done in such employment, if terms of employment, express or implied, were fulfilled.

Same Work or Work of Similar nature: Which involves Same Skills Same Efforts & Responsibility Performed Under Similar Working Conditions Performed by a Man or a Woman.




No employer shall pay to any worker, any remuneration either in cash or in kind, at rates less than those at which remuneration is paid by him to the workers of opposite sex. No employer shall, for the purpose of complying with the provisions of sub-section(1), reduce the rate of remuneration of any worker. The rates of remuneration payable in establishment before commencement of this Act if were different for similar work for Men & Women then the Highest rate shall be payable.

5. No discrimination to be made while recruiting, promoting training or transferring men and women workers, exceptAny priority Reservation for ST(Scheduled Tribe) or SC(Scheduled Caste), Ex-servicemen, Retrenched Employees.

Appropriate Government shall constitute one or more Advisory Committees to advise for the purpose of providing increasing employment opportunities for women. Every advisory committee shall consists of not less than 10 persons, to be nominated by appropriate Govt. of which one-half shall be women. Advisory Committee shall regulate its own procedure. In tendering its advice Advisory committee shall have regard to no. of women employed in concerned establishment, the nature of work, hours of work, suitability of women for employment etc.

Every employer shall maintain registers and other documentations in relation to the workers employed by him.

Inspectors are appointed by Appropriate Govt. to Investigate whether the provisions of this Act or rules made there under, are being compiled with by employers. An inspector may, at any place within the local limits of his jurisdiction Enter, at any reasonable time, any building, factory, premises or vessel. Require any employer to produce any register, muster-roll or other documents. Examine the employer, his agent or servant or any person found in charge of the establishment. Make copies, or take extracts from any register or document maintained by employer.

Nothing in this Act Shall apply1. To cases affecting the terms & conditions of a womans employment in complying with the requirements of any law giving special treatment to women, 2. To any special treatment accorded to women in connection with The birth or expected birth of a child, or The terms & conditions relating to retrenchment, marriage or death or to any such provision.

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