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Sales Training

Sales Training As a Crucial Investment

General Need for Sales Training
Due in part to:
Inadequacies of current training programs New salespeople join the salesforce

Need is continual

Sales Training As a Crucial Investment

General Need for Sales Training Company Size and Sales Training
Larger firms have a tendency to have formalized sales training programs
Smaller firms may try to hire salespeople away from the larger firms Product/Service Complexity and Sales Training

Service organizations are developing sales training programs

Sales Training As a Crucial Investment

General Need for Sales Training Company Size and Sales Training Level of Competitiveness and Sales Training
Highly competitive markets require better trained salespeople

Managing the Sales Training Process

Assess Sales Training Needs

Managing the Sales Training Process

Needs Assessment
Compares the specific performance-related skills, attitudes, perceptions, and behaviors required for success to salesforce readiness Why is it better to be proactive than reactive in doing a needs assessment?

Managing the Sales Training Process

Methods of Needs Assessment
Salesforce Audit
"a systematic, diagnostic, prescriptive tool which can be employed on a periodic basis to identify and address sales department problems and to prevent or reduce the impact of future problems" Is the training program adequate in light of objectives and resources? Does the training program need revision? Is there an ongoing training program for senior salespeople? Does the training program contribute in a positive manner to the socialization of sales trainees?

Managing the Sales Training Process

Methods of Needs Assessment
Salesforce Audit Performance Testing
Specifies the evaluation of particular tasks or skills of the salesforce

Managing the Sales Training Process

Methods of Needs Assessment
Salesforce Audit Performance Testing Observation Salesforce Surveys Customer Survey Job Analysis


Managing the Sales Training Process

Typical Sales Training Needs
Sales Techniques - "how to sell"
Common mistakes identified by research can be prevented by proper training


Managing the Sales Training Process

Typical Sales Training Needs
Sales Techniques Product Knowledge
Benefits, applications, competitive strengths, and limitations of the product


Managing the Sales Training Process

Typical Sales Training Needs
Sales Techniques Product Knowledge Customer Knowledge


Managing the Sales Training Process

Typical Sales Training Needs
Sales Techniques Product Knowledge Customer Knowledge Competitive Knowledge Time and Territory Management (TTM)
Why is TTM more important in declining, stagnant, or highly competitive industries?


Managing the Sales Training Process

Assess Sales Training Needs Set Training Objectives


Managing the Sales Training Process

Set Training Objectives

General training objectives include:

Increase sales or profits. Create positive attitudes and improve morale. Assist in salesforce socialization. Reduce role conflict and role ambiguity. Introduce new products, markets, and promotional programs. Provide sales support tool training. Develop sales people for future management positions. Ensure awareness of ethical and legal responsibilities. Teach administrative procedures. Minimize salesforce turnover. Improve teamwork and cooperative efforts.


Elements of an Objective
What are the elements of a good objective? An example? Why use written objectives?


Managing the Sales Training Process

Assess Sales Training Needs Set Training Objectives Evaluate Training Alternatives


Managing the Sales Training Process

Evaluate Training Alternatives
Selecting Sales Trainers
It is estimated that only 10% of sales training is done by external sales trainers. Why are internal trainers used most often?


Managing the Sales Training Process

Evaluate Training Alternatives
Selecting Sales Trainers Evaluating Sales Training Locations
The majority of training is conducted in the organizations home, regional, or field sales offices. Central training facilities . Video broadcasting and teleconferencing


Managing the Sales Training Process

Evaluate Training Alternatives
Selecting Sales Trainers Evaluating Sales Training Locations Selecting Sales Training Methods
Classroom/Conference Training On-the-Job Training (OJT)
Mentor Job Rotation

Behavioral Simulations
Role Playing

Absorption Training
Audiocassettes for use while driving


Managing the Sales Training Process

Evaluate Training Alternatives
Selecting Sales Trainers Evaluating Sales Training Locations Selecting Sales Training Methods Selecting Sales Training Media
Communications and Computer Technology
Sales Pro Online, Inc.


Managing the Sales Training Process

Assess Sales Training Needs Set Training Objectives Evaluate Training Alternatives Design Sales Training Program


Managing the Sales Training Process

Assess Sales Training Needs Set Training Objectives Evaluate Training Alternatives Design Sales Training Program Perform Sales Training


Managing the Sales Training Process

Assess Sales Training Needs Set Training Objectives Evaluate Training Alternatives Design Sales Training Program Perform Sales Training Conduct Follow-up and Evaluation



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