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Breakfast Now and Tomorrow

Breakfast in India- Regional Recipes


Existing Trends related to Breakfast - The great diversity of Indian culture resonates very well in the diverse food habit and taste of different parts of India - Lakhs of recipes used across India daily - Across India people prefer meals 4 times a dayBreakfast, Lunch, Evening Snacks and Dinner - Mostly preparation of breakfast (in general all meals) is dependent on one person (woman- wife/mother) in the family - In families food Dinner and lunch are preferably taken together, breakfast and snacks are consumed individually - Taste remains the dominant factor in the type of food consumed Changing Trends affecting Breakfast Socioeconomic Changes - Rise in Household Consumption levels - Growing Youth population - Increasing migration of population from rural to urban cities Lifestyle Changes - Emergence of Nuclear family - Rising incidence of life style diseases Diabetes , Obesity etc. - Increasing awareness towards healthy food habits - Longer nights leading to late morning Psychological Changes - People are getting more Individualistic popularity of facebook and other such platforms suggest the same.
Beverage Tea, Coffee, Fruit Juice

Carbohydrate Food Grains & Cereals Bread and related items etc.

Fruits & Vegetables Apple, Orange Mushroom, Beans

Protein Food Egg, Meat , Fish

Implication on New Product Launch - Different food habits and taste bud in different regions of India makes it infeasible to launch one kind of food for whole India . Regional focus becomes imperative. - Convenience in making food is becoming increasingly important - Primary concern remains with health and primary expectation with taste while consuming food. Hence new products have to have the mix positioning of both.

Breakfast Comparison against other meals

Inferences: - Breakfast is the only food where people prefer all three kind of food - Breakfast is the starting food of the day hence it holds a important place though health wise people dont consider it as the most important - For any kind of product in breakfast both opportunity and competition is diverse and fierce

Most Important Meal to Stay in Good Health

Breakfast [14%] Lunch [54%]

Evening Snack [1%]

Dinner [31%]

Source: 2009 Technopak Report on Food Habits India

Ready to Cook: Food that require further cooking or heating before consumption. Example Hot Cereals Like Oat Ready to Eat: Food that can be consumed from the box or with the addition of milk. Example Cold Cereals like Corn flakes Unpackaged Food: Food that are primarily consumed after cooking except for fruits and some vegetables.

Meals Consumed Over a Week Dinner 99% 48%

Meal Type

Evening Snack

Breakfast 0%

80% 50% 100% 150%

Percentage of Respondent
Source: 2009 Technopak Report on Food Habits India

Breakfast Consumer Acceptance with Different type of Breakfast based on Cooking Inferences-1: - Breakfast in rural areas are primarily cooked as opposed to urban set up where in its a mix of both cooked and packaged food. - Dependency factor (Elaborated below) comes into being when breakfast is cooked

Type Of Making

Cooked A

Ready to Cook B

Ready to Eat C

Literature and Observation Urban Rural Dependency


Age: 0-15
Dependency: Mother (parents)

Age: 16-35

Age: 36-0
Dependency: Spouse Self
Primary Concern: Health and Economy

Dependency: Office Canteens College mess Self Primary Concern: Primary Concern: Health Taste & Convenience

Other Concerns across age: Health, Taste, Convenience, Economy Here concern is of provider, like mothers are concerned about the health of their kids while providing food

Survey Result (Urban) Taste

Decreasing Importance


Inferences-2: - Four Factors - Taste, Health, Convenience, Cost dominated the decision of choosing one breakfast over other. - Health was perceived to be more with cooked breakfast - Cost and Convenience was perceived to be more with Ready to cook and ready to eat products. Observation: - Taste is developed over time. Children develop taste for those items which parents make them eat regularly - People do try out new things but they return to there already developed taste bud and that is a set of breakfast (meal) items - Food promoted as healthy are ate for health reasons but people always try to have food which they consider normal



This stands for being perceived as Higher on the concerned front This stands for being perceived as Lower on the concerned front

Breakfast Oat

Ready to Cook


Ready to Eat


- Used as ready to cook / eat breakfast cereal - Used in making cooked items like Idly, Dosa etc. - Used in baked items like Biscuits - Used in other breakfast cereals as Muesli - Oat can also be used in beverages Oatmeal stoutbrewed beer (Britain)

- Oat is bland in its raw from - Oat takes the test of the ingredients it is made with - Oat has more soluble fiber which gives a sensation of fullness for longer duration

- Oats are generally considered healthy - Oat has cholesterol-lowering properties, hence is considered good for Heart - Oat has more soluble fiber hence improves digestion and fights constipation - Due to fibers its also is considered good for weight reduction - It is also high in terms of protein contain t as compare to other cereals


- Oat is not that convenient when bought as ready to cook item (Oatmeal) as it becomes necessary to cook it with milk which is not the case with corn flakes or Muesli - But when bought as ready to eat items (Masala Oat) it is comparably convenient as other cereals.

Product Life Cycle

- Oat as a product is in Introduction stage (All Region point of view) - In certain regions like south it is about to enter the growth stage

- Oat is rather cheaper than other breakfast cereals like corn flakes and Muesli

Inferences1 : - Oat can easily be promoted as both ready to cook and ready to eat products. - Being Taste Independent allowsit to promote under different flavor and varieties which gives it an extra edge over other cereals - Oat is one such breakfast cereal which can be used in making other breakfast items like idly, Dosa etc. Hence to certain extent it curbs away the competition with cooked breakfast. - Promoting Oat as healthy meal becomes an obvious choice. - Its lower cost makes it highly competitive and well poised for both rural and urban market - Flexibility and convenience makes it win over cooked foods but same doesnt create any age over other break fast cereals

Inferences2 : - Oat product category is in its nascent stage and hence product innovation remains the key to success. - Oat products will require positioning in such a way that it creates awareness but at the same time it should not be so niche that it hampers the growth possibility.

Oat Products and Competition

Ready to Cook Oat Product Type

Products Quaker Oats Kelloggs- Heart To Heart Oats Marico- Saffola Oats

SKUs 3 4 4 6

Price (Per 400gm) in Rs 58 60 Masala, Curry: 55 Classic: 58 Savory, Strawberry: 88 (for 300gm) 69 (for 500 gm) 58

Distribution Bonus/promotional packs Small packs(Rs 10 price) Tamil Nadu, Small pack(43g for Rs 15) Modern retail and grocery stores in Mumbai and South India Retail stores South India

Source: Euro Monitor- Breakfast Cereals Company Shares 2006-2010

Oatmeal ( Plain and flavored )

Britannia Healthy Start Oats

Baggrys Oats Horlicks Oats

8 1

Ready to eat Oat Product Type Oat Flakes

Products Kellogg- Corn Flakes with Oat Flakes Britannia - NutriChoice Oat Cookies

SKUs 1 2

Price in Rs


25 for 75gm

Oatmeal cookies and Biscuits

Britannia - Vita Marie Honey Oats (women) Horlicks Nutribar Kellogg- Oat-bites

12 for 103gm

Promotion with other Marie products Retail stores Retail stores

Oat cereal bar Other ready to eat varieties

1 1

18 for 30gm 95 for 350 gm

Oat Promotion- Media Campigns


No social media

July 2010
O O H T V C + + + P D T S

2010 Care for your heart health

2010 Wake up to a Healthy Start Health, convenience and happier breakfasts Not known

November 2011 3 Way Health

Whats your heart age? Celebrating World Heart Day every year

Reduce cholesterol, manage weight & healthy blood pressure

Sampling not on the cards

Wet sampling in retail stores Wet sampling in retail stores Hoardings, mall facades Free blood pressure checkup 10-day campaign Cholesterol IQ Quiz Kids find oats boring Mother cooks for family Taste & Health considered Popular heart campaign related to oil products

Britannia Nutri Choice: Focus on Wife decides what to cook Health comes first, 0 cholesterol Diabetic patients Strong breakfast brand connection with cereals Breakfast suite of products: Bread Biscuits & Yoghurt which can Include oats as ingredient Classic Oats Strawberry Oats Savory Oats, Multigrain Porridge Honey & Oats Vita Marie Biscuit Oats Cookies, Ragi Cookies

Wife knows best for husband Health emphasis, with modern day lifestyle being unhealthy Leverage upon recommendations by doctors of Horlicks products

Masala & Coriander Oats Curry & Pepper Oats

Heart to Heart Oats Corn Flakes with Oat Flakes Oat-bites

Horlicks Oats Horlicks Nutribar

Oat Positioning Across Competition

Saffola, Kellogg, Horlicks Health

Health Positioning: - Usually people after 30s start considering health as an important criteria for food. - Young people rarely start consuming food because it is considered healthy and even they do they try and do come back to the food that is considered normal. - When Oat as a product which has potential to be part of all kind food lunch, dinner etc. health positioning is just to niche and can hamper growth of this product category
Cost Positioning: - Positioning on low cost has largely been neglected. - Moreover when mostly all companies took health positioning hence for them making it low cost might have worked in opposite direction as consumer considers something costly as healthy and vice versa

Taste Positioning: - Taste is something drives food habits of individuals in general but than taste bud of individual /culture/state etc. are very different and specific - If Oat has to be one product accept by whole India then positioning with taste creates problem. - Though there are some tastes that are universally excepted like Choco but there are too any products which satiates that need. - Portraying Oat as in general as a tasty food has another problem as people already has a definition of test build in in their local food.

Convenience Positioning: - Convenience is that all consumers want and that is the most important reason people look forward to packaged food. - But problem with such position is that it has limited appeal has many people who consume dont cook there food and who usually cook (housewife etc.) for them its a least important thing - Moreover it clearly separates Oat from other cooked things and brings absolutely in the realm of a packaged breakfast cereals which Oat as a product cant afford to have as positioning given its inherent characteristics of tastelessness and its ability in making of all possible dishes with it .



Convenience Britannia Health




Inferences : - When we see problem with the above positioning ideas, we also recognize the fact that its important to have such niche positioning as the awareness about Oat itself is very Low. But what will fail these positioning in general in long run that consumer will only accept it as health food rather than a normal food which is healthy. - The current positioning of oat across companies also suggest that awareness towards Oat in general is necessary. - Moreover all the competitors all positioning Oat in the same way: Saving Heart (Health) or Taste (Vanilla ).

Oat Proposed Positioning- Using Fifth Dimension

Objective of Our Positioning: - To acquire a position in consumers mind which takes them away from their regional taste bias - To acquire a position that is universal and local at the same time - To acquire a position that reaches most of the consumers instead of targeting only on kind of consumer - To make consumer accept Oat as part for their normal breakfast item - A positioning that is not only different form competitors but also flexible and sustainable
Our Positioning: Cook it My way - A positioning that thrives on being independent of all worries of taste and health and yet find the taste and health - A positioning that thrives on getting away from the dependency of their food providers - A positioning that celebrates consumer as individuals - A position that reflects freedom from all worries- be it health, test , person anything

Existing Positioning of Oat Brands Across Companies

Proposed Positioning for Quaker Oatmeal


Convenience Taste Cost


Cook it My way





Strengths: The Strength of this positioning lies in its expected sustainability and flexibility over years and across demography. Being a abstract positioning it will help in creating emotional attachment with the brand and that in turn will infuse loyalty. Desirability: This positioning is done to associate the brand with mental hook of Individualism and Freedom. Not only historically Individualism and Freedom has been celebrated but also This is the new world order. Be it freedom form corruption or be it freedom from social Barriers and stigmas people are loving the idea of freedom. Even the success of platform like facebook and all suggest that people across demography likes the idea of Individualism- My Profile, My status Update etc. These contemporary factors make this positioning desirable. Relevance : Individualism along with freedom that is always relevant given the dependency of food on Economic, Parental , Taste and many other factor. Uniqueness: Its certainly unquiet as has been positioned in a dimension that is not even look by competitors

Cook it My Way The Umbrella Campaign Sub Campagin

Achieving Universal Positioning in

Umbrella Campaign
terms of Individuality and Freedom

Cook it My way
Capturing Niche Positioning using Demographic and Need Diversity

Ready to Cook Products

Ready to eat Products

Cook it My way Cook it My way

Semantics -------------------------------------------------------Cook: - It resonates active participation with the product - It brings Oat in competition with cooked (preferred) alternatives - It uses the consumer psychology that cooked food is healthy Cook it - It reflects the sense of urge - It instates sense of command My - It catches the Individualist urge It resounds belongingness My Way - It infuses sense of authority - It echoes Independence Cook it My way -An experience attained in individualistic way with sense of command and Independence --------------------------------------------------------

.because its my Health - Requirement of health varies even Among the segment 24-60; for younger Age people Oat should be promoted as Slimming product where for Older ones Oat as a heart savior .because its my Taste - Taste changes by region and that can Very well be captured by regional advertising like in North India advertisement can show man making Puri form Oat wherein in South man Making Idly in their own way .because its my Time - Even time requirements are different For different people, a young people who Getting education time will promoted like Getting meals at the right time and for Young professional getting Oat meal in Less time .because its my Money - In long run Oat can easily be promoted As economical product for breakfast in Rural part of India

Sub-Campaigns .because its my time (Need Diversity) .because its my health (Need Diversity) .because its my taste (Demographic Diversity)

.because its my money (Demographic Diversity)

Cook it My Way Product Portfolio (Existing and More)

Product Portfolio

Cook it My way Ready to Cook

Cook it My way
Ready to Eat

Existing Oat Meal

Strawberry Oat Ingredients- Oat + Strawberry flavor + Dried Strawberry cuts

Instant Strawberry Oat Ingredients- Instant Oat flavored with strawberry

Choco-Almond Oat Ingredients- Oat + Choco flavor + Dried Almond North Indian Masala Oat Ingredients- Oat + North Indian Masala (NIM) (NIM: Chat Masala + Chili powder + Black salt) South Indian Masala Oat Ingredients- Oat + South Indian Masala (SIM) (SIM: Sambar Podi (powder) + Garlic + plain salt)

Instant Choco-Almond Oat Ingredients-Instant Oat flavored with Choco and Almond cuts Instant North Indian Veg Masala Oat Ingredients- Instant Oat + Veg Cuts + NIM


Instant South Indian Veg Masala Oat Ingredients- Instant Oat + Veg Cuts + SIM

Objective: Introduction of New Product with added in Ready to eat category and Introduction of New Flavors in Ready to cook category Moreover we dont want excessive customization of Oat. We want our consumers to experiment with oat (cook it my way) and by doing that getting attached to product and brand. In Instant Oat category we want to experience them Oat with established flavors. We want them to enjoy oat with convenience.

Cook it My Way Product Packaging (Ready to Cook)

Cook it My way
Type of Oat One Regional Recipe for cooking oat

Tagline with symbol suggesting Ready to cook product

Cook it My way
Oat Manchurian Masala Recipe

Oat Ingredient Information

North Indian

Masla Oats
Oat Benefits
100% Natural


Slim Pack

Slim Pack

Pictures and color Relating to freedom and Individualism Health Reinforcing Mental hook can Be brought by reducing the Width of pack and calling it slim Pack. Normal Width of pack is around 8 cm

6 cm

Logos are made smaller and at are at bottom as this logo doesn't have any cultural significance or any association in with Indian consumer

Cook it My Way Product Packaging (Ready to Eat)

Cook it My way

Tagline with symbol suggesting Ready to eat product

Type of Instant Oat

Top View

Cook it My way Cook it My way

Instant Oats

Veg Masala
Side View
Pictures and color Relating to freedom and Individualism


Logos are made smaller and at are at bottom as this logo doesn't have any cultural significance or any association in with Indian consumer


COOK IT MY WAY Freedom to choose

Umbrella campaign

COOK IT MY WAY shows that you can use Quaker Oats depending on your convenience, taste and health Objectives Brand re-positioning, New Product Launches Budget: Touch points: Social Media, Print, Email, Microsites, TV, Internet Search, Mobile TVC The TVC copy seeks to engage consumers with the idea that they can exercise their freedom and use Quaker Oats There will be separate 30 second copies for each segment: Healthy, Tasty and Convenient Duration: 1 year Launch in 3 Phases


Single Jacket Advertisement for each flavor on leading newspapers which is customized for different households Based on the subscription information and surveys the flavor preference can be inferred beforehand

Social Media

High engagement campaign to be launched on social media platform like Facebook and Twitter Users can share viral ads and recipes with their friends Different facebook applications to be launched in phases


Android and Iphone applications to be launched simultaneously with the social media plan Android and Iphone applications to be launched simultaneously with the social media plan


Android and Iphone applications to be launched simultaneously with the social media plan

Internet Search

Google Adwords will be employed for greater search visibility

Instant Oats

Cook it My way

Veg Masala

Cook it My way

A top strip print and a bottom jacket print advertisement will be created. The double spread has been designed to catch the newspaper readers eye

TVC advertisement Goldilocks cooked it her way

Using the story of Goldilocks and the three bears, the creative will be an animated re-enactment of Goldilocks travails with the three bowls of Oats. Goldilocks tries the bowls one after the other, but despises the flavour of oats in each of them. She then proceeds to cook Veg Masala Oats her way! In this ad, adults would re-visit this popular story and connect the individuality message with the product Estimated Time of Ad: 30 seconds

Estimated reach: 24,712,740 people

Objective Advertising

Social Media

Brand awareness, user engagement and user content generation Creation of Facebook ads with breakfast related creative. High reach expected in 24-50 age segment across India. On clicking the ad, the user is taken to the Quaker Oats India landing page Facebook application#1 in the form of an interactive shooting game. The scenario is about an oats farmer who is trying to protect his crops from wolves. You can share your scores and attempt to get into Hall of Fame Re-use of the Goldilocks TVC ad by posting it on YouTube. Viewers are encourage to visit Oats Cook it My way profile page where they can share stories about how they experience oats in their way Creation of Facebook profile page for the Cook it My way campaign which is meant to be a hub of all Quacker activities On liking the page, the user gets to participate in contests and can share his stories with other member of the Facebook page The page would feature celebrities every couple of dayswho share their recipes and discuss about how they use oats their way


Viral Video

Profile Page

Cook it My way

Objective: Brand awareness, user engagement and user content generation Advertising: Creation of Facebook ads with breakfast related creative. High reach expected in 24-50 age segment across India. On clicking the ad, the user is taken to the Quaker Oats India landing page Applications:Facebook application#1 in the form of an interactive shooting game. The scenario is about an oats farmer who is trying to protect his crops from wolves. You can share your scores and attempt to get into Hall of Fame Viral Video: Re-use of the Goldilocks TVC ad by posting it on YouTube. Viewers are encourage to visit Oats Cook it My way profile page where they can share stories about how they experience oats in their way Profile Page: - Creation of Facebook profile page for the Cook it My way campaign which is meant to be a hub of all Quacker activities - On liking the page, the user gets to participate in contests and can share his stories with other member of the Facebook page - The page would feature celebrities every couple of dayswho share their recipes and discuss about how they use oats their way

-An analysis using Googles Keyword Traffic estimator indicates that some of the highest related India searches are for What are oats, about oats, pegged at 90500 - Further, we see that oats recipes have 12000 searches while oats health and nutrition have searches in the range of 20003000

Cook it My Way Partnerships and Alliances

Cook it My way

This is one of the most important partnership as this targets the broadest age group and highlights both the healthy and variety part that strengthen cook it my way campaign Most importantly, it also targets the young employees that might be away from families and will now be on their own for food for the first time and also desire healthy food.
Partnership and Alliance Target Segment National Rural Health Mission Centers Rural people Associate with various between age health related initiatives group 20-50 of government years Advantages 1. Lends credibity and thus induce acceptability in the market. 2. Will help in generating awareness and linking it to health and variety will in turn strength the "Cook it my way " campaign Rationale 1. Working with government lends credibility to brand in the eyes of the rural consumer. 2. Government Doctors prescribing consumption of oats would be a really strong influence Action Points 1. Work along with doctors to prescribe oats as a meal in times of health issues. 2. Give free small packets to rural people and educate them to make it the way they want highlighting recipes closer to their taste

We can also partner with other government health related programs to generate awareness and credibility in the minds of rural consumers.

Cook it My Way Partnerships and Alliances

Partnership and Alliance Celebrity Chefs - Tarla Dalal, Anjum Anand or Sanjeev Kapoor, highlighting the various recipes that can be made with oat Target Segment Advantage

Cook it My way
Rationale Medium

More and more recipes with oat will Primarily be developed strengthening "Cook women looking it my way" campaign for newer Healthiness of oat can be further recipes highlighted

Reasonable reach with recipe programmes which would attract millions of users across India and Television Programmes, Recipe well-established image of Books, Online websites, Social celebrity chefs media (Facebook)

Television Shows
All these celebrities have TV shows like khana khazana, Kicthen Champion where recipes related to oats can be highlighted and talked about.

Receipe Books

Social Media

These celebrities can write recipe These celebrities can write oat recipes books on oat and that will certainly on their twitter and facebook pages strengthen the cook it my way and also, on our social media campaign campaign, Tarla Dalal has successfully pages to lend more credibility to our written many recipes books with over 4 claims of healthy and cook it my way million readership.

Partnership and Alliance Target Segment Advantage Will accentuate the healthy nature Marathons - Goodwill Urban health of oats and the Quakers' Marathons like Delhi oriented commitment to the cause. Half Marathon and people and Reasonable media coverage and Mumbai Marathon that fitness apiring strong association as healthy and are organized for a cause segment light food


Action Points

Reasonable number of people attend (30,000 - 60,000), hence good reach is there Good media coverage

Serving oats to participants in the marathon free of cost highlighting it as healthy, nutritious food.

We can be official health and food partner in goodwill marathons and provide free of cost oat meals to participant as healthy and nutritious food. This will highlight healthy and nutritional dimension of oats.

Cook it My Way Partnerships and Alliances

Cook it My way

Partnership IT and BPO companies Goodwill Marathons Celebrity Chefs National Rural Health Centers Target Urban working people (24-50 years) Health conscious urban people (20-50 years) Primarily Women Housewives Rural People of all age groups Potential Effect Strengthen cook my way and healthy positioning Strengthen cook my way and healthy positioning Strengthen cook my way and healthy positioning Strengthen cook my way and healthy positioning Scalability

Partnership above mentioned four entities will target all relevant age groups (24-50), all types of people men and women, working and non-working, and also, urban and rural.

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