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The ability to influence a group toward the achievement of a vision or set of goals. Leadership is a process of influencing the behavior and work of others in group effort towards the realization of specified goals in a given situation.

Role and Importance of Leadership

Providing inspiration to employees Security cooperation Creation of confidence Providing conducive environment Building higher morale Facilitation of change Developing team work Maintaining discipline Representing the group.

Styles of Leadership
Autocratic Leadership Democratic/Participative Leadership Free rein Leadership

Autocratic Leadership
An autocratic leader exercises complete control over the subordinates.He centralises power in himself and takes all decisions without consulting the subordinates.He dominates and drives his group through coercion and command.he loves power and never delegates authority.The leaders give orders and expects the subordinates to follow then ungrudgingly and unquestioningly.He uses rewards and hold threat of penalties to direct the subordinates.

Autocratic leadership style permits quick decision making. It provides strong motivation and satisfaction to the leader who dictates terms. Less competent subordinates are needed at lower levels. This style may yield positive results when speed is required.

Autocratic style leads to frustration ,low morale and conflict among subordinates. Subordinates tend to shirk responsibility and initiative. Full potential of subordinates and their creative ideas are not required. Organizational continuity is threatened in the absence of leader because subordinates get no opportunity for development.

Democratic Leadership
A consultative or democratic leader takes decisions in consultation and participation with the subordinates. He decentralizes authority and allows the subordinates to share the power. The leader does what group wants and follow the majority opinion. He keeps the followers informed about matters and affecting them. A democratic leader provides freedom of thinking and expression. He listens to the suggestions , grievances and opinions of the subordinates.

Consultative leadership improves the job satisfaction and morale of subordinates. It cultivates the decision making ability of subordinates. The leader multiplies his abilities through the contribution of his followers. It develops positive attitudes and reduces resistance to change. The quality of decisions is improved. Labour absenteeism and labour turnover are reduced.

Democratic style is time consuming and may result in delays in decision making. It may not yield positive results when subordinates prefer minimum interaction with the leader. Over a period of time subordinates may develop the habit of expecting to be consulted on every issue and they may feel frustrated when they are not consulted. Consultation may be interpreted as a sign of incompetence on the part of the leader to deal with the problems. It may be used as a means of passing the buck to others and of abdicating responsibility.

Free-rein or Laissez faire Leadership

Free-rein leadership involves complete delegation of authority so that subordinates themselves takes decisions. The free-rein leader avoids power and relinquishes the leadership position.He serves only as a contact to bring the information and resources needed by the subordinates.

Positive effect on job satisfaction and morale of subordinates. Maximum possible scope for development of subordinates. Full utilization of the potential of subordinates.

Subordinates do not get the guidance and support of the leader. It ignores the leaders contribution just as autocratic style ignores the contribution of the subordinates. Subordinates may move in different directions and may work at cross purposes which may degenerate into chaos.

Theories of Leadership
Trait Theory:According to this theory, leadership is a conglomeration or a set of personality traits. It is a function of personality traits of leader. It is the oldest theory popularized from the time of ancient Greeks. This theory has been called to great man Theory because it is based on the sets of traits which are common to great men. It follows that a leader is thought to possess certain traits which separate him from the common mass of leaders. Traits are innate and inherent personal qualities.

Researchers have identified the following traits of leaders.

Physical Qualities Intellectual Qualities Moral Qualities Social Qualities In the initial stages it was thought traits are inborn(god gifted) and therefore leaders are born, not made . Later on , the experts revised their opinion and agreed that these qualities can also be developed through education, training and experience.

This theory has been critisized on certain grounds.

There is no universal list of traits of successful leaders. It is often difficult to measure traits. Effective leadership is not a function of traits alone. Theory does not offer any guidance for developing these qualities . Finally, there is no direct correlation between the level of traits and level of success. Many persons possessing the traits have failed as leaders.

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