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Manoj A.

2008 by Paul L. Schumann. All rights reserved.

Training & Development Training Cycle
Step 1: Needs Analysis (Needs Assessment) Step 2: Design & Develop Training Program Step 3: Deliver the Training Step 4: Training Evaluation

Training & Development

What is training? What is development? Training: enhances the capabilities of an

employee to perform his or her current job

Focuses on the current job

Examples for a bank teller: Training program to correctly identify counterfeit currency Training program in the banks new computer system used by tellers to process customers transactions

Training & Development

Development: enhances the capabilities of an

employee to be ready to perform possible future jobs

Focuses on future jobs Developmental education programs Examples for a bank teller: Bank sends the teller to a day-long workshop on Emerging Issues in Finance & Banking Bank pays for the employee to get his or her MBA degree Developmental job experiences Examples: job rotation or job enlargement Developmental interpersonal relationships Example: mentoring

Training Cycle

Source: Fisher, Schoenfeldt, & Shaw (2006), Figure 9.1, p. 377


Step 1: Needs Analysis/Assessment

Goal of needs analysis: Identify training needs Summary of Needs Analysis:
3 Levels of Needs Analysis:

Organizational analysis Job and task analysis Individual analysis

Training Objectives

Needs Analysis
3 Levels of Needs Analysis: Organizational analysis: What are the training needs of the organization?

What training will support the organizations strategy? Example: Internal growth strategy (growth from new products or new markets) would be supported by training in: Creative thinking New product development Understanding & evaluating potential new markets Technical competence in jobs Example: What are the training needs for other strategies? Low-cost leadership, focused (niche) concentration, external growth (mergers & acquisitions), downsizing 7 & divesting

Needs Analysis

Needs Analysis
3 Levels of Needs Analysis (more): Organizational analysis (more)

Use benchmarks of organizational health & success to identify training needs General examples: Headcount Productivity Costs Quality Specific examples for an airline: On-time rates Lost baggage rates Employee injury rates

Needs Analysis
3 Levels of Needs Analysis (more): Job and task analysis: What are the training needs of each job in the organization?

Examine the job descriptions: What tasks & duties are performed by each job? For each task: Do new hires already know how to perform the task or will they have to be trained? (Helps to identify training needs) What are the consequences of performing the task incorrectly? (Helps to set training priorities) Can the task be learned on the job, or should it be taught off the job? (Helps to identify training methods)

Needs Analysis
3 Levels of Needs Analysis (more): Individual analysis: What are the training needs of each individual employee in the organization?
Examine each employees performance appraisal Do certain employees, or groups of employees, have job performance that might be improved by training that is cost-effective?


Needs Analysis
Training Objectives: Use the 3 levels of needs

analysis to establish the training objectives for the training program

Training objectives answer the question: What will

employees be able to do as a consequence of the training?

Make the training objectives specific, concrete, & measurable Example for a bank teller training program in detecting counterfeit currency: Identify counterfeit currency correctly 100% of the time Example for a bartender training program on underage consumption:


Training Cycle

Source: Fisher, Schoenfeldt, & Shaw (2006), Figure 9.1, p. 377


Step 2: Design & Develop Training Program

3 Stages of Learning: Design the training
Stage 1: Declarative knowledge (cognitive

program to move employees up to Stage 3


Learn facts & concepts High demands on memory & attention Performance is slow & halting Errors are common
Stage 2: Knowledge compilation (associative


Facts & behaviors get chunked into a routine Performance begins to improve Reduced concentration is required


Design & Develop Training Program

3 Stages of Learning (more): Stage 3: Procedural knowledge (autonomous phase)
Performance becomes automatic Performance is fluid & correct Little conscious concentration is required

But if we want to design our training program to

move the trainees up to Stage 3, how do we do that?

The answer involves putting together the following concepts


Design & Develop Training Program

Preconditions for learning: Design the training

program to satisfy 2 key preconditions:

Trainee readiness: What do the trainees already


We want to start the training program at the right level We need to find out what they already know Example: Does our newly hired bank teller know how to count money? Design the training program to build on what the trainees already know

Design & Develop Training Program

Preconditions for learning (more): Trainee motivation: Are the trainees motivated to learn?

Involve employees in the needs analysis Show trainees how the training will enhance their job performance & their careers Use goal setting: Establish specific, concrete, & measurable training goals Make the goals difficult but achievable Set intermediate & end goals Build strong self-efficacy expectations: beliefs about success Persuasion: You can do it! Modeling: show trainees successful previous trainees Enactive mastery: lead trainees to early success in 17

Design & Develop Training Program

Practice: practice makes perfect One critical key to moving to Stage 3 of learning is providing the trainees with the right kinds of practice

Take into consideration the task complexity: Simple task: practice the entire task Complex task: Break the complex task into simple pieces Practice each of the simple pieces As performance improves, combine the simple pieces and practice the entire complex task Distributed practice sessions work better than a massed practice session: spread the practice sessions out over multiple days with sleep between the practice sessions Overlearning is good: keep practicing well beyond the point of correct performance of the task

Design & Develop Training Program

Knowledge of results: feedback is important Provide lots of feedback & encouragement, especially early in training

Helps build self-efficacy expectations Guide the trainee to correct performance

As performance improves, raise the performance

level required for positive feedback

Encourage the trainee to strive for better performance

Show trainees how to evaluate their own


Allows trainees to determine for themselves how theyre doing

Gradually shift from trainer-provided feedback to the

trainees own self-generated feedback

Prepares the trainee to correctly use the training on the job without the close supervision of the trainers in the training 19 program

Design & Develop Training Program

Overcome interferences: identify& resolve

things that might interfere with learning

Distractions in the training environment

Lighting problems Noise problems Temperature problems, etc.

Bad habits that the trainees bring with them into

Identify the bad habits of the trainees early in training Correct the bad habits early in training so that the trainees practice the correct way, and not the wrong way


Design & Develop Training Program

Transfer of training: structure the training

program to enhance the transfer of training from the training program back to the job
Make the training setting similar to the work


Use the same equipment & processes in training that are used on the job Both how to do the task and why it is done that way

Teach both tasks & principles

Overlearning is good: provide lots of practice Use a variety of job-relevant examples


Design & Develop Training Program

Transfer of training (more): Show the trainees the relevancy of the training to their jobs Build positive self-efficacy expectations Ask trainees to develop their own action plan with goals for how they will use the training on their jobs Relapse prevention: ask trainees to anticipate what might cause them to relapse to their bad habits, and to develop their own plans to avoid the relapse

Design & Develop Training Program

Transfer of training (more): Provide pre-planned opportunities for trainees to use their new skills on their jobs Supervisors and co-workers should support the new behaviors back on the job Train a team together as a team Give homework assignments that require trainees to apply what they are learning in training to their jobs Provide reminders (job aids) for trainees to take back with them to their jobs

Design & Develop Training Program

Training Methods: decide which training method to


On-the-job training (OJT): training is at the actual

work site using the actual work equipment

Advantages: Enhances the transfer of training: the training setting and the work setting are the same May reduce costs: avoid the cost of a separate training facility Enhances trainee motivation: job-relevancy of training is more obvious to the trainees Disadvantages: May be disruptive to normal operations May have more distractions that interfere with learning May have safety concerns 24

Design & Develop Training Program

Training Methods (more): Off-the-job training: training takes place off the job at a training facility designed for training

Advantages: Avoids disruptions to normal operations Minimizes distractions Avoids safety concerns Disadvantages: Transfer of training may be more difficult due to differences between the training setting and the work setting Costs may be higher due to the cost of the training facility Trainee motivation may be reduced because the jobrelevancy of the training is not as obvious


Design & Develop Training Program

Training Methods (more): Off-the-job training (more):

Off-the-job training techniques: Lectures Discussions Cases Role-plays Simulations

Example: How should we set up a training

program for newly hired bank tellers to teach them how to do their job? On-the-job or off-thejob?


Training Cycle

Source: Fisher, Schoenfeldt, & Shaw (2006), Figure 9.1, p. 377


Step 3: Deliver the Training

Deliver the training that was planned


Training Cycle

Source: Fisher, Schoenfeldt, & Shaw (2006), Figure 9.1, p. 377


Step 4: Training Evaluation

4 Levels of Evaluation

(Kirkpatrick, 1983)

Level 1: Reaction:

measure the satisfaction of the trainees with the training program

Satisfaction questionnaire

Level 2: Learning:

measure how much the trainees have learned

Written tests Performance tests Simulation tests


Source of figure: Fisher, Schoenfeldt, &

Step 4: Training Evaluation

4 Levels of Evaluation


Level 3: Behavior:

measure the trainees job performance back on their jobs

Performance appraisals

Level 4: Results:

measure the impact on the organization

Profits Costs Productivity Quality Injury rates, etc.


Source of figure: Fisher, Schoenfeldt, & Shaw (2006), Figure 9.4, p. 405

Training Evaluation
Evaluation designs: when do you collect data

on reactions, learning, behavior, and results?

One-shot posttest-only design: measure when

training is finished: TRAIN MEASURE

Makes sense for Level 1 (Reaction) Ask the trainees to complete the satisfaction questionnaire at the end of the training program But its a poor design for the other levels of evaluation Theres no comparison group We wouldnt know if learning, behavior, and results have changed for the better because of the training program


Training Evaluation
Evaluation designs (more): One-group pretest-posttest design: measure both before and after training: MEASURE TRAIN MEASURE

Compute the change in the measures: Learning: Did the percentage correct on the test go up? Behavior: Did the employees job performance improve? Results: Did the company improve (profits, costs, etc.)? Weakness: Were not sure if the training is the only thing that might have caused the measures to improve There might be other things that happened at the same time as the training that also affects employee behavior (job performance) and corporate results (profits, etc.)

Training Evaluation
Evaluation designs (more): Pretest-posttest control-group design: compare the changes in a control group to the changes in the training group Control: MEASURE NO TRAIN MEASURE Training: MEASURE TRAIN MEASURE

Randomly divide employees into 2 groups: Control group: does not get training Training group: does get training Measure learning, behavior, & results in both groups before and after training is provided to the training group Compute the changes in the measures for both groups Did the training group improve more than the control group? Learning (test scores), behavior (job performance), & results (profits, costs, etc.) This is the strongest evaluation design 34

Training Evaluation
Example: Sales training program to help our

salespeople increase sales

Training Group: randomly select some of the

salespeople to be in the training program Control Group: the other salespeople are in the control group that doesnt receive training (at least initially) Level 1 Evaluation: Reaction

One-shot posttest-only design: administer in the training group at the end of the training a questionnaire that measures the satisfaction of the trainees with the training program


Training Evaluation
Example: Sales training (more) Level 2 Evaluation: Learning

Pretest-posttest control-group design: Control: MEASURE NO TRAIN MEASURE Training: MEASURE TRAIN MEASURE Develop a test that measures the extent to which individuals have achieved the learning objectives of the training program Before providing the training to the training group, administer the test to both the control and the training groups After training the training group, administer the test to both the control and the training groups Compare the average change in the test scores in the control group to the average change in the test scores in36

Training Evaluation
Example: Sales training (more) Level 3 Evaluation: Behavior

Pretest-posttest control-group design: Control: MEASURE NO TRAIN MEASURE Training: MEASURE TRAIN MEASURE Use the organizations performance appraisal system to measure the job performance of the salespeople Example: amount of sales, customer satisfaction ratings, etc. Before providing the training to the training group, measure the job performance of each salesperson in both the control and the training groups After training the training group, measure the job performance of each salesperson in both the control and the training groups Compare the average change in the job performances in the control group to the average change in the job performances in the training group 37

Training Evaluation
Example: Sales training (more) Level 4 Evaluation: Results

One-group pretest-posttest design: MEASURE TRAIN MEASURE Measure organizational results before training the training group Measure organizational results after training the training group Compute the change in organizational results Organizational results could include anything that the training might affect: profits, costs, productivity, injury rates, quality, employee morale, etc. Pretest-posttest control-group design might be possible if the organization has multiple business units Select some of the business units to be the training 38 group that receives training initially

Training Cycle

Source: Fisher, Schoenfeldt, & Shaw (2006), Figure 9.1, p. 377


Training & Development Training Cycle
Step 1: Needs Analysis (Needs Assessment) Step 2: Design & Develop Training Program Step 3: Deliver the Training Step 4: Training Evaluation


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