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Chapter 16

What is a Family? Family can be difficult to define

Polygyny a form of marriage in which men have more than one wife
Polyandry a form of marriage in which woman have

more than one husband Polygamy (not in book) is a marriage which includes more than two partners Family two or more people who consider themselves related by blood, marriage, or adoption Household people who occupy the same household Nuclear family a family consisting of a husband, wife, and child(ren)

What is a Family? Family can be difficult to define

Extended family a nuclear family plus other relatives,

such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles

Family of orientation the family in which a person

grows up
Family of procreation the family formed when a

couples first child is born

What is Marriage?
Marriage - a groups approved mating arrangements,

usually marked by a ritual of some sort (ex. wedding) Endogamy the practice of marrying within ones own group Exogamy the practice of marrying outside ones own group Incest Taboo the rule that prevents sex and marriage among designated relatives (this functions to help avoid role confusion, and to forge alliances between groups)

Common Cultural Themes

Families Establish Patterns of Mate Selection Descent Inheritance Authority

Patriarchy a society or group in which women dominate men as a group Matriarchy a society in which women as a group dominate men as a group Egalitarian authority more or less equally divided between people or groups, in this instance between husband and wife

Bilineal=system of reckoning descent that counts both the mothers and the fathers side
Descent = the way we trace our kinship over generations

Patrilineal = system of reckoning that counts only the fathers side

Matrilineal = a system of reckoning descent that counts only the mothers side

Marriage and Family in Theoretical Perspective Functionalist

Economic Production
Socialization of Children Care of Sick and Aged Recreation Sexual Control Reproduction Functions of the Incest Taboo Isolation and Emotional Overload

Marriage and Family in Theoretical Perspective Conflict

Struggles between Wives and Husbands
Power Struggle over Housework Child Care Money Attention Respect Sex

Marriage and Family in Theoretical Perspective Symbolic Interaction

Gender, Housework, and Child Care
Gender Division of Labor

The Family Life Cycle

Love and Courtship in Global Perspective
Marriage Social Channels of Love and Marriage Homogamy the tendency of people with similar characteristics to marry one another

The Family Life Cycle

Childbirth Marital Satisfaction Decreases Additional Complications Child Rearing Married Couples and Single Mothers Day Care Nannies Social Class

The Family Life Cycle

Family Transitions Adultolescents and the NotSo-Empty Nest Widowhood

Diversity in U.S. Families

African-American Families
Latino Families
Machismo an emphasis on male strength and


Asian Families

Native American Families

Diversity in U.S. Families

One-Parent Families

Diversity in U.S. Families

Families Without Children

and finally Blended Families: families whose members were once part of other families Gay and Lesbian Families

Trends in U.S. Families

Postponing Marriage and Childbirth Cohabitation unmarried couples living together in a

sexual relationship
Unmarried Mothers Grandparents as Parents

The Sandwich Generation & Elder Care

Divorce and Remarriage

Problems in Measuring Divorce Children and Grandchildren of Divorce Absent fathers and serial fatherhood

Serial fatherhood a pattern of parenting in which a father, after divorce, reduces contact with his own children, acts as a father to the children of the woman he marries or lives with , then ignores these children, too, after moving in with or marrying another woman

Ex-spouses Remarriage

Two Sides of Family Life

The Dark Side
Spouse Battering Child Abuse Marital or Intimacy Rape

Incest sexual relations between specified relatives, such

as brothers and sisters or parents and children

Two Sides of Family Life

The Bright SideSuccessful Marriages
Spouse is Best Friend Like Spouse as Person Think Marriage is Long-Term Commitment
Believe Marriage is Sacred

Two Sides of Family Life

The Bright SideSuccessful Marriages
Agree with Spouse Aims and Goals Believe Spouse Grown More Interesting Want Relationship to Succeed

Laugh Together

Happy Families
Spend a Lot of Time Together Are Quick to Express Appreciation Committed to Promoting Mutual Welfare Talk and Listen a Lot Are Religious

Deal with Crises Positively

Symbolic Interactionism and Misuse of Statistics

Divorce Statistics Explained People are Individuals We Create our Own World

The Future of Marriage and Family

No Danger of Becoming a Relic Cohabitation, Single Mothers, Age at Marriage,

Grandparents as Parents will Increase

*(I have read grandparents as parents will not

increase in the future because the grandparents will be the same people who couldnt take care of their own children, at least while this generation of parents turns into granparents)

Continued Distorted Images of Marriage and Family

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