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Why did the United States not want to get involved in WWI?

Drill Answer
The United States felt that it would be expensive and get many men killed

IX. End of WWI

A. In April 1917, the United States entered into WWI
1. US Troops began arriving in France by June 1917 2. They helped France and England fight the Germans and break the stalemate on the Western Front

B. Russian Consequences
1. Because Russia gave up land to Germany as part of the peace treaty
a. Germany had to send 1 million men to maintain order in the new lands
Prevent revolts or riots

2. Germany lost 1 million men on the western front just as the Americans entered the war.

C. The end is near

1. The German soldiers were tired, hungry, and barely holding on 2. The German generals tried to organize one last attack, but
a. Their men werent able to fight

3. The German people threatened to revolt like the Russian people did 4. On November 11th 1917, Germany signed an Armistice
a. A cease fire b. The Kaiser gave up power 2 days before (Nov. 9th)

Why did Germany send 1 million troops away from the front line battles in France?

Drill Answer:

To police the newly gained lands from Russia

X. Paris Peace Settlements over A. The war was

after German surrendered
1. The war was over, but the damage was just beginning to be counted
a. The battles ruined land for farming Food Prices soared b. Total costs of the war are estimated to be $338 Billion dollars

1918 Flu Pandemic: Kills millions worldwide

50,000,000 100,000,000 died

B. Peace Talks
1. In January of 1919 the representatives of the nations that won WWI met in Paris to create a peace treaty with Germany and Austria
a. France - President Georges Clemenceau b. Great Britain - Prime Minister Lloyd George c. United States - President Woodrow Wilson

Prime Minister Lloyd George of England

The Big Four

President Georges Clemenceau of France

Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando of Italy

President Woodrow Wilson of the USA

1. A Peace of Justice
a. Leaders of the victorious countries met together at the Palace of Versailles

C. What kind of peace was it?

2. Peace of Vengeance
a. Italy and Britain wanted more territory b. France wanted to punish Germany

3. A Peace of Purpose
a. President Woodrow Wilson proposed 14 points that he felt would make a great peace

In the end Germany must.

1. lose all her colonies.

lose land between Germany and France. citizens lose their property abroad.

2. Get rid of all military forces (No army, navy or air force) 3. is charged $32 billion in war reparations which they must pay to the Allies. 4. is blamed for the WHOLE war. They sign a Guilt Clause that claims they were responsible for all the deaths and losses and pain and suffering of the war.

Class Work
Create a chart that shows the concerns for each nation at the peace conference Page 546 # 1,2 Page 547 # 2,3,
France England United States

Paris Peace Conference - 1919

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson informs Germany that they will be treated fairly at the Paris Peace Conference if they agree to an armistice and surrender At the conference, PM Borden fights for Canada to have its own seat in the League of Nations

Germany Betrayed France gets revenge

Treaty of Versailles
Germany is forced to sign the Treaty of Versailles, even though they received no input Most angering was Article 231 the War Guilt Clause where Germany was forced to take the entire blame for the war This meant that they would be forced to pay for

Germany is left in ruins

After the war Germany was:
politically unstable (Kaiser Wilhelm flees country); poor (reparations payments were 4oo billion and they were expected to pay it back by 1988 angry and betrayed

League of Nations is Created

President Woodrow Wilson had the idea of creating an international body that would work to prevent a war such as WWI from ever breaking out again. This was the beginning of the League of Nations and Canada had their own seat there Though it was an

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