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Troop 309 Court of Honor Nov 2011

Court of Honor 2011

Gear , Skills & Ammo
Guess WHO

Where in the World?

Cant You Count?

Grab Bag

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

100 200 300 400 500 600

Final Jeopardy

HOLY CHOW for 100

What candy sold out first at the Deacons Scout Store?

HOLY CHOW for 100

Answer: Gummy Sour Geckos


HOLY CHOW for 200

What did the Teachers eat for dinner the last night of High Adventure?

HOLY CHOW for 200

Answer: Chicken Fajitas


HOLY CHOW for 300

When the 11 year-old Scouts started making dinner at their summer campout what was missing?

HOLY CHOW for 300

Answer: The HOT DOGS


HOLY CHOW for 400

What were the only two foods Caleb Browning brought on the hike?

HOLY CHOW for 400

Answer: Oatmeal & Costco Trail Mix


HOLY CHOW for 500

What tasty treat was waiting for the Deacons when they arrived at camp?

HOLY CHOW for 500

Answer: Joes Donuts


HOLY CHOW for 600

What did Jake put in his mouth and feed to a deer on the Teachers High Adventure?

HOLY CHOW for 600

Answer: A Flour Tortilla (and the deer loved it)


Gear, Skills & Ammo for 100

What travels farther when launched from a water balloon launcher: a Water Balloon or an Egg?

Gear, Skills & Ammo for 100

Answer: The EGG


Gear, Skills & Ammo for 200

Which 3 Priests finished their ice axes prior to the climb?

Gear, Skills & Ammo for 200

Answer: Jimmy Scott, Tanner Sork & Sam McKague


Gear, Skills & Ammo for 300

What ammo was used during the Deacons Scout Camp war?

Gear, Skills & Ammo for 300

Answer: Marshmallows


Gear, Skills & Ammo for 400

If you are bitten by a rattlesnake, how soon should someone suck out the venom?

Gear, Skills & Ammo for 400

Answer: Never


Gear, Skills & Ammo for 500

What did Bishop McKague use to mark his note in the snow on the Priests Mountain Climb?

Gear, Skills & Ammo for 500

Answer: A pair of his shorts


Gear, Skills & Ammo for 600

During their climb 3 skillful (and chivalrous) Priests helped an injured Mormon girl down the mountain. What was her name?

Gear, Skills & Ammo for 600

Answer: Did they even ask? Someone should have come home with her phone number!! Back

Guess Who? for 100

Who was the first 1st Aid Case at Scout Camp?

Guess Who? for 100

Answer: You know it had to be a Sork: Carson.


Guess Who? for 200

During the Priests rock climbing activity, who was the first Priest to reach the top?

Guess Who? for 200

Answer: Carson Buttars


Guess Who? for 300

During the Teachers High Adventure, which leader did the most jumps off the rope swing?

Guess Who? for 300

Answer: Brother Kartchner


Guess Who? for 400

Who taught the Pioneering Merit Badge at Scout Camp?

Guess Who? for 400

Answer: Brother Starkey


Guess Who? for 500

Who slept in the longest after the Priests Mountain Climb?

Guess Who for 400

Answer: Brother Davis


Guess Who? for 600

During Scout Camp 1 adult & 3 Deacons got so sick they needed a bucket (ya know what we mean). Who were they?

Guess Who? for 600

Answer: Blake Perkins, Ethan & Jarin McKague, and Matthew Percy


Where in the World? for 100

What is the name of the river where the Teachers hiked on High Adventure?

Where in the World? for 100

Answer: Wenaha River


Where in the World? for 200

What city did Brother Davis return to so he could buy tape for the Priests feet?

Where in the World? for 200

White Salmon


Where in the World for 300

What was the name of the Lodge where the Deacons Scout Camp was held?

Where in the World for 300

Answer: Nanitch Lodge


Where in the World? for 400

How many tents were pitched for the 11 year-old summer campout?

Where in the World? for 400

Answer: ONE
Bro Buttars slept in a cool hammock contraption Bro Reid slept on a tarp The boys slept in the tent


Where in the World? for 500

What is the name of the lake where the Teachers spent the last night of High Adventure?

Where in the World? for 500

Answer: Jubilee Lake


Where in the World? for 600

At the Deacons Scout Camp, the service project was performed at what lake?

Where in the World? for 600

Answer: Trillium Lake


Cant You Count? for 100

How many hours did the Priests spend climbing Mt. Adams?

Cant You Count? for 100

Answer: TWENTY


Cant You Count? for 200

How many rattlesnakes were spotted on the Teachers High Adventure hike?

Cant You Count? for 200

Answer: Between 3-5.


Cant You Count? for 300

What size are Tanner Nelsons mountaineering boots?

Cant You Count? for 300



Cant You Count? for 400

How many Teachers went on the High Adventure hike?

Value of Education for 400

Answer: NINE Taylor, Caleb, Tate, Jake, Daniel, Jarin, Steven, Bailey & Lucas


Cant You Count? for 500

How many pairs of shoes were left behind on Mt. Adams?

Cant You Count? for 500



Cant You Count? for 600

In this case, Cant You Track? What is tracked in a creel survey?

Cant You Count? for 600

What fish are being caught & what bait is being used? Back

Grab Bag For 100

As loser of the miniature golf contest at the Deacons Scout Camp, Brother Jackson was supposed to do what?

Grab Bag For 100

Answer: Ride the pony ride


Grab Bag For 200

How HUGE was the fish Caleb & Tate (in all their raging manhood) speared?

Grab Bag For 200

Answer: 2-3 inches (which, when you think about it, is pretty impressive) Back

Grab Bag For 300

During the Mt. Adams hike, how many times did AJ ask if it was time to put on the cramp-ons?

Grab Bag For 300

Answer: We lost count!


Grab Bag For 400

What did Caleb use for a pillow on the hike?

Grab Bag For 400

Answer: His bag of Costco Trail Mix


Grab Bag For 500

While lighting their Coleman stove to prepare dinner, what skill did the 11 year-old Scouts learn?

Grab Bag For 500

Answer: How to Light a Match


Grab Bag For 600

What is a sucking chest wound?

Grab Bag For 600

Brother Parker or Brother Connell will determine if your answer is correct


Final Jeopardy
Wager your points now HINT #1 Topic: Scouting HINT #2 The Law Now, only one person can answer this from your team. The person must have participated in the summer activity. Send them up front!

The Scout Law is: A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean and reverent. Choose one character trait from the law and share what you learned about that trait during your summer activity.


Thanks for a great summer!

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