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Prof. Kendre R. R.




It is the total number of individuals or items which may or may not be related to study and are similar in nature It is the number of individuals or items which are very much related to study A set of individuals or items or objects taken out from the population, for the research or study purpose is called as sample And the process by which a sample selected is called as sampling

Population Universe



Sampling Frame

For example
List of names, roll numers, Telephone Directory, Voting List, List of Cars, Map of the country, State or Districts, List of vehicles, List of jobs, etc.

It could be anything a list, a map which include the population, from which the sample is to be taken out

Sampling Unit

Individual or item that is to be taken out from the population as a part of the sample, is called as sampling

Names, Roll No., Telephone No., An individual, A car, A vehicle no., a job, etc

Sampling Techniques/Methods/Types

These are divided into two broad categories

Probability Sampling

Each sampling unit has a equal chance of selection Each sampling unit dosent get a equal chance of selection

Non-probability sampling

Probability Sampling Methods

Random sampling

Stratified randon sampling

Simple random sampling (restricted) Unrestricted random sampling

Proportionate Disproportionate

Cluster sampling Systematic sampling Multi stage sampling Area sampling Multi phase sampling Sequential sampling Master samples

Random sampling

Random sampling is of two types

Unrestricted random sampling Simple random sampling (restricted)

For these methods there are two methods which help in drawing the sample and ensure the randomness or equal chance of selection for each item

Lottery method discs & box Table of random numbers- equal no. of digits in each no.

Stratified randon sampling

Stratas are groups classified on the basis of gender, location, age, etc Stratified randon sampling is of two types

Proportionate Stratified randon sampling (factor is same for all stratas) Disproportionate Stratified randon sampling (factor is different for different stratas)
1000 500 300 200 2000

0-500 501-1000 1000-10000 10000+ Total

Proportionate (0.1)
100 50 30 20 200

50 (0.05) 60 (0.12) 50 (0.1667) 40 (0.2) 200 (0.1)

Cluster sampling

Instead of selcting single units, group of units are selected with simple random sampling Suppose, a sample of 10 is to be selcted from 25 Then, instead of drawing single unit for 10 times, divide 25 into 5 groups of 5 units each Then draw 2 groups with simple random sampling it will give us two groups of 5 each with a final sample of 5+5=10 as required

Systematic sampling

N=population n= sample size N/n=k (a factor is calculated) From 1 to k, a no. is selected randomly that would be the first sample, next samples could be found out by adding the factor k

For exampleTo draw a sample of 10 from 120 K=120/10=12 From 1 to 12 select a no. with simple random method, suppose it is 8 Then 8th will be first sample then the next samples will be 8+12=20th , 20+12=32,44,56,68,80,92, 104,116

Multi stage sampling

Primary sampling units (PSUs) contains the secondary or final sampling units For exampleTo have a sample of 250 rural households

5 districts are selected first from a map of the state Then 5 cities / towns are selcted from each district From each town/city 2 villages are selected From each village 5 house holds are selcted

Area sampling

Map is used as sampling frame Map is divided into parts Simple random sampling could be used to select parts of the map For example

States are selected from the map of the country

Multi phase sampling

Original Sample

Required smaple

Some information is collected from the entire sample Additional information is collected from only a part of the original sample Example Survey about apple hospital services

Sequential sampling

First a sample N1 is taken as random sample Then N2,N3,,Nn random samples are added to make a adequte sample Generally N1>N2>N3>>Nn



Master samples

Only once a big size or larger than required sample is drawn When the study is to be conducted several times for the same or similar purpose Cost saving

Non-Probability Sampling Methods

Quota sampling Judgement sampling Convinience sampling Snow ball sampling

Quota sampling

Controls are placed to form quotas

Controls Male Female Total

Urban 50 30 80

Rural 70 80 150

Total 120 110 230

Judgement Sampling

Experts judgement to select the sample For example

To have a software related individuals sample, a general manager could select a sample for the research A machanical engineers advise could be taken to select a sample of machanics

Convinience (Accidental) Sampling

As per convinience At a convinient point

For example- at the exit gate of a mall, a researcher could find buyers At a washing center, car owners, bike owners, or drivers can be found

Snowball Sampling (Reference)

When the product is just launched or it is in the introductory stage In case of a new companys products Or where the product users are less in no or they are dispersed or very low information is availabe about respondents

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