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Using the Lens of Cultural Universals to Enhance the Study of Civilizations

Nancy Lenihan Tracy Davis Sumner School District

Entry Task
On the template, describe your life and culture

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Session Overview
Cultural Universals
What are they? Why do we teach them?

Activity - Westlandia Cultural Universals - more details Classroom Ideas/CBA Connections Enrichment Activities Resources Activity - Anaszi Civilization

Cultural Universals
Food Clothing Shelter Science and Technology Money or other forms of economic exchange Occupation Religion Recreation/Entertainment

Family structures
Government Communication Transportation

What students should know:

How our social system works (with respect to each cultural universal) How and why it got to be that way over time How and why related practices vary across locations and cultures What all of this might mean for personal, social, and civic decision making

Activity - Westlandia
While listening to the story, use the template to analyze how the boy in the story incorporates the cultural universals into his world.

Use this section

Foods vary within and across societies Food reflect a peoples cultural heritage How food products are derived Costs of food processes

How clothing is made How clothing changes based upon climate and geography Stereotyped images based upon dress

The evolution of shelter How housing changes with climate and availability of construction materials All the components that go into the modern house

Evolution of communication A languages standardized vocabulary Nonverbal communication Inventions to enhance communication

Evolution of the transportation of people and goods Effects on farming and trade - exports/imports Settlements being built along transportation routes The nature and use of maps

Family Structures
Genealogical and legal kinship relationships How family relationships and occupations affect finances, interpersonal dynamics, location etc. Traditions Childrens role in society Education of children

National, state, and local government Taxation process Provision of government services Other forms of government Class societies and their history

Economics Barter System Items used for money shells, beads, etc. How was the money system created?

Science and Technology

What tools are used for preparing food, hunting, and fishing Medicines Inventions

Enrichment Ideas
Focus on personal experience of universals involve parents in conversation Focus on evolution of culture and technology Discuss how universals are experienced in different places Bring the universals alive - Include simulations, field trips, videos, and physical examples

Classroom Ideas
Integrate social studies through literature
Westlandia by Paul Fleischman Trade Books for Social Studies

Civilization Comparisons

CBA Connections
People on the Move Cultural Contributions Humans and the Environment Make sure to use the updated versions from the OSPI Website:

Issues to be aware of:

Zone of Proximal Development
The information students wont naturally acquire Teachers need to use a standard set of vocabulary

Presentism and Chauvinism

Ideas that the people of the past are ignorant Ideas that we are better than other cultures and civilizations Students need to appreciate that all people are players in history and that hindsight is NOT the only lens for viewing the past.

Internet Resources
National Council for the Social Studies National Geographic

Mr. Donns Social Studies Page

Activity - Anaszi Civilization

As you look at the pictures of this civilization, ask I wonder questions about what you see
I wonder what these people ate I wonder what these people did for entertainment I wonder if their drawings were art or for communication

When teaching the cultural universals, help students


Contact Information
Presentation documents can be found at the following Website:

Contact Information
Nancy Lenihan

Tracy Davis

Resource Information
Children Thinking about Cultural Universals, Jere Brophy and Janet Alleman, Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc., 2006
Weslandia, Paul Fleischman, Candlewick Press, 1999, ISBN 0-7636-0006-7

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