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By: Lucy Pelletier Grass Roots Consulting Services

How do I engage my community?

If, I am.
- An Elder - Leadership Committee/Board Member Staff Band Member Community Member Parent Student

Elders- Our Mushums & Kokums

Instill the importance of culture, values &

beliefs Preserve & promote the language Share stories & life long learning experiences Historical perspective Provide advice & guidance to leadership

I plan to engage my community by Sharing my Vision Developing a Mission Establishing a Plan Ratify the plan Implement the plan Evaluate the plan by communicating on a regular basis How well are we doing?

I plan to engage my community by
Embracing the Vision and Mission as my own Being aware of Leadership strategies and

plans Embrace the plan and compliment strategies Provide leadership and program support Being open minded and respectful Having the commitment to encourage change

Implement the goals and objectives as set out

by the Committee; Being supportive and providing expertise to the Committee; Being diligent and respectful when performing duties; Being accountable for conducting themselves in a professional manner; Being open to learn new skills & techniques.

Band Member
Be part of the solution and not the problem;
Be aware of the issues by keeping oneself

informed; Be able to understand the roles and responsibilities that everyone plays; Provide positive in put by participating in community surveys, meetings & events; Participate in community events by getting involved;

Community Member
Are members of our community that live

among us but are not Band Members Community Members are important as they are extended family members of our People
We are all extended members of each other


Teachers & Frontline Workers are

Community Members!

Be a supportive by encouraging involvement in

community events; Be informed of the programs & services being offered; Participate in community events by volunteering or supporting the activity; Become familiar with the staff & their talents; Become familiar with the community facilities; Be prepared to participate with your child and share your life long learning experiences; Participate and promote the language and culture in our community.

Be part of the solution & not the problem; Be respectful of your community environment; Understand the rules & responsibilities of the staff & help to be role models for the children; Have healthy relationship with your peers; Have a commitment to become that role model that our children need.

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