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A preliminary Marketing Plan on

Presented By, Farjana Ehsan


Sharmin A. Salma 45E-02 Omar Faruq Khan 45E-03

Kazi Md. Masum


About bKash
Joint venture between BRAC Bank Ltd., Bangladesh, and Money in

Motion LLC, USA. Ultimate objective is ensuring access to a broader range of financial services for the people of Bangladesh. Special focus to serve the low income people of the country to achieve broader financial inclusion . Working both as an extension of BRAC Bank and as a full-scale mobile phone-based payment switch. This will highly benefit the country as 83% of the population lives under $2 a day and access to finance can help in improving their economic situation. Less than 15% of Bangladeshis are connected to the formal financial system whereas 44% of total population are having mobile phones. Providing financial services using this mean can make the service more accessible and cost effective for the vast population of Bangladesh.

bKash wants to build a highly scalable mobile money platform, allowing people of Bangladesh to safely store, transfer, and receive money via their mobile phone. By providing financial services that are convenient, affordable, and reliable, bKash aims to widen the net of financial inclusion.

bKash wants to provide a complete mobile financial service solution to increase access to a broader range of financial services for every citizen of Bangladesh and promote sustainable savings to achieve the ultimate goal of financial inclusion.

Value Propositions
state-of-the-art technology ensures that money is always safe and


available now all across Bangladesh

money can be sent or received with minimal effort and cost

easy; no queues, no waiting; anytime, anywhere.

the fastest way for sending or receiving money or making payments

Products & Services

My wallet A VISA encrypted mobile baking account using which customer can send or receive money. Registration is an easy one-time process. Once registered, one can use all bKash services. Cash in and Cash out Storing in or taking out money from mobile wallet Send Money Send Money enables customer to transfer money to another's wallet Token Token can be created to send bKash money to someone who does not have a bKash wallet Payment Customer can make payment from his own wallet to any small or big business entity who accepts bKash

Current Reach
250 thousand customers

500 thousand transactions

BDT 1.3 million transacted 500+ agents

Telecom partners
Grameenphone Robi

Marketing Objective
Establish bKash as a safe, fast & convenient way

of money transfer anytime anywhere.

Safe-keeper of customers hard earned money. Differentiate bKash from other market leaders. Increase profitability of organization by

Marketing Objective Methodology Questionnaire

creating a source of no cost deposit.

Delivering bKash service at the doorsteps of mass

people. 1st year : Brining 5 million people under bKash payment system through Grameen Phone and Robi telecom. 2nd year: Increase its subscriber up to 15 million through all mobile operators.

Marketing Objective
Customer Target Group
Primary customer : Upper-middle and lower-middle

income level people . Secondary customer : Lower income level people standing outside banking arena. i.e. worker, farmer, fisher etc.
Business Target
Primary Business target is to partner with Consumer service provider: Agora, Arong, Shopno . Corporate : Prothom Alo Continental Courier etc. SME & large industries like garments. School, college and university for different fees.

Objective Methodology Questionnaire

Secondary target is mass people for daily financial


Product selection along with the company mission. Formulation of objective

Background Marketing Objective Methodology Questionnaire

Set up of focus group to conduct study. Preparation of questionnaire Sampling from group of thirty people

Comply and arrange information

Qualitative and Quantitative analysis Provide factual inference and pile them

Questionnaire set on the basis of 9 criteria
Background Target Market Audience Competitors

Background Marketing Objective Methodology Questionnaire


Message Sales and Buying Process. Media


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