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Indian Financial System

Dilipraj Dongre

Financial System

of a well organized financial

Promotes Money

the well being and standard of living of the people of a country and monetary assets the saving investment



Financial System of any country consists of financial markets, financial intermediation and financial instruments or financial products
Flow of funds (savings)

Seekers of funds (Mainly business firms Flow of financial services and government)

Suppliers of funds (Mainly households)

Financial System , and financial Incomes


Indian Financial System

Organized Regulators Financial Institutions Financial Markets Financial services

Non- Organized

Money lenders
Local bankers Traders

Pawn brokers Chit Funds

Evolution of Financial System


Money Lender
Nidhi's/Chit Funds Indigenous Banking Cooperative Movement Societies Banks

Joint-Stock Banks

Consolidation Commercial Banks Nationalization

Investment Banks Development Financial Institutions Investment/Insurance Companies

Stock Exchanges Market Operations

Specialized Financial Institutions Merchant Banking

Universal Banking

Interrelation--Financial system & Economy

Financial System
Savers Lenders Households Foreign Sectors

Investors Borrowers

Corporate Sector Govt.Sector

Un-organized Sector


Organized Indian Financial System


Financial Instruments

Financial Markets

Financial Intermediaries

Forex Market

Capital Market

Money Market

Credit Market

Primary Market Secondary Market

Money Market Instrument

Capital Market Instrument

Mechanism which allows people to trade Affected by forces of supply and demand Process used In Finance, Financial markets facilitates

Financial Markets

Capital markets facilitate the transfer of capital (i.e. financial) assets from one owner to another. They provide liquidity. Liquidity refers to how easily an asset can be transferred without loss of value. A side benefit of capital markets is that the transaction price provides a measure of the value of the asset.

Why Capital Markets Exist

Mobilization of Savings & acceleration of Capital Formation Promotion of Industrial Growth Raising of long term Capital Ready & Continuous Markets Proper Channelisation of Funds Provision of a variety of Services

Role of Capital Markets

Stock Market was for a privileged few Archaic systems - Out cry method Lack of Transparency - High tones costs No use of Technology Outdated banking system Volumes - less than Rs. 300 cr per day No settlement guarantee Historical Indian Capital Market - mechanism - High risks perspective

1994-Equity Trading commences on NSE 1995-All Trading goes Electronic 1996- Depository comes in to existence 1999- FIIs Participation- Globalisation 2000- over 80% trades in Demat form 2001- Major Stocks move to Rolling Sett 2003- T+2 settlements in all stocks Indian- Capital markets - Chronology 2003 Demutualisation of Exchanges

Each scam has brought in reforms - 1992 / 2001 Screen based Trading through NSE Capital adequacy norms stipulated Dematerialization of Shares - risks of fraudulent paper eliminated Entry of Foreign Investors Investor awareness programs Rolling settlements Inter-action between Capital Markets - banking and exchanges Reforms

Corporatisation of exchange memberships Banning of Badla / ALBM Introduction of Derivative products - Index / Stock Futures & Options Reforms/Changes in the margining system STP - electronic contracts Margin Lending Securities Lending Reforms / Initiatives post 2000

(JULY 31, 2005)
22 Stock Exchanges,
Over 10000 Electronic Terminals at over 400 locations all over India. 9108 Stock Brokers and 14582 Sub brokers 9644 Listed Companies 2 Depositories and 483 Depository Participants 128 Merchant Bankers, 59 Underwriters 34 Debenture Trustees, 96 Portfolio Managers 83 Registrars & Transfer Agents, 59 Bankers to Issue 4 Credit Rating Agencies

Indian Capital Market



Intermediaries Regulator



Brokers Investment Bankers Stock Exchanges Underwriters Hybrid Debt




Corporate Intermediaries




Stock Exchanges in INDIA

Mangalore Stock Exchange Hyderabad Stock Exchange Uttar Pradesh Stock Exchange Coimbatore Stock Exchange Cochin Stock Exchange Bangalore Stock Exchange Saurashtra Kutch Stock Exchange Pune Stock Exchange National Stock Exchange OTC Exchange of India Calcutta Stock Exchange Inter-connected Stock Exchange (NEW) Madras Stock Exchange

Bombay Stock Exchange Madhya Pradesh Stock Exchange Vadodara Stock Exchange The Ahmedabad Stock Exchange Magadh Stock Exchange Gauhati Stock Exchange Bhubaneswar Stock Exchange Jaipur Stock Exchange Delhi Stock Exchange Assoc Ludhiana Stock Exchange

Raising capital for businesses Mobilizing savings for investment

Facilitate company growth

Redistribution of wealth

The role of the stock exchange

Corporate governance Creates investment opportunities for small investors Government raises capital for development projects

Barometer of the economy

The role of the stock exchange

Sl.N o. 1 2 3 4 5

As on 31st December

Growth Pattern of the Indian Stock Market

1946 7 1125 1506 1961 7 1203 2111 1971 8 1599 2838 1975 8 1552 3230 1980 9 2265 3697 1985 14 4344 6174

1991 20 6229 8967

1995 22 8593 11784

No. of Stock Exchanges No. of Listed Cos. No. of Stock Issues of Listed Cos. Capital of Listed Cos. (Cr. Rs.)









Market value of Capital of Listed Cos. (Cr. Rs.)

Capital per Listed Cos. (4/2) (Lakh Rs.) Market Value of Capital per Listed Cos. (Lakh Rs.) (5/2) Appreciated value of Capital per







11027 9

47812 1























Capital Market Instruments




Equity Shares

Preference Shares


Debentures Zero coupon bonds

Deep Discount Bonds

Factors contributing to growth of Indian Capital Market

Establishment of Development banks & Industrial financial institution. Legislative measures Growing public confidence Increasing awareness of investment opportunities


of underwriting business Setting up of SEBI Mutual Funds Credit Rating Agencies

Factors contributing to growth of Indian Capital Market

Indian Capital Market deficiencies


of transparency Physical settlement Variety of manipulative practices Institutional deficiencies Insider trading

Market for short-term money and financial assets that are near substitutes for money. Short-Term means generally period upto one year and near substitutes to money is used to denote any financial asset which can be quickly converted into money with minimum transaction cost

Money Market

Money Market

It is a place for Large Institutions and government to manage their short-term cash needs
It is a subsection of the Fixed Income Market It specializes in very short-term debt securities They are also called as Cash Investments

Defects of Money Market

Lack of Integration Lack of Rational Interest Rates structure

Absence of an organized bill market

Shortage of funds in the Money Market Seasonal Stringency of funds and fluctuations in Interest rates Inadequate banking facilities

Treasury Bills Commercial Paper

Certificate of Deposit
Money Market Mutual Funds Repo Market

Money Market Instruments

Segment Issuer Govern ment Central Government

Instruments Zero Coupon Bonds, Coupon Bearing Bonds, Capital Index Bonds, Treasury Bills.

Public Sector

Government Agencies / Statutory Bodies Public Sector Units

Govt. Guaranteed Bonds, Debentures

PSU Bonds, Debenture, Commercial Paper Debentures, Bonds, Commercial Paper, Floating Rate Bonds, Zero Coupon Bonds, InterCorporate Deposits Certificate of Deposits, Bonds Certificate of Deposits, Bonds


Corporate Banks Financial Institutions

Financial Regulators

Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI)

Reserve Bank of India

Ministry of Finance

Financial Regulators

and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) was first established in the year 1988 Its a non-statutory body for regulating the securities market It became an autonomous of India Security Exchange Board body in 1992



Functions Of SEBI

Regulates Capital Market. Checks Trading of securities. Checks the malpractices in securities market.

It enhances investor's knowledge on market by providing education. Functions Of SEBI It regulates the stockbrokers and sub-brokers. To promote Research and Investigation

It tries to develop the securities market. Promotes Investors Interest. Makes rules and regulations for the securities market.

Objectives of SEBI

The Recent Initiatives Undertaken

Sole Control on Brokers For Underwriters For Share Prices For Mutual Funds

Established on April 1, 1935 in accordance with the provisions of the RBI Act, 1934. The Central Office of the Reserve Bank has been in Mumbai. It acts as the apex monetary authority of the country.

Reserve Bank of India

Monetary Authority: Formulation and Implementation of monetary policies. Maintaining price stability and ensuring adequate flow of credit to the Productive sectors.
Issuer of currency: Issues and exchanges or destroys currency and coins. Provide the public adequate quantity of supplies of currency notes and coins.

Functions Of RBI

Regulator and supervisor of the financial system:

Prescribes broad parameters of banking operations Maintain public confidence, protect depositors' interest and provide cost-effective banking services.

Functions Of RBI

Authority On Foreign Exchange:

Manages the Foreign Exchange Management Act, 1999. Facilitate external trade, payment, promote orderly development and maintenance of foreign exchange market.

Developmental role:

Functions Of RBI to Performs a wide range of promotional functions

support national objectives. Related Functions:

Banker to the Government: performs merchant banking function for the central and the state governments. Maintains banking accounts of all scheduled banks.

(a) Bank Rate: The Bank Rate was kept unchanged at 6.0 per cent. (b) Reverse Repo Rate: The Repo rate is around 7 per cent and Reverse repo rate is around 6.10 per cent. (c) Cash Reserve Ratio: The cash reserve ratio (CRR) of scheduled banks is currently at 5.0 per cent.

Monetary Measures

Pre-reforms period Steps taken Objectives Conclusion

Reforms in the Financial System

The period from the mid 1960s to the early 1990s.

Characterized by:
Administered interest rates Industrial licensing and controls Dominant public sector Limited competition High capital-output ratio

Pre-Reforms Period

Banks and financial institutions acted as a deposit agencies. Price discovery process was prevented. Government failed to generate resources for investment and public services. Till 90s it was closed, highly regulated, and segmented system.

Pre-Reforms Period

Economic reforms initiated in June 1991.

The committee appointed under the chairmanship of M Narasimham.

He submitted report with all the recommendations

Government liberalized the various sectors in the economy.

Reform of the Steps Taken public sector and tax system.

Reorientation of the economy

Macro economic stability To Increase competitive efficiency in the operations To remove structural rigidities and inefficiencies


To attain a balance between the goals of financial stability & integrated & efficient markets

Reduce the level of state ownership in banking

Lift restrictions on foreign ownership of banks Spur the development of the corporate-bond market

Strengthen legal protections


Deregulate the insurance industry Drop proposed limits on pension reforms Increase consumer ownership of mutual-fund products Introduce a gold deposit scheme


Speed up the development of electronic payments. Separate the RBI's regulatory and central-bank functions Lift the remaining capital account controls Phase out statutory priority lending and restrictions on asset allocation


The financial system is fairly integrated, stable, efficient. Weaknesses need to be addressed. The reforms have been more capital centric in nature. Foreign capital flows and foreign exchange reserves have increased but absorption of foreign capital is low.


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