Research Methods - I: Scientific Method To Answer The Research Question

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Research Methods - I

Scientific Method to answer the Research Question

Research Methods - I
Scientific Method to answer the Research Question

Different Approaches to answer Research question

Method of Tenacity
It follows the logic the something is true because it has always been true. Nothing changes what was good, bad, or successful before will continue to be so in future.

Different Approaches to answer Research question

Method of Intuition / priori approach
Something is true because it is self-evident or stands to reason. Scientific research is waste of time.

Different Approaches to answer Research question

Method of Authority approach
It promotes a belief in something because a trusted source (like a parent, a news correspondent, a teacher, or a doctor ) says it is true. Emphasis is on the source and not on the methods the source may have used to gain the information.

Different Approaches to answer Research question

Method of Scientific approach
Learning as a series of small steps. One study or one source provides only an indication of what may or may not be true; the TRUTH is found through a series of objective analysis correcting in the changes in thought or theory are appropriate when errors in previous research is uncovered.

Characteristics of Scientific Research

1. It is public key principle of science is that any statement of fact made by one scientist should be independently verifiable by other scientists.

Characteristics of Scientific Research

2. It is Objective Science tries to rule out the eccentricities of judgment by researchers. Explicit rules and procedures are constructed and the researcher is bound to follow them. It deals with facts rather than interpretations of facts. Science rejects its own authorities if their statements conflict with direct observation.

Characteristics of Scientific Research

3. It is empirical Empiricism = Experience It is concerned with the world that is knowable and potentially measurable.

Characteristics of Scientific Research

4. It is Systematic and cumulative No single research study stands alone, nor does it rise or fall by itself.

Characteristics of Scientific Research

5. It is predictive Science is concerned with relating the present to the future. Theory = set of related propositions that presents a systematic view of phenomena by specifying relationships among concepts. It is important to develop theories as they are useful for predicting behaviour. Its adequacy lies in its ability to predict a phenomenon or event successfully.

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