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Who is AICA Who is me

Pierfranco Ravotto, Milan AICA Board

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Who is AICA
Founded in 1961 it is the Italian Association of Informatics professionals. It's Italian member of IFIP, International Federation of Informatics Professionals. It's an Italian member of CEPIS, Council of European Professionals Informatics Societies.

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Who is CEPIS
CEPIS is the Council of European Professionals Informatics Societies. Its a federation of 37 associations from 33 European countries. It has promoted:

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Promotion of ICT culture

Services for ICT professionals

IT certifications (ECDL, EUCIP)

Help to schools & teachers

Who is me till 2007

Teacher in a secondary Technical school

Face-to-face teaching

Organising working experiences

eLearning activities

European projects

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Who is me since 2007

AICA consultant
IT end users competences - ECDL IT professional competences EUCIP/e-CF

Sloop2desc: Teachers training on competence based learning and the use of eLearning & web 2.0

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Thank you for your attention

Pierfranco Ravotto

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