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Sloka 1- Prayer to Lord Ganesha

Om Gananaam Tvaa Ganapati(g)m Havamahe

I pray to Ganapati- Lord of Ganas (demi-Gods). Gana also means host (of mantras)

Kavim kaviinaam upama shravastamam | Jyeshtha raajam Bhramanaam

Emperor of Emperors! You are omnicient; With complete knowledge

Bhramanaspatha aa Nah (s)

You are the Supreme Being. I adore You with my hymns . Please grant me all success.

Shrinvannuutibhi siida saadanam |

Hearing our invocations, may You grant us all prosperity and success. May You manifest Your powers in us.
-Rig Veda 2.23.1

Prano devi sarasvati vajebhirvajinivati |

We invoke Saraswati the Goddess of speech with hymns. May She be pleased with us and inspire our intelligence.

Dhinamavitravatu | Ganesaya namah | Sarasvatyai namah | Sri gurubhyo namah | Harih om |

Prostrations to Lord Ganesha, Goddess Saraswati and Sri Guru. Hari Om.

Om santih santih santih ||

May there be peace to the body, mind and Soul.

Sloka 2- Shanti Mantra

Om Saha naavavatu |
May He (Brahman) protect us both (Teacher and the taught)

Saha nau bhunaktu |

May He (Brahman) guide us both

Saha veeryam karavaa-vahai |

May He (Brahman) give us strength and right understanding

Let us both become illumined by this study

Maa vidhvi-shaavahai |
May Love and harmony be with us.

Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaanti Hi ||

Sloka 3- Shan no mitrah

Om Shan No mitraH sham varuna Ha | Shan No bhavatvaryamaa | Shan na indro brihaspati Hi |
May the Vedic deities Mitra, Varuna, Aryamaa, Indra, Brihaspati, Vishnu bless us and grant us welfare and bliss

Shan no vishnuru-rukrama Ha | Namo braHmane | Namaste vayo| Tvameva pratyaksham brahmaasi |

Salutations to Brahma! Salutations to Vaayu (God of Wind)! All of You are the personification of Brahma (God)

Tvaameva pratyaksham brahma vadishyaami |

I call You as God (Brahma)

Ritam vadiyshyaami
I speak wise and absolutely true (Rutham) words

Satyam vadishyaami
I speak true words (Sathyam)

Tanmaam avatu | tadvaktaaram avatu |

May that protect me. May that protect the speaker (Teacher). Avatu = protext

Avatu maam | avatu vaktaram |

May God protext me. May God protect the speaker (Teacher). Maam = me

Om Shaanti Shaanti Shaati Hi ||

Peace, Peace, Peace (Peace to the Body, Mind and Soul)
- Taiittriya Upanishad

Sloka 4- Shanti Mantra

Sarveshaam Svastir Bhavatu Sarveshaam Shaantir Bhavatu Sarveshaam Purnam Bhavatu Sarveshaam Mangalam Bhavatu

May good befall all, May there be peace for all, May all be fit for perfection, and May all experience that which

is auspicious

Purusha Sukhtam (Shanti Mantra)

Om tachhan yoraavRiNeemahe |
We pray so that we may chant in praise of yagnya (sacrifice) and sing in praise of Lord of Yagnyas

Gaatum yagyaaya | Gaatum yagya-pataye | Daivii svasti-rastu naH |

May we be granted Divine Blessings.

Svastir-maanushhebhyaHa |
May peace be unto the whole human race

Uurdhvam jigaatu bheshhajam |

May healing herbs (crops) grow in abundance. Bheshhajam = crops

Shanno astu dvipade | Shan chatushhpade |

Let two-legged (humans) & 4-legged (animals) beings thrive and be peaceful and happy. Dvipade- 2-legged; Chatushpade- 4-legged. Bheshhajam = crops

OM shaanti shaanti shaantiH


Peace, Peace, Peace (Peace to the Body, Mind and Soul)

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