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Excel For Managers

Lecture - 01

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Microsoft Office 2007

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Intro to Excel Spreadsheets

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Use these buttons to add Web links, calculate an AutoSum, add formulas, and sort data Use these buttons to format numerical data.

The Chart Wizard helps you create charts.

Merges selected cells and then centers text in the cell.

The Drawing Tool helps you create WordArt and add shapes to worksheets

The Excel 2000 Standard and Formatting toolbars includes buttons for formatting data and cells. The Name box indicates which cell is selected. The Formula box shows the data in the cell.

Column and Row numbers make it easier to know where you are on the worksheet.

Use these buttons to keep track of worksheets in a workbook. Click the Sheet buttons to move from one worksheet to another.

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Exploring Excel

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Exploring Excel

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Navigating a Worksheet

Excel provides several ways to navigate a worksheet

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

What are they used for?

Financial forecasting Statistical analysis Data collection Data manipulation Summarizing data Communicating data

Budgets Research Gradebook Charts Big tables Job aids

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Spreadsheet Construction

Columns (letters) Rows (numbers) Worksheets Cells (E9)

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Mousing Around a Cell



Highlight/Select MoveContents Fill Contents

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)


Worksheets - Worksheets can be used to store, manipulate, calculate, analyse data, and create tables and charts. Workbooks - These are a collection of sheets stored in the same file on the disk. By keeping related worksheets in the same workbook, it is easy to make simultaneous changes and edits to all workbook sheets at one time, or to consolidate related sheets or do calculations involving multiple sheets. Excel 2003 contains a maximum of 255 worksheets.
Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

A row - A Row is a line of Horizontal cells within a spreadsheet e.g. A3, B3,C3, D3, E3 etcWithin each worksheet there are 65,536 Rows. A column - A Column is a line of Vertical cells within a spreadsheet e.g. A1, A2, A3, A4, A5 etcWithin each worksheet there are 256 Columns. A cell - A cell is the intersection of a Row and a Column, which has a unique address or reference. For example where Column C and Row 8 intersect is cell C8. You use cell references when you write formulas or refer to cells.

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Cell Formats

3/5/2002 .2719 5-Mar-02 27% 5-Mar 45.2719 STUDENT45.3 $45.27

Words Numbers

# decimal places $ %

Days/Dates Formulas Calculations

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)


=A2+B2+C2 =SUM(A2:AS2)

$29.00 $1,886.00



Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)


=SUM (A2:AS2) Function Range



Count(range) Max(range)



Block IF(logical_test,value_if_true,value_if_false)

(A2:G50) =IF(F3>89,"A",IF(F3>79,"B",IF(F3>69,"C","F")))

Formulas can be Filled Down

Insert menu, Function, Help on this function

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

More on Cell Formats

Alignment Word wrap Orientation Shrink to fit Font

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

More on Cell Formats

Width Height

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Merging and Splitting

Add to Formating Toolbar Highlight cells to merge Click Merge Button Unmerge

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Copying and Pasting

Highlight cells Hit Copy (CTRL-C) Dotted lines Click on target cell

Top of area

Hit Paste (CTRL-V) Unless still dotted not in Clipboard CTRL to select multiple targets
Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)


U:\Nancy Clark\Spreadsheets\Handbase Pt Encounters.xls

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Sorting Data

Entire worksheet of tabular data with headings

Data menu, Sort

Small section of worksheet

Highlight section Hit sort button

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Formulas that Reference Other Worksheets


Allison!B2 -- cell B2 on sheet Allison

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Absolute and Relative Cell References

In Excel, when you enter a cell into a formula it will be a relative reference. Consider the example below where we enter x and then want y = x2

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

In cell B4, we entered the formula as =A4^2. This is a relative reference. When we drag the lower right hand corner of B4, the cursor changes to a solid black plus sign and allows us to drag the formula down the
column. As we drag, the relative reference changes to A5, A6, A7, etc.

Now suppose we wanted to enter the formula y = ax2 and wanted to be able to vary the value of the constant a in the formula. In cell B4, we entered the formula as =$E$2*A4^2. The reference to cell E4, where the value is set to equal 2, is an absolute reference
Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

For an absolute cell reference, you place a dollar sign in front of the column letter and row number (if you press the F4 key after entering the relative cell reference it will add the absolute reference). Now when we drag the formula down the column, the absolute cell reference stays the same, while the relative reference changes to use the correct value from column A.

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Absolute cell references are going to

be used with any fixed cell reference in a formula. Realize that you can click on the cell you want in a formula instead of typing the reference.

Absolute Reference: $A$1 Relative Reference: A1

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Copying Worksheets

Edit menu Move or copy sheet

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Adding and Deleting Sheets

To add a sheet Insert menu


To delete a sheet Edit menu

Delete sheet

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Page Setup (Format)

Landscape or Portrait Print to 1 page wide Margins Headers and Footers Print Titles

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Making Sheets Pretty

Do it yourself method
Fill Color Font Colors Borders toolbar

Autoformat (Format) Conditional Formatting

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)


Visual representations of data Select Data Insert menu, Chart

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Charts Step 1

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Charts Step 2

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Charts Step 3

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Charts Step 4

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Charts Final
Patients by Age Group

0% 5% 5% 74%


0 - 3 wks 1 mo - 10 yrs 11 - 24 yrs 25 - 64 yrs 65 yrs+

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Before embarking on a journey through Excel charting, it is important to do some thinking and planning first. Know what you want to show and why. Keep it simple and clear. Target your audience. Here are a few suggestions. Keep in mind the message you want to get across, don't be distracted by all the data at your disposal or all the fancy chart types Excel provides. Try to avoid 3-D style charts, because these styles can truly distort the data... unless that's your intention. <g> The 3D effects introduce parallax that make it hard for the reader to judge the values being plotted, even with pencil and ruler on a hard copy. 3D pie charts become elliptical, so that it is hard to judge the relative size of the wedges. In the sample shown here, all five wedges are the same size.
Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

3-D Exploded Pie-Chart

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Stick to black & white and readily reproducible shades of gray, if the chart is going to be photocopied, and especially if it is going to be faxed. If you decide to use colors, keep it simple: pick a few colors that go well together, maybe the basic primary colors. Stay away from gradient fills and vibrating color combinations. The first bar chart below is an artist's reconstruction of an actual chart, received from an engineering school post-doc. Her thesis committee should have beaten this antisocial behavior our of her.

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Is That a Chart, or Is Your Dog Ill?

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Fax-Friendly Chart

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Simple Primary Colors Are Best

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)


KISS - Keep It Simple (Stupid). Don't make a chart too cluttered. Limit the number of series and categories. Make labels clear and concise. Maybe two simpler charts will be more clear than one complex chart. If you have lots of things to put in a pie chart, try the pie-in-pie or bar-in-pie options. Know your audience. A roomful of engineers will understand a log scale axis without any problem and could probably handle greater complexity in a chart. If the chart is in a prospectus for potential investors, it should have only a few series and categories, and labels should be short and free of jargon and acronyms. Two simple charts might be more informative than one. Two charts can get across paired ideas with less clutter than one complex combination chart. On the other hand, combining data onto a single chart may have advantages: rather than placing four pie charts on a page, a stacked bar chart allows easier comparison among several categories
Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

Doesn't the column provide for easier comparisons?

Lecture-01 (July21, 2011)

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