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Presentation on forging management


Forging management
With a battalion of new business challenges massing on the horizon, its

time for companies to start taking management innovation as seriously

as they take other sort of innovation.
We are reaching the limits of management as we know it ,then

tomorrows winner will be companies that forge the future of management.

In this effort, the work of every inspired volunteer will be needed, but

sooner or later , management innovation has to go mainstream.

The courage to lead

To build a capacity for relentless management innovation , you

must be willing to ask what new management challenge, if mastered would give us a unique performance advantage
How can we bring management discipline to science? How can we grow outstanding leaders? How can the center add value to a disparate set of businesses? How can we build a boundryless organization?

You dont have to be big or revered to be a

management pioneer but you cant be fainthearted. You must be willing to venture off the map.

An inescapable conversation
How can we turn management itself into a competitive

Management innovation must become an inescapable topic-a

part of every serious discussion about your companies future.

You might start by asking the participants in this years planning

or budgeting process to nominate the management challenges

that, if successfully addressed, would give your company a

performance advantage.

Get your colleagues involved in a discussion of new management

principles. Identify the institution or systems that embody the capabilities

you are hoping to build in your company.
Create a speaker series and invite in experts who can help your peers learn

from these exemplars.

If we wanted to build a company that was as restlessly innovative as

silicon valley, how would our management process need to change.

There is little in the management systems of most companies that prompts

proactive strategic renewel.

A focus on causes, not symptoms

To cure a crippling disease, drug researches have to

uncover the genetic flaws or disease mechanism that cause the malady. The same is true for organizational

diseases the in capacities that stem from our in herited

management beliefs. Here, too, a painstaking analysis of first cause is essential to inventing a cure.

If we want to create a capability for fast-paced management

innovation, we must hold internal process owners responsible for breakthrough innovation.
If we cant figure out a way to turn all this expensive and time

consuming work into a source then we outsource it, the same way the line executives have to be held accountable for the health of their management innovation pipelines

To review one anothers innovation performance the following questions have to be considered
Are we generating a robust flow of new management ideas and

Are we experimenting broadly enough? Are our experiments bold enough? Will this portfolio of experiments will enhance our companys

financial performance?

Permission to hack
The important thing that a organization has to do is

reinvent its management processes is to give ordinary employees and lower level managers the opportunity to

hack those processes.

The users who offer the most interesting ideas could be

given the chance to get directly involved in reinventing the process.

Working from the future backward

There are two questions that every business leader has to

ask and should be able to answer is:

1. what, in broad strokes, will be the new and

distinguishing characteristics of our management system

five years hence?
2. How will the way in which we manage give us a

competitive edge?

Management 2.0
The future of management in the social revolution that I snow

gathering pace on the web.

The internet is most adaptable, innovative, and engaging thing that

human beings have ever created in many ways the web is the new

technology of Management.
The internet amplifies creativity and aggregates effort through

pervasive, real time connectivity( aided of course by all the new

social technologies that allow people to chat, opine, share, and

collaborate online)

Management 2.0
The social anatomy of the nest in an all channel, end

end network where every one is (potentially) connected everyone else. Here , horizontal process for control and

coordination largely substitute for vertical processes.

Use of Web.

Why exactly, is the internet so adoptable, innovative, and engaging? Because

Everyone has a voice.

The tools of creativity are widely distributed. Its easy and cheap to experiment. Capability counts for more than credentials and titles. Commitment is voluntary. Power is granted from below. The only hierarchies are natural hierarchies.

Resources are free to follow opportunities.

Decisions are peer based.

Fit for the future

The technology of management must be reinvented, and

will be reinvented. The only question is : who is going to do the reinventing?

First time since the drawing of the industrial age, the only

way to build a company thats fit for the future is to build one thats fit for human beings as well.

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