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Important Terms

TG Target Audience/Target Group STP


Age/Gender/Lifestyle SEC Socio Economic Classification

Targeting Positioning

Example Blackberry (ad)

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Important Terms

Market Marketing Types of Marketing

Product Marketing ex. Tide naturals Service Marketing ex. Idea Marketing ex. Sodexo

Focus always on 3 things:

your purpose: Competence Consumer Need vs. Gap + Image Competition

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Important Terms


Garments vs. Victorias Secret Ex.

Positioning vs. image among TG is a make or break for brand Reliance

Brand Equity: Tangibles and Intangibles Brand Elements : Logo, Punchline, Color, Typeface

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4+3Ps of Marketing

Market Place


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Dairy Milk

Market Scenario


Chocolate synonymous to dental problems

Doodh hi doodh chalakta hai campaign

Only for Children


having chocolates

Not to be had on occasions


waalon ko khane ka

bahaana chahiye campaign

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Thums Up

40 % of the cola drinkers are females Most cola majors focus on male as well as female audience including Pepsi, Coke!!! The only brand to position around MASCULANITY In 1980s, 1990s and in 2000s!!!

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Mobile Service Providers Target Audience Everyone Most players play on two fields Emotions or Service!!! (Reliance, BSNL Network, Airtel - Emotions)

This brand positions around emotions and network!!! And a series of campaigns!!!

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Why is Marketing Becoming More Important?

Sales Declines Slow Growth Need Sustaining Sales or New Markets Changing Buying Patterns and Customer Wants Increasing Competition, including New Products Increasing Marketing and Sales Expenditures. Understanding the 7 Ps: People (Target/Customer),

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Planning, Product/Service Development, Pricing,

Place/Distribution, Promotion, and Partners/Alliances.

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What is a Brand?

A brand is a name, term, sign, symbol, or design which is intended to identify the goods or services of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitors. 1993 Thums up, Limca, Gold Spot 170 crores

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What is a Brand?

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Its the companys definition of what they have to offer. A brand is a product that has a personality. A promise to the customer. What the customer knows about your specific product. Its your image. How the company or product is perceived?

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What is a Brand?

A set of product perceptions by the consumer. It is a personality developed over time. A brand signifies a relationship with the customer. It is the companys most valuable asset. Its also the main differentiator, the best defense against price competition, and the key to customer loyalty. Competitors can copy your features and benefits, but they cant steal your brand. Its a promise. But it must be backed up by performance.
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Product vs. Brand

A brand is something that is bought by a customer.

A product is something that is made in a factory

A product can be copied by a competitor.

A brand is unique.

A product can be quickly outdated.

A successful brand is timeless.

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What is a Brand? & Brand Identification

A brand is much more than a nameits a symbol, trademark, logo, term, sign, design or combination, which distinguishes a product from others. Sets a companys products apart from competition. Its the perception of the product in the minds of the consumers The marking of livestock. Artists signing their work. Your first opportunity is in the name. Easier to order and remember. Most important is consistencyglobally too.
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What is a Brand? & Brand Identification

1. Batteries: DieHard contains a promise of long use. Sears has Craftsman, DieHard, Homart and Kenmore.

2. Mercedes promises well-built, prestigious, safety, performance.

3. Co branding/Dual branding: "Intel inside."

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What is a Brand? & Brand Identification

More Examples:
4. Need to keep it fresh. Look at Coca-Cola. Its image is as fresh today as when it started. Its not luck. Its careful nurturing and development of the brand. Can exploit brand equity with brand extensions, if there is value. 5. Look at licensing. Need control over who uses your brand. Sunkist.
Why? Lowers marketing costs, greater trade leverage, can charge higher price, defense against price competition, more easily launch line extensions. Company Logo

What is a Brand? & Brand Identification
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Salt is in bright-colored packages. Oranges are marked. Labeled. A guarantee of quality. BMW paid $60 million for the Rolls Royce name. Nothing else. A brand can convey:
Attributes + Benefits + Values + Culture + Personality

Sellers promise to deliver a specific set of features. Brand equity is the value a brand adds to the product.
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Brand Awareness or Brand Insistence

Turning or Translating Brand Awareness Into Brand Insistence.

Awareness AIDA= Interest Desire Action

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Major Macroenvironment Forces and Trends ..Broad Environment Demographic Economic Natural/ Ecological Technological Political/ Legal Social/ Cultural

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Marketing and Branding
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Products vs. Brands Look at Marketing Process: Analyzing Marketing Opportunities Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning Developing Marketing Strategies and 7Ps Planning Marketing Programs Executing, Managing and Evaluating Marketing Efforts

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Why do brands matter?
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Consumers: Identification of sources of product Assigns responsibility to product maker Reduces risks Reduces search cost Bond with maker of the product Symbolic device Signal of quality Manufacturers: Means of identification to simplify handling/tracing Legal protection Signal of quality level to satisfied customers Creates unique associations Source of competitive advantage Sources of financial returns

Products are classified based on their associated attributes/benefits into 3 categories: 1. Search goods: consumers can evaluate product attributes by visual inspection. 2. Experience goods: experience is necessary for product evaluation. 3. Credence goods: product attributes are generally not learned by the consumer. Company Logo

Can everything be branded?

Ultimately a brand is something that resides in the minds of consumers. To brand a product it is necessary to teach consumers who the product is by giving it a name and using other brand elements to help identify it as well as what the product does and why consumers should care. The key to branding is that consumers perceive differences among brands in a product category. A commodity is a product so basic that it can not be physically differentiated in the minds of consumers. Strong brands have emerged in this category, like; coffee, salt, water, bath soap Virtually anything can be branded: physical goods, services, retail stores, online businesses, people, organizations, places and ideas It is critical to create unique aspects of the brand on some dimension important to consumers, such as convenience, price, variety, and so on. At the same time, the brand needs to perform satisfactorily in other areas, such as customer service, credibility and personality.

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Branding challenges and opportunities

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Any brand no matter how strong at one point of time is vulnerable and susceptible to poor brand management. Consulting firm Brand Keys has found that consumer expectations of what they want from brands are on average 13% higher than what they think brands will deliver for them, and the gap is growing. Brand proliferation Media fragmentation, cost, clutter, technology Increased competition: demand side competition has increased because of many products/services reaching maturity/decline stage of PLC and supply side competition has increased because of globalization, low-priced competitors, brand extensions and deregulation Increased costs: By 2000, an estimated 30,000 new consume products were introduced in the US market, at a failure rate estimated at 93%. Given the enormous money spent on developing and marketing a new product, the total failure cost is estimated to exceed $20 billion. Greater accountability: ambitious short-term profit targets because of financial market pressures Rapid job turnover, as one study founds the average tenure of a CMO is only 23 months.

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New Branding Challenges

Brands are important as ever

Consumer need for simplification Consumer need for risk reduction Savvy consumers Increased competition Decreased effectiveness of traditional marketing tools and emergence of new marketing tools Complex brand and product portfolios
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Brand management is as difficult as ever

The Customer/Brand Challenge

In this difficult environment, marketers must have a keen understanding of:

customers brands the relationship between the two

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The Concept of Brand Equity

The brand equity concept stresses the importance of the brand in marketing strategies. Brand equity is defined in terms of the marketing effects uniquely attributable to the brand.

Brand equity relates to the fact that different outcomes result in the marketing of a product or service because of its brand name, as compared to if the same product or service did not have that name.
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The Concept of Customer-Based Brand Equity

Customer-based brand equity

Differential effect Customer brand knowledge Customer response to brand marketing

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Determinants of Customer-Based Brand Equity

Customer is aware of and familiar with the brand Customer holds some strong, favorable, and unique brand associations in memory

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Building Customer-Based Brand Equity


Brand knowledge structures depend on . . . The initial choices for the brand elements The supporting marketing program and the manner by which the brand is integrated into it Other associations indirectly transferred to the brand by linking it to some other entities

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Benefits of Customer-Based Brand Equity

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Enjoy greater brand loyalty, usage, and affinity Command larger price premiums Receive greater trade cooperation & support Increase marketing communication effectiveness Yield licensing opportunities Support brand extensions.
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Customer-Based Brand Equity as a Bridge

Customer-based brand equity represents the added value endowed to a product as a result of past investments in the marketing of a brand. Customer-based brand equity provides direction and focus to future marketing activities
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The Key to Branding

For branding strategies to be successful, consumers must be convinced that there are meaningful differences among brands in the product or service category. Consumer must not think that all brands in the category are the same. PERCEPTION = VALUE

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Strategic Brand Management

Strategic brand management involves the design and implementation of marketing programs and activities to build, measure, and manage brand equity. The strategic brand management process is defined as involving four main steps:
1) 2) 3) 4) Identifying and establishing brand positioning and values Planning and implementing brand marketing programs Measuring and interpreting brand performance Growing and sustaining brand equity
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Strategic Brand Management Process


Mental maps Competitive frame of reference Points-of-parity and points-of-difference Core brand values Brand mantra

Identify and Establish Brand Positioning and Values Plan and Implement Brand Marketing Programs Measure and Interpret Brand Performance Grow and Sustain Brand Equity

Mixing and matching of brand elements Integrating brand marketing activities Leveraging of secondary associations Brand Value Chain Brand audits Brand tracking Brand equity management system Brand-product matrix Brand portfolios and hierarchies Brand expansion strategies Brand reinforcement and revitalization

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Motivation for Customer-Based Brand Equity Model

Marketers know strong brands are important but arent always sure how to build one. CBBE model was designed to be

comprehensive cohesive well-grounded up-to-date actionable

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Rationale of Customer-Based Brand Equity Model

Basic premise: Power of a brand resides in the minds of customers Challenge is to ensure customers have the right types of experiences with products & services and their marketing programs to create the right brand knowledge structures:

Thoughts Feelings Images Perceptions Attitudes

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Building Customer-Based Brand Equity

Building a strong brand involves a series of steps as part of a branding ladder A strong brand is also characterized by a logically constructed set of brand building blocks.

Identifies areas of strength and weakness Provides guidance to marketing activities

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4. RELATIONSHIPS = RESONANCE What about you & me?





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Salience Dimensions

Depth of brand awareness

Ease of recognition & recall Strength & clarity of category membership Purchase consideration Consumption consideration

Breadth of brand awareness

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Performance Dimensions

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Primary characteristics & supplementary features Product reliability, durability, and serviceability Service effectiveness, efficiency, and empathy Style and design Price
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Imagery Dimensions

User profiles

Demographic & psychographic characteristics Actual or aspirational Group perceptions -- popularity Type of channel, specific stores, ease of purchase Time (day, week, month, year, etc.), location, and context of usage Sincerity, excitement, competence, sophistication, & ruggedness Nostalgia Memories
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Purchase & usage situations

Personality & values

History, heritage, & experiences

Judgment Dimensions

Brand quality

Value Satisfaction Expertise Trustworthiness Likability Relevance Differentiation

Brand credibility

Brand consideration

Brand superiority

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Feelings Dimensions

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Warmth Fun Excitement Security Social approval Self-respect

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Resonance Dimensions

Behavioral loyalty

Frequency and amount of repeat purchases Love brand (favorite possessions; a little pleasure) Proud of brand Kinship Affiliation Seek information Join club Visit web site, chat rooms

Attitudinal attachment

Sense of community

Active engagement

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Customer-Based Brand Equity Model


ConsumerBrand Resonance



Consumer Judgments

Consumer Feelings


Brand Performance

Brand Imagery



Brand Salience


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Brand Positioning

Define competitive frame of reference

Target market Nature of competition

Define desired brand knowledge structures


necessary competitive strong, favorable, and unique brand associations


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Issues in Implementing Brand Positioning

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Establishing Category Membership Identifying & Choosing POPs & PODs Communicating & Establishing POPs & PODs Sustaining & Evolving PODs & POPs

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Establishing Category Membership

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Product descriptor Exemplar comparisons

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Identifying & Choosing POPs & PODs

Desirability criteria (consumer perspective)

Personally relevant Distinctive & superior Believable & credible Feasible Profitable Pre-emptive, defensible & difficult to attack

Deliverability criteria (firm perspective)

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Major Challenges in Positioning

Find compelling & impactful points-ofdifference (MacMillan & McGrath, HBR, 97)

How do people become aware of their need for your product and service? How do consumers find your offering? How do consumers make their final selection? How do consumers order and purchase your product or service? What happens when your product or service is delivered? How is your product installed? How is your product or service paid for?
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Major Challenges in Positioning

Find compelling & impactful points-ofdifference (cont.)

How is your product stored? How is your product moved around? What is the consumer really using your product for? What do consumers need help with when they use your product? What about returns or exchanges? How is your product repaired or serviced? What happens when your product is disposed of or no longer used?

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Communicating & Establishing POPs & PODs

Create POPs and PODs in the face of attribute & benefit trade-offs

Price & quality Convenience & quality Taste & low calories Efficacy & mildness Power & safety Ubiquity & prestige Comprehensiveness (variety) & simplicity Strength & refinement
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Strategies to Reconcile Attribute & Benefit Trade-Offs

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Establish separate marketing programs Leverage secondary association (e.g., cobrand) Re-define the relationship from negative to positive

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Sustaining & Evolving POPs & PODs

Core Brand Values & Core Brand Proposition

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Core Brand Values

Set of abstract concepts or phrases that characterize the 5-10 most important dimensions of the mental map of a brand. Relate to points-of-parity and points-ofdifference
Mental Map Core Brand Values Brand Mantra

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Brand Mantras

A brand mantra is an articulation of the heart and soul of the brand.

Brand mantras are short three to five word phrases that capture the irrefutable essence or spirit of the brand positioning and brand values. Authentic Athletic Performance Fun Family Entertainment



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