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Prepared by: Mary Grace N.


Students & Teachers Room and everything in it

A pattern of change, growth or activity

Classroom Setup

Classroom Discipline

Relationship for Learning

Establish good routine habits and keep the learners busy. Teacher should take stock of his ability to discipline his class by frequent selfevaluation. Punishment should be adjusted to the offender and the offense. Show the right kind of interest in your learners and in their school work. Dress and behave in a manner that becomes a mature individual of your position.

Avoid gossip. Never talk about the deficiencies of your co-teachers or those of your learners. Make the learners believe and trust in you. Never promise anything that you cannot do. Be genial, amiable, and friendly with your learners but always maintain a dignified reserve. Learn how to smile. A smile can disarm the most hardened offender.
Lardizabal, A.S., et. Al. (1991) Principles and Methods of Teaching. Phoenix Publishing house, Quezon City

Assertive Approach

Business-Academic Approach
Behavior Modification Approach Group Managerial Approach Group-Guidance Approach Acceptance Approach Success Approach

Establishing and maintaining conditions that allow students to engage in powerful learning through deliberate and purposeful planning, actions, and responses.

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