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Welcome to CIFOR

Chungnam National University

Presentation outline
Background Research agenda Approaches Outreach Highlights


We envision a world where: Forests are high on the political agenda People recognize the value of forests for maintaining livelihoods and ecosystems Decisions that influence forests and the people that depend on them are based on solid science and principles of good governance, and reflect the perspectives of developing countries and forest-dependent people

We advance human wellbeing, environmental conservation and equity by conducting research to inform policies and practices that affect forests in developing countries.

Established in 1993 Boards early guidance led to emphasis on policy-oriented, multi-disciplinary research Major lines of research have included: Criteria and indicators Underlying causes of deforestation Decentralisation Improved logging practices Forests and livelihoods Forest finance and governance

Board approved a new strategy in 2008

How we work
Approximately 180 staff globally, and growing Network of Associates A centre without walls, working with hundreds of partner organizations for research, impact and capacity-building

How we work
Scientists organized into three disciplineoriented research programs to manage for quality of science
Environment Livelihoods Governance

Research agenda organized into six interdisciplinary research domains to manage for significance of impact

Where we work: Tropical forests

Humid forests

Dry forests

1.1 billion hectares Diverse, 50% terrestrial species Low population density Rural poor/marginalized groups

0.7 billion hectares Less diverse, high endemism Low /high population density Disproportionate number of poor

Where we work



Kenya Zambia Cameroon Ethiopia BrazilBurkina Faso

2 Regionaloffices 37Project offices 7 Research sites Prospective office Bogor, Indonesia


Laos Vietnam

CIFORs research agenda

CIFORs research domains

1 2 3 4 5 6

Enhancing the role of forests in mitigating climate change Enhancing the role of forests in adapting to climate change Improving livelihoods through smallholder and community forestry Managing trade-offs between conservation and development at the landscape scale Managing impacts of globalised trade and investment on forests and forest communities Sustainably managing tropical production forests

Research themes

Developing procedures and best practices for estimating and managing carbon stocks in tropical forest landscapes Identifying policies, governance conditions and payment mechanisms that lead to effective implementation of REDD schemes Understanding the political economy and barriers to adoption of policies for efficient, effective and equitable REDD regimes

Research themes

Bringing climate change adaptation into forest management Mainstreaming forestry into climate change adaptation

Research themes

Identifying management practices that are appropriate for smallholder and community forestry, including provision of safety nets for forest biodiversity Defining effective local institutional arrangements for enhancing outcomes from smallholder and community forestry Developing policies and institutions to enhance coordination, productivity and profitability of small-scale enterprises

Research themes

Developing better methods for assessing environmental services Establishing platforms for negotiating conservation and development trade-offs Understanding the relative effectiveness of institutional frameworks and alternative conservation approaches

Research themes

Understanding trade and investment trends Assessing tools for managing the national and local impacts of trade and investment trends

Research themes

Defining better forests and forest policy regimes Developing tools and information for better-managed production forests Understanding local peoples values, rights and benefit sharing


Global comparative research

Learning from REDD: A global comparative analysis

Synthesizing existing knowledge

Developing new methods

Capacity building
Research on capacity-building needs e.g., analysis of Indonesias Reforestation Fund Capacity-building for research integration into research agendas of forestry research institutes 67 graduate students currently associated with CIFOR

examples from Domain 1


Photo courtesy by Statsministerens Kontor

National engagement
In Indonesia CIFOR scientists advising Indonesia and Norway on LoI Current efforts to promote REDD literacy across stakeholder groups, including the media and the parliament

Regional engagement
9th Meeting of the Asia Forest Partnership
August 4-6, 2010 in Bali: Forest governance challenges beyond Copenhagen: An Asia-Pacific Perspective

Global engagement
Forest Days in Bali, Poznan, Copenhagen and Cancn Forest Day 4 in December:
Bali, 8 December 2007

1,500 participants, 250+ UNFCCC delegates, 100+ media 50 expert panelists

Poznan, 6 December 2008

2011 International Year of Forests

Copenhagen, 13 December 2009

Web-based outreach

Media outreach
International, regional and local
journalist networks

Journalist training Media interviews/briefings Blogging, Twitter, Facebook 50 media hits per month



Capacity building in DRC

CIFOR-FAO survey on forestry research in DRC in 2005 found less than 10 active researchers in DRC - a country that represent 60% of the Congo Basin forests and people Project developed and funded by EC to address the issue started in 2007 As of February 2010: 35 MSc students have been trained in the University of Kisangani by tandems of professors (one from the North, one from DRC); 13 PhDs are ongoing New project started in 2010, planning 20 new MSc students and 18 new PhDs

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