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Sustainability Business Model

Lankhorst Recycling Products

Since 1975 Lankhorst Recycling Products have been supplying innovative products and services that fit a green and sustainable environment. As well as recycled plastic poles and plastic planks they also produce complete plastic floating pontoons, plastic sheet piling, plastic decking, plastic faade panels, plastic picnic sets, plastic pile planking and plastic bridges.

They will therefore not leach poisonous substances to the environment. Plus, if necessary the sustainable plastic of KLP can be recycled again. LP is our brand name for products made from recycled plastics. It is the abbreviation of Kunststof (Plastic) Lankhorst Product and stands for quality.

The recycled plastic material does not rot nor splinter, it will last decades and is maintenance free. KLP plastic products contribute to a better environment as they are made from recycled material and not chemically treated in any way.

In the course of many years Lankhorst have developed an extensive knowledge and experience with regard to production processes, material compositions and applications. They can therefore flawlessly execute the entire process - from concept to actual realisation.

sustainable recycled plastic solutions Sustainability is a subject that - for all good reasons - is getting more and more attention. Since 1975 Lankhorst Recycling Products are actively producing innovative products from recycled raw materials. From the very beginning we have vastly contributed to sustainability. Their method perfectly fits in with the People-Planet-Profit model whereby all three dimensions of this model are complied with in a practical way

People: responsible business ethics Sustainable enterprising is a form of Responsible business ethics. The three P's of People, Planet and Profit are a sort of umbrella of Responsible business ethics. Besides 'environmentally friendly' and 'maintenance free', which interpret the Planet and Profit elements, they have interpreted the People element in a special way: for a number of years now.

Lankhorst offer in-house production facilities to Empatec, a social enterprise that provides meaningful and gainful employment to people with learning and employment difficulties. In their workshop many standard recycled plastic products are customised by means of sawing, milling and assembling. These activities have now been integrated in our primary process

Planet: sustainable & environmentally friendly KLP recycled plastic products contribute to a sounder environment: they are made from recycled material, they are not chemically treated in any way and therefore do not leach any poisonous substances to the environment. Another major advantage is that KLP can always be recycled again. The raw materials that are used for the plastic recycling process come from defined, permanent sources such as recycled car bumpers, crates, agricultural foil, bottle caps etc.

One of the advantages of these raw materials being available in our own country or very close to it is that transport load and therefore CO2 emissions can be restricted to a minimum. This way of plastic recycling means upgrading a "waste stream" into a high quality application. Recycled plastics can for example "look forward to a new and long life" as a bridge or landing.


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