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Judicial Review of Commonwealth Govt Action

Edward Santow UNSW, Faculty of Law

Administrative decision: is merits review available?

If yes, then seek merits review (eg, in a tribunal)

If no, seek judicial reviewwhich JR regime applies? - ADJR Act? - A specific legislative JR scheme? - Constitution/Judiciary Act/CL?

Which court have jurisdiction? What does the legislation provide for?

Does the applicant have standing to seek JR? - Satisfy standing test? - Is a JR remedy available?

Are the other justiciability reqts met? - Under the ADJR Act, is there a decision/conduct of an administrative character made under an enactment? - Is there a matter? - Does the dispute raise polycentric issues?

If all the above reqts satisfied, consider: - JR grounds; and - the applicability of a remedy or remedies.

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