Managerial Communication Session 1

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Welcome to

Business Communications

Presenter: Prof. Rajsee Joshi N.R. Institute of Business Management GLS Institute of Computer Technology - MBA

What will you learn?

Concepts of Communication Process and Forms of Communication Roadblocks to Communication & how to overcome them Role of Verbal & Non verbal communication Listening Skills

What will you learn?

Spoken Communication: Telephone, Tele-conferencing, Challenges and etiquette

Oral Presentations
Conducting Meetings effectively Written Communication Job Applications and Resume Writing Writing Business Reports & Business Proposals

Common Factor?

Topics Covered
Definition of Communication Importance of Communication Benefits of Effective Communication Characteristics

Communication means to ensure that your message has reached the target audience, and the audience understands

and responds as you want them to. The receiver understands

your message in the same context that you have sent.

Understanding in the same context

INSTRUCTIONS: Fold the paper in half Rip off a corner Fold the paper in half Rip off a corner Fold the paper in half Rip off a corner

Importance of Communication
Plays a pivotal role in an organization The success of any organization is largely dependent on the

quality and quantity of information flowing through its personnel

It is communication that enables the employees to work together

and perform all the management functions.

Benefits of Effective Communication in your career

A valuable Job Requirement An essential for Promotion

What do you see?

Be the Team to Draw the Most Triangles


Communication Exercise
Groups of 3 Each person draws one side of a triangle Groups CANNOT speak before or during exercise 60 seconds, draw as many as possible 90 seconds to count your triangles.

Communication Exercise
Be the Team to Draw the Most Triangles

Take 2 minutes to discuss a strategy in which you better your first results

Each person draws one side of a triangle OR one line

Use fresh paper Groups CAN speak during exercise 60 seconds, draw as many as possible 90 seconds to count your triangles.

One Line w/ 10 Triangles

One Line w/ 25 Triangles

Communication Exercise

What are the lessons?

Productivity increases with good communication Productivity is low without communication Communication is important Productivity increases when people work together to solve problems Everyone plays a part in the success of the team There is always a way to do the seeming impossible

Characteristics of Communication
Communication can be unintentional as well as

Intentional: Communication happens when we do not plan it and when we are not conscious of it. Communication is a dynamic process: Even if the same two persons exchange the same ideas again, the communication will not be exactly the same as it was the first time Communication is Systematic: Disturbance at any stage in the communication process affects the entire process.

Thank You

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