Formals Standards

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Presented by:Parwinder Singh Pawan Kumar Prabhjot Singh

Dressing to Impress
clothes and manners do not make a man; but, when he is made, they greatly improve his appearance. -Henry Ward Beecher First impressions count. A person who doesnt take the time to maintain a professional appearance presents the image of not being able to perform adequately on the job. So we need to be well dressed.

Professional dress is not just about clothes, but an overall professional appearance. Understanding what to wear in an organization is important for your impression and success. The first impression of a person can have a deep influence, if he is well dressed. If a person dress casually, then he may not be considered serious & dedicated towards his work.

Formal dress for men & women

Mens Formals: Men

should wear a well-tailored suit in traditional colors such as navy blue, charcoal gray or black. patterns, The shirt needs to be a long-sleeve and buttondown, preferably in a solid color such as white or a light blue. tie can have a small print or color; however, its overall appearance should be conservative.




need to be a dark solid or a small pattern. need to be leather, and in a wing tip or loafer style. polished shoes and matching belt. No bracelets, earrings or large





Dress for Success

Womens formals:Women

should wear a welltailored suit in colors such as navy blue, charcoal gray or black. While more organizations may still prefer that women wear a dress suit, a pants suit is now also appropriate for the majority of settings.

Wear low to medium leather, heeled shoes. Never wear open toe shoes. Limited conservative jewelry. Black well polished shoes with 1 to 1 inch heels

Dress for Success

Objectives of formal dress up


recognize the importance of formal dress as it relates to interviewing and business situations. understand the difference in business attire and business casual. understand the guidelines of proper attire.



Importance of proper dressing


the best possible impression while seeking employment or entering an organization. bring all the employees on a common platform. increase your chance of getting employment

To To


a serious and sincere attitude towards your work and organization. respect towards norms of organization.


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