Check-List: Presented By: 250

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Presented by: 250

Checklist - Definition
A checklist is a simple instrument consisting prepared list of expected items of performance or attributes, which are checked by a researcher / examiner for their presence or absence.

Characteristics of Checklist
One respondent at one time. Specify the characteristics of behaviours. Use only prepared checklist Avoid more complex traits. Trained observer. Interested in calculating a particular characteristic.

Advantages of Checklist
Reduces failure by
compensating for potential limits human memory attention

Ensure consistency and completeness Allows inter-individual comparison Adaptable to subject matter areas Evaluating the learning activity. Decreases the chances of error

Advantages continued..
Allows the observer to contain the direct attention Objectivity to evaluate characteristics. Evaluate those processes that can be subdivided into a series of actions

Construction of checklist
Express item in clear & simple language An intensive survey of the literature Continuous list of items or divided into groups of related items Items formulated acc. to expert judgment Item evaluated in respect of favourable & unfavourable responses.

Construction of checklist continued...

Avoid negative statements Avoid lifting statements Ensure each item has clear responses Review the items independently Have completeness & comprehensiveness.

Checklist for evaluating students performance during IV Cannulation

S. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8


Place for tick mark

Yes No


Explain the procedure and get consent Collects necessary equipment Prepare the patient Provide privacy and safety of the patient Washes hand Maintain and follow aseptic technique Systematic doing the procedure Good interpersonal relationship with patient

10 11

Bio-medical Waste management

Replacement of articles Recording of the procedure

Today we have discussed about Checklist Advantages Disadvantages Steps of preparation Implications in nursing education.

What do you mean by checklist? What are the advantages of checklist? What are the characteristics of checklist? What are the steps of construction of checklist?

The checklist which is a very important tool to evaluate the clinical practices. A checklist can reduce failure by compensating for potential limits of human memory and attention. It helps to ensure consistency and completeness in carrying out a task

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