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Swamiji defines education as 'the manifestation of

the perfection already in man.' The aim of education

is to manifest in our lives the perfection, which is the

very nature of our inner self.


Education is the process by which character is formed,

strength of mind is increased, and intellect is sharpened.

It focuses on the capabilities required of graduates,

academic standards, approaches to work-integrated and

experiential learning.


The need for carrying out this study is development of a
seed of social, cultural and intellectual renewal in the

curriculum of management institutes to form an

education system that reclaims the natural qualities of


Complete education is a problem in management school curriculums which widens the gap between industrial demand and institutional supply.


Physical, intellectual, emotional and ethical integration of an individual which can be obtained through a holistic approach in the education system. To identify the gap between education and industry requirement and to yield suggestions for developing skills.


Data collection

Sampling method
Sample size Research design Tools used for data collection

Vivekananda, in his scheme of education, includes all

those studies, which are necessary for the all-round

development of the body, mind and soul of the individual. The culture of India has its roots in her spiritual values. The time-tested values are to be imbibed in the thoughts and lives of the students.

What is the most important factor for improving the productivity in higher education?
1 2 3 4 5 Response Average Score

Use of high technology

Streamlining the education process Quality of teachers IndustryInstitute interaction

2 (6.90%)

6 (20.69%) 7 (24.14%) 11 (37.93%)

3 (10.34%)


3.24 / 5 (64.80%)
3.52 / 5 (70.40%)

3 (10.34%)

6 (20.69%) 4 (13.79%)

5 (17.24%)

11 (37.93%)


5 (17.24%)

1 (3.45%)

2 (6.90%)

9 (31.03%)

12 (41.38%)


3.76 / 5 (75.20%) 4.14 / 5 (82.80%)

2 (6.90%)

2 (6.90%)

3 (10.34%)

5 (17.24%)

17 (58.62%)


A) Use of high technology B) Streamlining the education process

C) Quality of teachers D) Industry-Institute Interaction

OBSERVATION: Out of 29 respondents nearly 38% believe that use of high technology is relatively important. Streamlining the education process, quality of teachers and industryinstitute interaction gains the highest ranking on the rating scale. On an average Industry-Institute Interaction ranks the highest with 82.80%.

How do you rate the profile of the teachers body in your institute? (Rate the following. On the given scale 1 is for the least rating.)
1 2 3 4 5 Response Average Score


6 (21.43%) 1 (3.57%)

4 (14.29%)

13 (46.43%)

4 (14.29%)


3.29 / 5 (65.80%)
3.25 / 5 (65.00%)

Professional Knowledge

4 (14.29%)

5 (17.86%)

5 8 (28.57%) 6 (17.86%) (21.43%)


Professional 2 (7.14%) development

6 (21.43%)

11 5 (17.86%) 4 (39.29%) (14.29%)


3.11 / 5 (62.20%)

Industry Interaction

2 (7.14%)

5 (17.86%)

6 (21.43%)

12 (42.86%)

3 (10.71%)


3.32 / 5 (66.40%)

A) Experience B) Professional Knowledge

C) Professional development D) Industry Interaction

OBSERVATION: On an average the teachers body is rated similar on the basis of experience, professional knowledge, professional development and industry interaction. Yet the highest ranking is given to Industry-Interaction as students feel that it better helps them gain an insight into corporate learning through their teachers.

Rate your college on the basis of the given parameters.

Average Score 2.82 / 4 (70.50%) 2.53 / 4 (63.25%) 2.50 / 4 (62.50%)

1 Punctuality Discipline Uniform Use of mobiles Active participation in co-curricular activities Refrain from activities of political nature 3 (10.34%) 7 (24.14%) 6 (20.69%) 6 (20.69%)

4 8 (27.59%) 6 (20.69%) 6 (20.69%) 7 (24.14%)

5 7 (24.14%) 10 (34.48%) 13 (44.83%) 4 (13.79%)

Responses 29 29 29 29

6 (20.69%) 5 (17.24%) 1 (3.45%) 2 (6.90%) 5 (17.24%) 2 (6.90%)

8 (27.59%) 4 (13.79%)

2.48 / 4 (62.00%)
3.35 / 4 (83.75%)

1 (3.70%)

2 (7.41%)

4 (14.81%) 10 (37.04%)

10 (37.04%)


8 (28.57%) 4 (14.29%) 7 (25.00%)

6 (21.43%)

3 (10.71%)


2.44 / 4 (61.00%)

A) Punctuality B) Discipline C) Uniform

D) Use of mobiles in college campus E) Active participation in co-curricular activities F) Refrain from activities of political nature

On a scale of 1-5 how do you rate the eco-friendly environment at your college? (Rate the following. On the given scale 1 is for the least rating.)
1 4 (13.79%) 2 4 (13.79%) 3 4 (13.79%) 4 14 (48.28%) 5 3 (10.34%) Responses 29 Average Score 3.28/5 (65.60%)

How do you rate the 'industry-institute interaction' of your respected college?

1 2 3 4 5 Responses 29 Average Score 3.07 / 5 (61.40%)

4 4 10 8 3 (13.79%) (13.79%) (34.48%) (27.59%) (10.34%)

According to you is your institute more economy-oriented or more inclined towards societal needs? a) Economy oriented b) Social Needs
Percentage Economy -oriented Societalneeds 51.7 48.3 Responses 15 14

Total responses:


A) Economy-oriented

B) Societal needs

What are the faculty development steps taken in your institute? a) Regular workshops c) Continuous development assessment b) Aid for research d) Other (please specify)
Percentage Regular workshops Aid for research Continuous development assessment Other 28.6 17.9 39.3 14.3 Response 8 5 11 4

A) B) C) D)

Regular workshops Aid for research Continuous development assessment Other

According to you what are the essential career advancement policies that should be incorporated within your institute? a) Regular exposure to the corporate culture c) Frequent training b) Workshops on career guidance d) Other (please specify)
Percentage Regular exposure Workshops Frequent training Other Total responses: 51.7 Response 15

24.1 13.8

7 4 29

Is there a regular curriculum upgrading at your college? Yes No

Yes No Total responses:

Percentage 78.6%

Response 22
6 28

Does your institute lay emphasis on the improvement of General Knowledge of the students by incorporating it as a part time or short term course in the curriculum? Yes No
Percentage Yes No Total responses: 82.8% 17.2% Response 24 5 29

How do you rate the overall curriculum pattern of your institute?

1 0 (0.00%) 2 6 (20.69%) 3 4 5 Response 29 Percentage

12 (41.38%)

8 (27.59%) 3 (10.34%)

3.28 / 5 (65.60%)

What are the essential parameters for selecting an institute as campus for recruitment? a) Reputation d) On the basis of alumni of that institute b) Academic Performance e) Other c) Infrastructure
Percentage Reputation Academic Performance Infrastructure On the basis of Alumni 30.0 40.0 10.0 Responses 3 4 1


What is more important academic knowledge or basic skills and attitude? a) Academic knowledge b) Basic skills and attitude
Percentage Academic knowledge basic skills 20.0 80.0 Responses 1 4

Rate the following on the basis of selection preference parameter. (On the rating scale 1 signifies least and 5 stands for the maximum rating)
1 2 3 4 5 Responses Average Score

Academic excellence
Experience Soft skills

0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

0 (0.00%)
0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%)

2 (50.00%)
2 (50.00%) 1 (25.00%)

2 (50.00%)
2 (50.00%) 3 (75.00%)

4 4

4.50 / 5 (90.00%)
4.50 / 5 (90.00%) 4.75 / 5 (95.00%)

Do you agree that a dual degree helps meet industrial demand well than a single degree? Yes No
Percentage Yes No 25.0% 75.0% Responses 1 3

Rate the following on the basis of recruitment preference: a) Generalized degree b) Specialized degree
1 Generalised degree Specialized degree 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 2 0 (0.00%) 3 1 (25.00%) 4 2 (50.00%) 5 Response Average Score 4.00 / 5 (80.00%) 5.00 / 5 (100.00%)

1 (25.00%)
4 (100.00%)

0 0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) (0.00%)

How do you rate the current curriculum pattern in colleges according to the requirement of the corporate world? (On the scale below 1 refers to the minimum suitability of the curriculum and 5 is for maximum suitability)
1 2 3 4 5 0 (0.00%) Responses 4 Average Score 3.75 / 5 (75.00%)

0 (0.00%) 0 (0.00%) 1 (25.00%) 3 (75.00%)

Archisha Garg - Student, BBM, Dayalbagh Educational Institute

Do you think today management college/university provides for an overall development of students so as meet the corporate demands? What do you think can be done to improvise the curriculum so that we can fill in the gap between corporate requirements and institution supply? Posted 3 months ago

Comments (49)

Like any education, the institution provides the "seeds"; however the student must make those seeds grow by driving the outcomes. If your school does not offer an area start your own initiative....YOU become the subject matter expert. - J. Shawn Young - President, Owner; Young Electric Service, Inc.

Textbooks only provide you general knowledge. Every

corporation has different demands that would not be able to

cover in MBA courses. It is up to individual to use the knowledge and take it to next level - Hitesh Patel, MBA General Manager at Marshalls

The MBA provides a training that helps an individual transfer the

concepts to their profession. It teaches that research is necessary

for every subject and the individual must think outside the conventional methods. - Robert Cruz, MBA - Litigation Support

Specialist at Harris Beach PLLC

In my view I would like to say that in todays era most of the business school is not providing a good education system to the students which is much needed for the students corporate career. They are not providing any kind of activity as well as knowledge of corporate life or culture. Because of this students are lacking in somewhere and they have to face many problems when they are actually enters into the corporate. - Saroj Solanki - Student at ISBR

The Curriculum designed by the universities acts as a guideline and I feel its appropriately designed by the panel of educationalists to meet the industry demands of future, For example: - Text & Reference books talks about Experimented

Principles which students needs to implement in their day to

day work life - Abhijit Kulkarni - Project Manager at BNP Paribas

Holistic approach The Curriculum have to be such as to incorporate analytical skills along with appropriate exposure

Encourage students to learn the basics

Too many companies are getting away from quality

Come up with contemporary business courses

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