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Denise Sim

TRIBUTE to our Beloved Da Jie

Ps: ( wo men not worthy! hee”)
The chronicles of this Garang lady,


Im here to stay!
In the beginning…
(when you were Really 19 )
When you were
Neo Prints and
thought they
Were better
self taken
(Nevermind about the neoprints) God made you such a
blessing to the people around you! 
You not only
dance well..
also one
That have
You are
Welcome to the
Many woo-ed
This esther.
From KL...
Was the only one
that made the
Indeed, God only
gives you the best
Me, Lee Vietnam
Did we tell
you,You are…
Always leading us in
Every battle ahead!
Denise, the mighty woman
that God has created for
Not just a leader, but a wonderful sister and friend
As well!
When we were lost and
You were always there
for us…
We’re gonna
miss your
Your “ 我怎样拍 , 人 pretty…
photo confirm pretty one.”
We’ll never
how happy You
got when Elise
said you looked
Like 19. hehe!
We love Denise..

We’ll miss

even more!!
ow, Dennis!…
E243 has
ome words to
tell you…
Hey Denise, you’re more than namely 
just a leader to me. It’s beyond words. 
You helped in building me to who I am 
today. When  I was a young Christian, I 
thought I wouldn’t ever want to have 
such a leader. But now I understand the 
love which lies beyond all those words 
you’ve spoke. The magnitude of love far 
exceeds the bluntness of words. You’re 
so true to us. Someone who rather make 
people hate you than leave the person to 
self­mutilation. You’re a leader who will 
fight for your  member with all your 
heart. W193 is gonna be really blessed 
with you around. I really appreciate all 
you have done for us. You’ll always be 
shepherd SIM to us. Much love, SIQI
Hey Den! Thanks for
everything you had done in
my life. Especially those
talks with me when I’m
feeling depressed. I really
want to thank you for that!
Will really miss you but I
believe that you are going
to be a leader soon! And
remember to smile more
where ever you go! Hahah!
Farewell and please don’t
forget about me next time
you see me in church! Love
Many many loves, SIHAO
Denise, my 1st leader. My 4 years with you in 
E243 were amazing. Someone so dear to 
me that I'm willing to lay down my life 
for you. You've taught me so much, not 
just plain teachings but through your own 
life too. Denise, from the bottom of my 
heart, I love you for being just you. A 
ruiyou that really reveals truth because 
she loves. All these years, you've really 
gone from glory to glory. I'm really 
happy and proud of you! I really thank 
God for allowing me to get to know you. 
You are just someone so special to me. A 
shepherd, a friend, a sister. Someone 
always there to pull me out of my valleys 
with hardcore truths. Without you denise, 
there won't be the Elise Chua today. I'm 
proud to be your disciple, DENISE SIM! 
Your future disciples are gonna be so 
blessed with you as their discipler.
You'll make it great at your new ground, 
Hi Denise,
We don't really have much
opportunity to interact or get to
know each other. I hope that we
will have more chance to
fellowship with each other.
Farewell for you to your new cg;
and I BELIEVE that this new
chapter is going to be good and
refreshing for you and your new
cg members. I certainly see the
leader and giant within you, so
work hard ya?!! I believe
that your new cg will be bless
with you around.
You WILL be a GOod Cell Group
Leader! JiaYOU!!
Smart One,
Guanzheng =)
Hey Denise! :D

Not that good with words, so please

understand! Ehehe. (:

Feel both happy and sad at the same


Sad that you’re guidance and presence

will not be in E243 already!

However, feel really happy for you!

Getting to let go of the comfortable sides
and just serve God and people!

You’re a GREAT leader and I want to thank

YOU so much for what you’ve done in my
life ever since I stepped into CHC, E243.

You’ve always taught me how to be a

better and stronger man! :D

You are deeply appreciated and I’m gonna

miss you yo!
Denise, I want to thank you for
all the genuine care and
concern that you have given
me, for imparting wisdom
that has never failed to
bless me! All I want to say
is, you’ve been a wonderful
leader to me, and I really
mean it.:)

Take Care!


Hey Den, I just wanna thank
you a million. You’re
always there for me, be it
up or down. You always
encourage me and feel
me with a lot of care and
concern. I’m really glad
and lucky to have you as
my leader. Though
sometimes I may
disappoint you, but still
you’re giving me grace to
help me. I wish you all the
best in the next level of
your life. Once again,
Thank You!
Hey Denise!
I must really say that you’re
always there for us,
whenever we needed you.
You never fail to make us
feel that we’re really well-
protected. You’re really a
God-sent person in my life.
One whom I’ve always
looked upon, the reflection
of God which is in You.
Though you roar at times,
but really, it is through all
those that we’ve really
grown to be who we are
today. You always appear so
true to us, no need for
pretendence. You’re just
YOU! The very unique
Denise that God made you
to be. God is going to bless
you, expand your capacity
there, in another cell group.
I’m sure they will be greatly
bless by you! Cheers,
Denise! So sad that you’re gonna leave e24
And be apart from us. Though its really
Heartbreaking,but I’m real happy for you.
For every down period that I’ve went thru,you’v
Been there for me.You’re not just a leader to me
Also a very wonderful friend and sister. If it was
For you, I don’t think I’ll be challenged to step o
Of my own comfort everytime to do more for Go
You really have a gifting with words that make
People want to change for the better! Its really s
A privilege to be a disciple of yours, I believe W1
Will be so so so blessed because of YOU!
Wished you didn’t have to leave us…
You’ve really set an example for all of us to follo
A woman of God always after His heart.
Gonna miss you loads!!!
LOVE YOU a lot a lot a lot !
FROM: ‘hum sup’,
Thanks God for you
and your guidance
and sorry for
upsetting you
sometimes. All the
best for
Hey Denise glad to
have a great leader
like you. Just want to
wish you all the best
and God bless you!

Love, Joseph
Hey Denise,
It’s really glad that when
I join this
CG, you were still
there. Really learnt a
lot from you and
thanks for giving me
BS. Really sad that
you will be leaving
but do come back
and visit us if you
have the time kk. Will
miss you. Take care
and God bless you in
your new CG. HAHA:)
Thanks for all your guidance
all this while. Indeed i had
learn alot alot from you. You
let me know what's
leadership is all about.
From your scoldings, i
become sharper. Thanks for
being there to pick me up
when i fall. It's really a great
pleasure to have you as my
leader. Will continue to
account my life to you.
heh.I'm not gonna disappoint
you. All the best in W193.
You gonna shine even
brighter, and the brightest.
Denise, daughter of the
Kingdom. Love you lots!!!
Hey Denise!!!

It’s been a great joy and honor to serve together with you. You are really someone who is
very talented and passionate in the things that you do. I believe you can achieve
greater things and grow to greater heights. Your faithfulness in the little will surely
bring you much!



Denise, really glad that I was
once in the same cellgroup
as you. You are always there
for me whenever I needed,
caring for me. I always felt a
sense of security with you
around. Your words always
impacted me a lot, your
presence is very important
in my life. I really cant bear
to watch you go, but I will
sincerely wish you the best
at W193. You will always be
kept safe in one corner of
my heart left untouched.
Loving you from the bottom
of my heart, you’ll be terribly
missed by me.
Hey Denise:)

I am really really very

blessed and happy
that you’re the main
helper:)I wish that I
can have a chance to
be discipled by you.

Loves, YIXUN
My beloved RUI YOU leader!!
thanks for all the teaching, love, care
and concern towards me! sometimes
you just forgive me whenever I do
wrong and corrected me. for the past
few years, you had been thru with
me all my good and bad times! You
are always e one i thought of
because overall i still trust you e
most. =)
thank God for placing you in my life!
you make me want to serve more,
want to grow more and challenge me
for doing this and that. Really thanks
so much, without you i really don't
know what to do.
 i really want to say a big thank you
to you! hope you go over w193 can
really strength you more and be even
greater and stronger ! JIAYOU, 我永远
支持你 !!
last but not least, i really really love
you!!! i will cont to grow even
stronger in term of spiritually and
mature in mentally!! =)
Denise, you’re one of
the leaders I respect
the most and love the
most. Thank you for all
your love, patience
and guidance for the
past 3 years. I LOVE


You have set a bench mark that is
worthy for everyone to follow.
The Denise DNA that you’ve
passed on to us sheep, will
continue to make a difference
in many lives like how you did
to us. Besides God, you’re the
one who has left the greatest
impact on me. So much so tt I
now carry similar value and
belief system as you! :o) With
passion, truth and a love so
strong, you have indeed left a
significant legacy behind. One
tt can never be replaced. Thank
you for building up the E243
now with God. I’m soo so proud
of you and am forever looking
up to you for the wisdom God
has placed in you. Can’t wait to
see you do the greater things.
W193 is gonna be so blessed by
you. Three, five years down the
road, Shepherd Sim will still be
fondly talked abt in E243. We
will always be your home, your
Don’t worry!
We’ll still be tuning in and be
your loyal

We’ll still
Be awaiting
The Day
When you
Get married!
See your
First born ROAR
Child!!! RR!!!
For everytime you feel

Don’t forget we’ll

Still be there for
Lastly, All the best in W193!


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