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By Asst. Prof.

Jinu Abraham

Early Beginnings
1843, Association for Improving the Condition of the Poor formed in America Aims: * visit poor at homes * give counsel * assist poor in obtaining employment * instill feelings of self-respect and self-reliance * inculcate habits of economy * when absolutely necessary provide relief

Exploratory & Disciplinary Stage

1877, American Charity Organization Society established in America Aim: Find out ways and means of helping the poor and needy i.e. to organize individualized service Volunteers called Friendly Visitors Activities: Assessment of Needs, Central Registration, Recording, Relief Giving

1898, Professional School of Social Work established in New York Indicator of: * large body of knowledge and skills * need felt for better trained professionals

1914-1917, Term work with case used for the first time in a national conference in USA First training programme in the form of summer training for Casework held based on a medical model Impact: Need for substantial training identified and schools of social work attached to the agencies come into existence

1917, First book of Casework, Social Diagnosis published by Mary Richmond Miss Richmond and Francis McLean, offer specialized service to clients and bring out Social Casework Journal of Family Service Association

Psycho-social Stage
First World War, Medical and Psychiatric social workers become popular Psychoanalytical theory by Freud gains momentum 1925, Milford Conference Casework conceived as developing the capacity of the client Several schools of thought based on the theory of Sigmund Freud and Otto Rank developed

Sociological Stage

1930, Economic Depression Casework realizes that economic factors can cause emotional disaster and breakdown Extreme socio-economic need refocuses attention on sociological and reality consideration Outcome of Depression: Establishment of governmental public assistant programmes, like, emergency relief, work progress administration, public work administration and civilian conservation corporation Relieves voluntary agencies from the task of providing economic help

Integrated Stage
Second World War - increase in personal problems due to financial crises and emotional stress Family Agencies (Private Pracise) started to solve these problems 1960s, increased stress on research Past overemphasis on either environment or personality give way to awareness of interdependence

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