Methods of Research

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Course Requirements
Topic Proposal Chapter 1, II, and III

Grading System
Preliminary Period Midterm Period Final Period Chapter I Chapter II Chapter III

Final Grade = 30% (PP) + 30% (MP) + 40% (FP)

Research 1 Session # 2


What is Research? What are the different kinds of Research? What are the sources of the problem? What are the characteristics of a good problem? What factors influence the selection of a problem? How do you write the title of the investigation? What are the parts of a Research Report? What are the skills needed in doing

Define what is research in more concise language; Discuss the different kinds of research and methods of research used in computer science; State what are the sources of a problem in research; Enumerate the characteristics of a good problem; Discuss the factors influencing the selection of a problem; Learn on how to write the title of the investigation; Identify the parts of a research report; and Discuss the skills needed in conducting research.


you steal from one author it's plagiarism; if you steal from many it's research.
- Wilson Mizner


What is Research?

It means searching for a theory, testing a theory or solving a problem.

When our rice experts look for the best strain of rice in terms of yield per hectare, palatability and sturdiness, we are looking for a theory. When we say that modular instruction is the best method of teaching and we would like to test this, actually we are testing a theory. In all these situations, where the problem cannot be solved immediately, we need research.

Sometimes we need to use materials for some purposes. For example, an agriculturist wants to determine the effects of soil cultivation and types of fertilizer on the number of fruit oranges to yield or what chemical increases the strength of a certain type of rope. In both instances, materials are tried to determine their effects or efficacy.

Observed corrections or improvements are incorporated in the materials after the try-out. These two examples need research and in research language, they are called applied research or an R and D (Research and Develop) type of research. Research comes from two words:

re and search. which implies that research topics are not new or that such

The present study serves only as a venue of confirmation, revision or negation of the previous findings. Such results are still new which add knowledge. In more concise language, research is defined as:

A scientific process of critical selection of data, investigation and analysis of such to gain new knowledge or to complement an existing one.

Research must answer new questions and add new knowledge to the fund of already existing knowledge using the present and the past. Research is a systematic, controlled, empirical, and critical investigation of hypothetical propositions about the presumed relations among natural phenomena

Research must give new knowledge, for what is known in the past may not be applicable to what is contemporary. Past researches, however, constitute what is known as review of related literature.

Different kinds of Research

Basic Research consists of those which seek the understanding of a process or subject with little expectation of a direct payoff.
Studies on the Relationship between Home Environment and Academic Performance. Determining the Predictive Efficacy of Leadership Dimensions on the Effectiveness of the Organization.

Applied Research consists of probing the unknown for a specific goal or reason using directly the results to present a problem.
Techniques on Leather Substitutes Uses of Different Contraceptives

Sources of a Problem:

Experiences. It says that experiences are the first sources of problems. The researcher may have experiences which may have an impact on his daily life.
Using the Washing machine against Manual Laundering The advantages of paying cash for household items

Problems in the work environment one may experience problems in the work environment,
Interpersonal Relations with Co-workers. Problems on Communication Processes.

Classroom discussions it is noted that classroom discussions can generate problems.

Intelligence Theories and Factors as Related to Academic Performance. The Predictive Efficacy of Drill on the Teaching of Mathematics.

Technological and Scientific Advancement. These are also many problems that have arisen due to technological and scientific advancement.
Use of Computers for Satellites in Navigation. Personnel Displacement Due to Automation.

Offshoots of Other Researches At the end of a research report are recommendations for further research which the student can avail of.
Questions of value, opinion, and policies of different organizations as found in the recommendations may be taken up for research.

Suggestions from Friends or Administrators. Suggestions regarding feasible topics for research may likewise be used. Other sources of research problems:

Specialization Programs Instructional Programs Pursued Management Practices of Organizations

Characteristics of a Good Problems

It should be of interest of you. It should have practical value to you, your school or your community. It is a novel or current issue. It should be within an allotted time. It should not carry moral or legal impediments, nor should it be controversial. Its data are available. The variables are clear and separable. It shall incur expenses affordable to the researcher.

Factors Influence the Selection of a Problem

Availability of data. Time constraint. Funds. Capability of the researcher. Attitudes and interest of the researcher. Interest of the sponsor or the benefactor. Importance of the issues involved. Recent of such issues. Cooperation of others. Facilities and equipment.

Writing the Title of Investigation

It is always wise to be definitive about the title because it serves some purposes. Here they are:
It summarizes the content of the entire study. It is a frame of reference for the whole study. It helps other researchers to refer to your work as they survey some theories themselves.

The title should be clear and specifically stated. It is much better if the variables included in the study are written in the title. This makes the title more specific. Also the number of words in the title should not exceed twenty (20) substantive words and the words in the title should be those that can be defined easily.



Cost Benefits Analysis Cost Benefit Analysis of Hiring Contractual Workers by Fast Foods Restaurants in Manila Major Sources of Stress Major Sources of Stress Among Executives of the Top Twenty Corporations in Metro Manila

a. b.

Parts of a Research Report

Chapter 1 The Problem and Its Background Chapter II Review of Related Literature Chapter III Methodology Chapter IV Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data Chapter V Summary, Conclusions, and Recommendations

The following are found before Chapter I:

Title Approval Sheet Acknowledgment Abstract Table of Contents After Chapter 5, the following are

Bibliography Appendices Curriculum Vitae

Skills needed in developing Research:

skills - critical thinking

literature searching, summarizing critical reading, evaluation of relevance and value recognizing similarities and dierences presenting logical and coherent argument identication of research question and hypotheses presentation skillsverbal and written

Skills needed in developing Research:


dierent types of literature

choice of experimental and statistical techniques scientic method, dierent research methods


literature search, research-oriented document production software

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