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by QUEST Professional Circle


Fluidized Bed Combustion

Minimum Fluidization Velocity:- Critical Velocity at which the pressure drop across the bed equals the weight of particles per unit cross sectional area of bed. The bed is called incipiently fluidized at this velocity. With increase in air velocity the drag force by the fluid on particles exceeds their weight. High degree of particle mixing and equilibrium between gas and particles is rapidly established Fluidized bed. Terminal velocity: The velocity at the point where the pressure drop across the bed starts decreasing. The bed particles leave the bed and called entrained bed. DP across the bed becomes zero.

Variation of Bed Pr. Drop with Superficial Velocity

Umf- Minimum Fluidizing Velocity U-Superficial Velocity Ut-Terminal Velocity
Unpacking of bed

Fluidized Regime

Packed bed

Gas Velocity


between Fixed Grate, Fluidized Bed, and Pulverized Firing
Stoker Firing (Fixed Bed) Fluidized Bed Firing BFB CFB
Gas Gas Gas

Pulverized Firing (Entrained Bed)



Fuel & Sorbent

Air Fuel & Sorbent Air Ash 4 - 10 ft/ sec (1.2 - 3.0 m/ s) 1,000 m Air Ash 15 - 23 ft/ sec (4.6 - 7.0 m/ s) 100 - 300 m

Air Fuel

Air Ash Velocity 8 - 10 ft/ sec (2.3 - 3.0 m/ s)

Ash 15 - 33 ft/ sec (4.6 - 10.0 m/ s) 50 m

Average Bed Particle Size

6,000 m

Start-up Burner Bed Fill

Secondary Air
Lignite+Lime stone (Sorbent)

Furnace Bed

Fluidizing/ Primary Air

Bottom Ash Removal

Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion

Bed is divided in to 3 zones
Lower Zone-Below SA entry.
Fluidized by 40-80% of stoichiometric air for fuel feed Fuel, sorbent and unburned char from cyclone are received in this zone. Oxygen deficiency controls Nox emission. Much denser and serves as an insulated storage of hot solids providing CFB boiler with a thermal flywheel. PA/SA increased on increase of Boiler load, transferring greater amount of hot solids into upper zone of the furnace and increasing solid circulation rate.

Upper Zone-Above SA entry

Combustion completes with added SA and unburned char to cyclone for return. More residence time for completing the combustion.

Hot Gas/ Solids Separator

Cyclone (External)/ U-Beams (internal)

SO2 Capture
SO2 Capture achieved by limestone injection
CaO + SO2 + O2
Optimum temperature : 850 C

--> CaO + CO2

--> Ca SO4

SO2Capture efficiency

Furnace temperature control is very critical

Limestone consumption varies enormously with furnace temperature




T (C)

NOx Emissions
NOx Emissions influenced by 3 main parameters : NOx
- Combustion temperature

- N2 in fuel
- Excess air and staggering 800 1 000

T (C)
1 200

General Process
Flue gas

Bed temperature

Coal Temperature maintained by heat pick up in exchange surfaces Either in furnace Or in FBHE Air As h



Types of Fluidized Bed Boilers

Bubbling Bed Combustion
Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion Pressurised Fluidized Bed Combustion

CFBC - Advantages
Fuel Flexibility

Simplified Fuel Feeding

High Availability



Operating Flexibility

High Combustion Efficiency

Low SOX Emission

Low NoX Emission

Fuel Flexibility Not sensitive to fuel ash characteristics as firing temperature is held below the ash softening point. Wide range of fuels (low grade coals, lignite,bio mass, wastes, wood chips etc.)with varying ash & sulphur content can be used.

Simplified Fuel Feeding

Fuel pulverization not required and only crushing is sufficient.

Operating Flexibility
Can be designed for cyclic or base load operation. Part loads down to 25% of MCR and load rates upto 7% per minute are possible.

Low SOx emissions
Sorbent -lime stone reacts with SO2 released from burning the fuel. At a Ca/S molar ratio of ~ 2, over 90% of the sulphur in fuel is converted to gypsum.

Low NOx Emissions

The relatively low combustion temp. (850-900C) helps to reduce Nox formation .

High Combustion Efficiency 98-99% carbon burnout can be achieved due to intimate gas/ solids mixing and long retention / residence time of fuel in the circulating fluidized bed.

Small Furnace cross section as high heat release rate per furnace cross section (5MW/M2) High Availability

Less Auxs.(pulveriser) more availability. As high as 98%.

Foster Wheeler USA (> 150 units) Lurgi Lentjes babcock Energietechnik GmbH- Germany (42 units) M/s Babcock & Wilcox 40 Units M/s Alstom
More than 310 units available world over.


Boiler with CFB

Akrimota, 2 x 125 MW
+ 50.0 m

Live Steam 138 bar 538 C 405 t/h Reheater Steam 36 bar 537 C 375 t/h Feedwater 247 C Fuel High Sulphur Lignite
0.0 m
012 217p

Water & Steam Data

Eco. Inlet SH5 Outlet (MS) RH1 Inlet (CRH) RH2 Outlet (HRH)

Mass Flow T/hr. 380.268 405 374.652 378

Temp. 0C 246.8 538 355 537

Pressure Bar 152.90 138.4 37.90 36.03

No. of Lignite Feeders No. of Oil Burners
Angle of Inclination(Degree) Fuel Oil (HFO) Flow Air Flow Thermal Capacity of Burners

- 4 (Rear) - 8 3(F)+2(L&R)+1(Rear)
-30 - 4.31Kg./Sec. -60.37 kg./Sec. -170.9 MW - 650mm -450mm -70mm

Outer Oil Burner Dia.(Throat) Impeller Diameter Lance Diameter

Bed Fill Ignitors

- Sand / Bottom Ash - High Energy Arc Induction

Air Flow
Hot SA

SA Fan PA Fan




Primary Air
No. of PA Fans No. of Primary Air Nozzles Pitch Between PA Nozzles Nozzle Less Due to L- Valve Depth of Grid Width of Grid Thickness of Grid Refractory -2 - 1624(76 W*22 D) -165mm -48 -3670mm -12692mm -80mm

Secondary Air
No of SA Fans -2 No. of Air Nozzles - 16 (F-6, R-2, L&RS-4) Pitch Between PA Nozzles -165mm Level of Nozzle above Grid -5000mm Angle of Inclination -30 Diameter -255mm Thickness -5mm Air Flow 100% Load (Lignite)/Nozzle-1.8Kg./s Max. Air flow/nozzle -2.9Kg./s Min. Air flow / Nozzle -0.3Kg./S

Air Flow
FA Fan Com mon Head er

Fluidizing Air Fan

Salient Features
Air Distribution. 100% BMCR Design Lignite Air Mass Flow
PA SA Burner Air Air to lignite feeding ports Sealing Air Ash cooler air Air to loop seal Air to lignite feeders Lime stone transport air Flame detrs,ignitrons,oil guns Air for L-valves Total Combustion Air Air thro air pre-heater Coal Air
(Kg./S) 65 28.8 28.8 11 0.8 4.1 2.2 1.3 1.9 0.4 0.1 144.4 133.6 10.8

Flow Rate
% 45 19.9 19.9 7.6 0.6 2.8 1.5 0.9 1.3 0.3 0.1 100 92.5 7.5

Kg./S 57.8-86.7 4.2-43.3 7.6-53.4

Material Data
Lignite Consumption Design Coal (T/hr.)
100% BMCR 100% TMCR 60%TMCR 40% TMCR Reqd. Ca/S Ratio Lime Stone Flow(Kg./S) Sulphur Content(%) Ash Content(%) CaO in Ash(%) CaCO3 in Lime Stone(%) Desulparisation rate(%) - 101.704 - 93.841 - 58.536 - 41.785 3.45 14.54 3.87 21 3.98 80.6 97

Worst Coal (T/Hr.)


Lime Stone Consumption

3.45 29.817 4.55 35 3.98 80.6 97

Ash Distribution
Design Lignite (T/hr.) Worst Lignite
Coal Flow Lime Stone Flow 28.251 14.54
17.78 4.81 12.97 96 136

49.802 29.817
41.78 12.47 29.31 260 157 23 39.84 300 200

Normal Conditions
Total Ash Flow(Kg./S)Bottom Ash Flow(kg./S)Fly Ash Flow(Kg./S) Bottom ash temperature Filter Ash temperature Max. Bottom Ash low(Kg./S) Max. Fly Ash flow Max. bottom ash temp. Max. filter ash temp.

Design Conditions

Cyclone Separator
No. of Cyclone Inlet Duct Height Inlet Duct width at Inlet Inlet Duct width at outlet Diameter Vortex Finder diameter at I/L Vortex Finder diameter at O/L Vortex Finder height Vortex Finder Eccentric Arrangement Cylinder height Hopper Height Total Height Outlet Duct diameter Down comer Distance I/L duct ceiling to Cyclone Ceiling Slope cyclone Inlet Slope Cyclone Hopper Flue Gas Velocity at Cyclone I/L(max.)(m/s) Flue Gas Velocity at Cyclone I/L(max.)(m/s) Pressure loss I/L to O/L (mbar)

Gas Outlet
-2 Nos. -5570 -3110 -1990 -8000 -2990 -3510 -1950 -560 -8400 -10160 -18560 -1400 -880 -10 -18 -27 Fuel Air Mix. -31 -15

Unburned particles

All dimensions in mm

Typical Cyclone
Second Pass Eccentric Vortex Finder Arrangement Downward Inclined Inlet Duct Advanced Vortex Finder Shape

High Performance Refractory for Inlet Area

056 329p

Cyclone Collection Efficiency

Ratio of the mass solid particles captured by the cyclone to the total mass of particles entering the cyclone. Collection Efficiency = (M-M1/M)*100 %
M- Particles Entering M1- Particles leaving

Factors Affecting the collection Efficiency

Collection Efficiency Increases with
Increase in :a)Particle mass, b) inlet gas velocity, c)Cyclone body length, d) no. of gas revolutions, e)smoothness of cyclone wall.

Collection Efficiency Decreases with

Increase in : a)Cyclone diameter, b)Gas outlet diameter, c) Gas inlet area.

Shepherd & Lapple derived Optimum Dimensions for various sections of Cyclone as a function of its body diameter.

Air Data
Item Primary TAPH Inlet TAPH Outlet Secondary TAPH Inlet TAPH Outlet Mass Flow T/hr. 233.964 233.964 246.96 246.96 Temp. 0C 52 254 47 254 Pressure mbar 182.5 164.5 112.5 94.5

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