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Dimension Characteristics Nursing Implications


- Overall rate of growth slows. By 24 mos. the toddler usually weighs 4 times more than at birth. - Rapid growth of brain.

- Instruct parents on need for vitamin A , calcium and phosphorus.

- Bones in extremities grow in length. - Physiological readiness for bowel and bladder training develops

- Recognize the growing pains are normal. - Instruct parents of timing of toilet training and need for consistency and patience



Nursing Implications


- Walks and runs.

- Assess home environment for safety as toddlers becomes more mobile.

- Becomes more coordinated.

- Assess home environment for safety as toddlers becomes more mobile.

Dimension Psychosocial

Characteristics Freud: Anal stage

Nursing Implications - Instruct parents to avoid over emphasis on toilet training. - Teach parents to encourage toddlers attempts at independence.

Erikson: Autonomy vs. Shame and doubt

Havighurst: Developmental tasks include: -Beginning to learn sex differences. - Learning to talk

-Explain that sexual curiosity is normal - Encourage parents to talk to the child frequently

Dimension Psychosocial

Characteristics - Engages in parallel play.

Nursing Implications - Provide opportunities for children to socialize with peers.

- A reemergence of separation anxiety often occurs

- By age of 3, most toddlers are able to tolerate being left with strangers.

- Reassure child that parents will return

Dimension Cognitive

Characteristics Piaget: Preoperational stage - Concrete thought processes . - Short attention span. - Can follow simple directions

Nursing Implications

- Instruct parents to give only one direction at a time - Use calendar to show todays date and the number of days until a significant event.

- Is able to anticipate future events


- Comprehends self as a separate entity. Language: At approximately 1 year, can make two-syllable sounds (e.g. ma-ma, da-da) At approximately 2 years, can form short sentences. Has a vocabulary of approximately 900 words

Nursing Implications
- Teach caregivers importance of calling child by name. - Talk to child frequently , avoid use of baby talk


Kohlberg: Preconventional stage - Learns to distinguish right from wrong.

Nursing Implications
- Parents need to be consistent in setting limits. - Understand the significance of modeling desired behavior to child - Instruct parents to provide simple answers to questions related to religion. - Instruct parents on importance of incorporating religious rituals and ceremonies into daily life.


Fowler: Intuitive-projective stage

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