Presented by BBM 4 SEM MAY 2nd, 2012: D.Prem Preethi

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Presented by D.


1. When the selling process is used? 2. Seven steps of selling process. Step 1:-Prospecting and Qualifying. Step 2:-Pre-Approach. Step3:-Approach. Step4:-Presentation. Step5:-Handling Objectives. Step 6:-Closing the Sale. Step7:-Follow-Up.


1.When the selling process is used?

1)The Evolving Role of Technology in the Selling Process Example:-use of social networking, consumer reviews, wikis, and other community-based tools. 2)Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Sales Example:-you want to buy a gym membership 3)Business-to-Business (B2B) Sales Example :-buying an oven.

2)Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Sales

1.When the selling process is used?

Example:-you want to buy a gym membership. Maybe you received a promotional offer in the mail, your friends on Face book have had good things to say about a particular gym, or you picked this club because its close to home. Whatever the reason, you wander in and ask to speak to the membership director who seems to know a lot about the club and what you might be looking for. Then, you sit down to discuss pricing options and payment plans. If you have any questions or concerns (i.e., I noticed there are only three tennis courts. Is there usually a long wait to use one? or Why arent there any kickboxing classes on your class schedule?), the membership director will attempt to address those. Maybe he will tell you there is occasionally a wait to use the tennis courts at peak times, but you can reserve a spot up to a week in advance, in which case you can get right in. Or maybe hell say that while they dont have kickboxing classes, they offer Zumba, which is a fun aerobic alternative.

1.When the selling process is used?

3)Business-to-Business (B2B) Sales You get a call from a salesperson who compliments you on the roasted chicken she had at your restaurant last weekend. After some conversation, she asks if youre satisfied with your commercial ovens. You have been having some problems with them and have been doing some casual research online. You know that her company is rated as one of the best oven manufacturers, so you tell her: the ovens are over ten years old, they take a long time to heat up, and they sometimes cook things unevenly . Many older ovens have this problem, she says. Would you be interested in learning about the state-of-the-art commercial ovens our company sells? She explains that the ovens she sells heat up quickly and use energy more efficiently. She says you can lease an oven for a trial period at no obligation, and she shows you review from other customers on her companys Web site and on some restaurant industry blogs.

2.Seven steps of selling process.

1. Prospecting and qualifying This involves searching for potential customers and deciding whether they have the ability and desire to make a purchase. Example :- . In the B2B example, before the salesperson called the company, she had to find the companys information somewhereprobably in a local business directory. Example :- Undoubtedly, when the salesperson called the target customer to discuss his ovens, she asked some questions to qualify or determine whether a lead has the desire and ability to buy your product or service.

2.Seven steps of selling process.(cont..)

2. The Pre-approach Before making a sales call, it is important to do your homework by researching your customer and planning what you are going to say. Example :-in b2b example the salesperson knew important information about the restaurant beforehand. She came prepared with a specific idea as to how her service could help the prospect and gave a tailored presentation.

2.Seven steps of selling process.(cont..)

3. The Approach Initial face-to-face contact with the prospect during which first impressions are formed . Example:-the first few minutes of a sales call. We must not start the conversation off with the questions likeHey, do you want to go out on Saturday night? Such an abrupt method would turn most people away. Conduct a needs analysis to discover and assess prospects needs. Ask open-ended questions to learn more about the prospect and his or her needs.

4. The Presentation ;-presentation/demonstration of how the product fills a need or solves a problem for the prospect . The presentation is where the research pays off and her idea for the prospect comes alive Example :-If youre a real estate agent selling a house and your customers are an older, retired couple, you wont take them to see a house with many bedrooms, several flights of stairs to climb, and a huge yard to keep up nor will you show them around a trendy loft in a busy part of town. , you may show them through videos, PowerPoint presentations, or letting the customer actually look at or interact with the product. You tell about the product features and benefits.

2.Seven steps of selling process.(cont..)

2.Seven steps of selling process.(cont..)

5. Answering Questions and Overcoming Objections prospect provides feedback and salesperson attempts to further tailor the presentation for the prospect's needs Good salespeople look at objections as opportunities to further understand and respond to customers needs. Example:-you need to convince a friend to come camping with you. Id like to go your friend says, but Ive got a big project I need to finish at work, and I was planning to spend some time at the office this weekend. Thats no problem, you tell him. Im free next weekend, too. Why dont we plan to go then, once your projects out of the way?

2.Seven steps of selling process.(cont..)

6. The Close ;-salesperson asks the prospect to buy buying signals things the customer says or does that indicate s/he is ready to buy. (facial expressions, body language, comments) Buying signals may happen early in the sales process, late in the process or might not happen at all. Example :- This is the point where the potential gym member signs her membership agreement, the restaurant owner decides to purchase the ovens, or your friend says, Sure, lets go camping next weekend!

2.Seven steps of selling process.(cont..)

7. Assurance and Follow-up :-customer is assured s/he has made a wise purchase Example:-(delivery, customer service, referrals) The salesperson assures customer satisfaction and maintains customer relationships. This is an important part of assuring customer satisfaction, retaining customers and prospecting for new customers. Example :-This might mean sending a thank-you note, calling the customer to make sure a product was received in satisfactory condition, or checking in to make sure a service is meeting the customers expectations.


2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Prospecting and Qualifying, involves searching for potential customers and deciding whether they have the ability and desire to make a purchase. By researching your customer and planning what you are going to say is pre-approach. The approach is your chance to make a first impression. Your research and preparation pays off during the presentation. Your prospect will naturally have objections, which you should look at as opportunities. You close the sale by agreeing on the terms and finalizing the transaction. The sales process doesnt end with the close; follow-up is carried on.

Thank you

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