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With Rista & Nita

A Trip to Seoul

Shinta Rachmawati

Hesty Oktariza

Exploring South Korea

Hesty Oktariza|Rista Marliyani|Shinta Rachmawati|Siti Rahmanita|Zainal Ali Santoso

South Korea : A Dynamic Korea

Despite of the long history with its neighborhood countries (Japan, China, and North Korea), South Korea has been able to build a strong national identity in cultural and economics.

A Glance at South Korea

South Korea located at Eastern Asia, southern half of the Korean Peninsula bordering the East Sea and the Yellow Sea Seoul is the capital city The climate is temperate, with four


A Glance at South Korea

Ethnicity in South Korea is almost homogeneus

(except for about 20.000 Chinesse)

At 2004, number of population in South Korea is 45.598.175 Religion in South Korea
0% 0% 1% Budhist 43% Christian


Confucianism Cheondogyo Others


A Glance at South Korea

T'aeguk ("Supreme Ultimate")

Represents water Represent heaven

Represents fire Represent the earth

Yin-Yang principle of a universe in perfect balance and harmony

A Glance at South Korea

The phrase han p'it-chul ("one bloodline") often is used by Koreans at home and abroad to symbolize their shared identity as the members of a homogeneous nation.

Key Concept of South Korean Culture

Kibun Nunchi Inwha Confucianism Personal Relationship Hahn Jeong Do

Hofstede Analysis of ASEAN + East Asia Countries

120 100 80 60 40 20 0 PDI IDV MAS UAI


South Korea Taiwan


Zainal Ali Santoso

Doing Business with Korean

Working in Korea Before doing business in Korea prior appointments are required and should generally be made a few weeks in advance. For both social occasions and business meetings, punctuality is essential. It is recommended that you send any proposals, company brochures, and marketing material, written in both Korean and English, as a preview for your Korean contacts before you visit the country.

Doing Business with Korean

Structure and hierarchy in Korean companies
Korea is known for its vertical social structure based on age and social status.

Influenced by Confucianism, Koreans respect for authority is paramount in their business culture and practices.

Doing Business with Korean

Working relationships in Korea
Generally speaking, responsibility is delegated to trusted, dependable subordinates by their superiors.

Age is the most essential component within a relationship in Korea.

Personal ties in Korea, such as kinship, schools, birthplaces etc, often take precedence over job seniority, rank or other factors, and have significant influence over the structure and management of Korean companies.

Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

Dress Attire Table Manners Tipping Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts Greetings Visitors Etiquette Business Meeting Socializing and Conversation
DO dress modestly and conservatively for business occassions. DON'T wear jewelry if you're a man, aside from a wedding ring or watch.

Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

Dress Attire Table Manners Tipping Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts Greetings Visitors Etiquette Business Meeting Socializing and Conversation

DOS : Note that the eldest are served first, and they also begin eating first. Try a little bit of everything Refuse the first offer of second helpings, out of politeness. Eat everything served to you. DONTS : Eat with your hands. Sit until told where to sit. Criticize Korean cuisine. Cross your chopsticks when putting them on the chopstick rest.


Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

Dress Attire Table Manners Tipping Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts Greetings Visitors Etiquette Business Meeting Socializing and Conversation

DON'T tip. It's not customary

Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

Dress Attire Table Manners Tipping Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts Greetings Visitors Etiquette Business Meeting Socializing and Conversation

DOS : Wrap gifts nicely. Give gifts using both hands. DONTS : X Wrap gifts in green, white, or black. X Give gifts in multiples of 4, as it's considered unlucky. 7 is a lucky number, though. X Give someone an expensive gift if you know that they can't reciprocate. X Open a gift upon receipt. X Sign a card associated with a gift in red ink.

Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

Dress Attire Table Manners Tipping Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts Greetings Visitors Etiquette Business Meeting Socializing and Conversation

DOS : Shake hands upon meeting. A bow is also a traditional South Korean greeting. Say "man-na-suh pan-gop-sumnida" when initiating a bow. It means "pleased to meet you." Farewells to everyone individually accompanied with a bow when you leave a social setting.

Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

Dress Attire Table Manners Tipping Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts Greetings Visitors Etiquette Business Meeting Socializing and Conversation

DOS : Bring fruit, flowers, or chocolates for your host. Take your shoes off before going inside a home. Expect to be walked out, as it's seen as insulting to say good-bye to your guests inside. Send your hosts a thank you note the following day.

DONTS : x Arrive more than a half hour late.

Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

Socializing and Conversation

DOS : Try to have a third party to initiate business. Be direct. Dress Attire Schedule meetings at least 3 weeks in Table Manners advance. Tipping Have one side of your business card Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts translated into Korean. Use both hands to present your business Greetings card and present it with the Korean side Visitors Etiquette facing up. Treat business cards with respect. Business Meeting DONTS : X Be late. X Take your jacket off until the person with the most seniority does.

Etiquette and Customs in South Korea

DOS : Feel comfortable discussing the following: Dress Attire sports (particularly soccer), South Korea's economy and international achievements, Table Manners the health of one's family, kites, and Tipping personal hobbies. Gift Giving and Accepting Gifts Be modest if someone compliments you.

Greetings Visitors Etiquette Business Meeting Socializing and Conversation

DONTS : Discuss politics, the Korean War, socialism, communism, or personal family matters. Confuse South Korea with other Asian countries. Be surprised if you're asked personal questions, such as your age or salary.


When visiting a Korean family home it is vital to take off your shoes when first entering the house in order not to offend your host.





Bowing initiates by people in higher status


Thank You


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