Service Marketing AMU

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A service is any act or performance one party can offer to another that is essentially intangible & does not result in the ownership of anything. - PHILIP KOTLER


accommodation Movies Restaurants service Telephone Airlines Banking



The Services



Services are intangible in that they do not have a physical shape. So a consumer cannot touch bt see their effect & feel it. Not all the service product has similar intangibility. Some services are highly intangible, while the others are low. For exampleTeaching, Consulting, Legal advices are services which have almost nil tangible components; While restaurants, fast food centers, hotels and hospitals offer services in which their services are combined with product (tangible objective) , such as food in restaurants, or medicines in hospitals etc. The provider can emphasize on the benefits of the service rather than just describing the features.

Inseparability means services are not of separable nature. For exampleWe cant hold the teaching / lecture giving by the teacher. The waitress in the restaurant or the cashier in the bank , is an inseparable part of the service. Taxi operator drives taxi, & the passenger uses it. The presence of taxi driver is essential to provide the service. The services cannot be produced now for consumption at a later stage / time.

It is difficult to standardize. Variability indicates that a service performance is unique to the customer, or group of customers, being serviced. Services are highly variable, as they depend on the service provider, and where and when they are provided.

For Example The workmanship of your car repair will be identical each visit to the garage u r likely to have good & bad experiences.
The taxi service which transports the service consumer from his home to the opera is different from the taxi service which transports the same service consumer from the opera to his home another point in time, the other direction, maybe another route, probably another taxi driver and cab.

Service are perishable, they can not be stored. Perish ability describes offerings that cannot be saved, stored, resold, or returned. The services go waste if they are not consumed simultaneously i.e. value of service exists at the point when it is required. For Example Restaurants are now charging for reservation which are not kept . Example: the passenger has been transported to the destination and cannot be transported again to this location at this point in time.

GOODS i. Can be touched ii. Can be stored iii. Can be resold iv. Transferable v. Eassier to measure the quality

SERVICES cant be touched cant be stored cant be resold not transferable difficult to measure

PRODUCT Design Features Quality Variety Brand name Packaging

PRICE List price Discounts Extra

PLACE Distribution channels Methods of distribution Coverage Location

PROMOTION Advertising Personal Selling Sales promotion Public Relation


enabling the promises

2.EMPLOYEE Delivering the promise

1.CUSTOMER Setting the promise

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