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So What is Web 2.0?

Marketing term (derived from observing 'patterns')

rather than technical standards - an attitude not a technology now patented Characteristics Of Web 2.0 Network as platform, always beta Clean URIs Remix and mash-ups Syndication (RSS) Architecture of participation Blogs & Wikis Social networking and social tagging (folksonomies) Trust and openness

Why is it important? Why use Web 2.0?

Value Content Creation

. Custom search engines Collaboration . Communication Communication . Web-based journals/blogs . Wikis . Podcasts . Videos and photos . Library marketing development

. . . . . . Outreach Instruction Training Resource

Most Popular Indian Sites

1.Yahoo! 3.Google India 4.Google 6.Microsoft Network (MSN) 7.YouTube

Viable Web 2.0 Models for India

Search : Local & Vertical Gaming Hyper Classifieds Web 2.0

: :

Web 2.0 Exemplars

Weblog is a web-based publication made up of periodic

articles, like an online diary Ideal for use in HE (MySpace, Bebo, LiveJournal) by students: sharing learning; reflections on learning; developing writing & social skills by researchers: sharing knowledge and ideas; maximising impact Use Technorati to search new postings in Blogs (139 posts hits for UCISA on 6/06/2006) Talis (UK library vendor), CETIS are publishing Blogs Want to engage with your users? Why not set up an IT Services Blog? Issues with censorship etc.

Wikis provide collaborative, easy-to-use Web-based

authoring. Again ideal for students, researchers and support staff for collaborative work allowing focus on content, not on authoring tools Some issues for Web/marketing people Should you be proactive in ensuring content is accurate? Should you seek to lead in order to define structure? Same old censorship issues What about for systems documentation, note-taking, student group working, research work

University of Michigan School

of Dentistry provide students with access to education-related content virtually anywhere Are your University Podcasts available through iTunes? Aren't you missing out on a major distribution channel? (Student radio) iPod/MP3 portable ownership at around 12% in 2005, heavilyskewed to 18-28 age group

Instant Messaging (IM)
IM popular, widely

used, with benefits for collaboration, but banned in some places Meebo: Web-based IM client An AJAX application Issues: How do you ban it? Interoperability Doesn't it break WAI guidelines?

Keywords, tags, metadata Created by groups/communities who are the resource

users Feedback loop is key Used for bookmarking, Images, video and sound, other areas (events, goals, colours etc.) Many flaws in the approach (ambiguity, searching etc.) Many potential benefits (cheap and extendable, added value metadata etc.) Implications include shift in metadata creation, trigger for communication, snap shot of current world, spam Library use, IT services use shared resources

Mash Ups
Mashup merging information from multiple sources

(cf music mashups) Web services releasing APIs Google Maps, (Is your campus map rescalable without loss of resolution?), Google Earth, Can you merge data from 3rd party sources with your maps Examples include google maps and BBC traffic data, crime information <> hurricane Katrina information <> See <> for more examples

Allows you to mix, organise, rate and annotate

resources Perfect for news, many other uses too courses, social activities Use a dedicated RSS viewer - Opera or Pluck plugin Maybe RSS viewers should be standard on desktops? Can also be used for people (FOAF) and events (iCalendar)

Skype / VoIP
Skype is a good example
of Internet telephony: Integrated voice, IM, Web (and now video) Can be high quality Free / cheap calls Conference calls Accessibility benefits Proprietary Network issues VoIP is coming, so nows the time to gain experiences. What are the implications of free always-on telephony (i.e. it's not just about software) - you could be broadcasting this talk now!

IT Fundamentalists
We need to avoid simplistic solutions to the

complexities: Open Standards Fundamentalist: we just need XML Open Source Fundamentalist: we just need Linux Vendor Fundamentalist: we must need next version of our enterprise system (and you must fit in with this) Accessibility Fundamentalist: we must do WAI WCAG User Fundamentalist: we must do whatever users want Legal Fundamentalist: it breaches copyright, Ownership Fundamentalist: must own everything we use Perfectionist: It doesn't do everything, so we'll do nothing

Web 2.0 Tools for Librarians

RSS and Newsreaders

. Really Simple Syndication is a technology that enables publishers to syndicate news and other contents on the web Libraries are keeping up to date by subscribing to news & information sources via RSS feeds.

Web 2.0 Tools for Librarians

WIKIS Wiki technology provides an area for

effortless collaboration and knowledge sharing among a community of users without any programming knowledge. Features: add a new page, edit page, search, comments, files and attachments, revision comparison.

Web 2.0 Tools for Librarians

Social Bookmarking

. Allow users to bookmark favorite web site articles, blog posts, podcasts, images, & other web-based materials for future retrieval. ex.

Web 2.0 Tools for Librarians

Online Chatting

is the exchange of typed-in messages requiring one site as the repository for the messages (or "chat site") and a group of users who take part from anywhere on the Internet. . Yahoo messenger . Google talk . Skype . Meebo

Web 2.0 Tools for Librarians

Video Sharing

. Enable users to share, rate, comment, watch & gather around video content free of charge and technical expertise. . Amateur filmmakers, karaoke hopefuls, & even talented pets have all been given a venue to display their work. ex.

IT Services should consider:
User Focus Avoiding Dogma Responsive to Change Good Communications

Developers should consider:

Scalability Sustainability Reliability Integration Consistency

Youth: the Future of Population

47% of Indian population < 20 yrs, and

this will grow to 55% by 2015;

Infact 76% of population will be < 44 yrs in

Nearly 6 out of 10 Indians in 2015 would

have been born in post-reforms India, hence no baggage of savings v/s consumption
Indian Markets for most consumer

categories will stay vibrant for the next decade unlike China which has an aging

Peek into the future Web 3.0

Being defined as the "Semantic

Personalization is the new

A.I. + Profiling + Search + Rich

metadata = high degree of Personalization

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