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Plane Elasticity

By Tariq Jamil

An elastic body is defined as one which regains its original dimensions after the forces acting on it are removed.
Elasticity of a substance depends on the material possessing linear stress and strain relations. The range of stress and strain for which the behavior is linearly elastic will be known as elastic range. When the stress exceeds the elastic limit the object is permanently distorted and it does not return to its original shape after the stress is removed.

Plane Elasticity Theory

There are 15 independent Equations Stress Equilibrium Equations (3) Strain-displacement Equations (6) Stress-Strain Equations (6) to find out 15 unknown quantities at any point provided following quantities are adequately defined Geometry of the body The boundary Conditions The body-force field as a function of position The Elastic Constant Thus Analytical Solution for the three dimensional elasticity problems are quite difficult to obtain. In theory of Elasticity there exist a special class of problems know as Plane Problem which can be solved more readily than 3D problems due to certain assumptions.

Plane Elastic Problem

To be Classified as Plane elastic problem the problem must have certain characteristics as far as Geometry & loading is concerned

A plane body consists of region of uniform thickness bounded by two parallel planes According to Geometry
If the thickness t is small as compared to the dimensions in parallel planes, the problem is classified as plane Stress Problem If the thickness is large compared to the dimensions in the parallel planes, the problem is classified as plane strain problems

Body forces, if exist, cannot vary through the thickness of the region: this is Fx = Fx (x,y) & Fy = Fy(x,y). Furthermore, the body force in the Z direction must equal to zero. The surface tractions or loads on the lateral boundary must be in the plane of the model and must be uniformly distributed across the thickness i.e. constant in the Z direction. Hence Tx = Tx (x,y), Ty = Ty(x,y) and Tz = 0 No loads can be applied on the parallel planes bounding the top and bottom surfaces that is Tn = 0 on Z = t


Plane Stress Conditions


Stresses z=0 xz=0 yz=0 x, y and xymay have non zero values


Strains xz=0 yz=0 x, y, z and xy may have non zero values


Plane Strain Conditions


Stresses xz=0 yz=0 x, y, z and xy may have non zero values


Strains z = 0 xz=0 yz=0 x, y and xy may have non zero values

Governing Equations Plane Strain


Plane Stress

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