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Revisiting Druckers Theory Has Consumerism led to the overuse of marketing?

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Moeen Ajmal Usman Ali



the purpose of business is the customer A corporations objective must align with the objectives of a society Thinking should be based more upon consumer psychology than the attributes of a product and service 6/18/12


Too much focus on consumer wellbeing has resulted in consumerism Encouraging purchase of goods and services Negative impacts of consumerism

The Second definition

A social movement seeking to augment the rights and power of buyers in relation to sellers The three organized consumer movements

The start of the twentieth century The great depression In 1960s


The Second definition

The second definition argues that marketing focuses on consumers short term needs to the detriment of their long term well being Environmentalism and its relation to consumers The customization and more priority towards fulfilling consumers satisfaction brings the concept of of 6/18/12 societal marketing concept which

The third definition

The third definition of consumerism refers to consumption as a means for happiness and wellbeing. the doctrine that the self cannot be complete without a wealth of consumer goods and that goals can be achieved and problems solved through proper consumption Veblen and his concept of 6/18/12 conspicuous consumption

The third definition

The Role theory


Consumerism, Technology, Social Problems and illegitimate customers

Internet has increased consumer choice and empowered them. Greater number of Customized eservices Consumer centered approach has increased the influence of consumers on Product and Services Too much focus on consumers has led to consumers engaging in 6/18/12 ethically wrong behaviors

Consumerism, Technology, Social Problems and illegitimate customers

Druckers theory focused on the ethical and social responsibilities the business have towards consumers. Consumer is king There is a need to redress balance in the market place.



Three Definitions of Consumerism

Manipulative advertising and market practices to make consumers buy more Consumer movements to protect their rights against the excesses of marketing Happiness and Wellbeing can be



Druckers philosophy of consumer is business Consumers have become powerful influencers in business-consumer relations Social problems emerging due to moral irresponsibility on behalf of 6/18/12


Consumer is no longer always right Managers must rethink they manage and market quality to enact consumer behavior Equilibrium between business and consumers

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