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HNF 111 A-3L

1. Wait until the host is seated before sitting down. Sit and rise from the left of your chain.

2. Never lounge in the chair or lean on the table. One must always sit at ease, properly and with good posture. Nor should one twist his feet around the rungs of the chair. 3. Unfold your napkin and put it on your lap. When you have finished eating, return partly folded napkin at the left side of your plate.

4. Elbows have no place on the table. Do not spread your elbows when eating or cutting food on your plate. 5. Never play with the flatware or the glasses while waiting to be served.

6. When eating, chew with lips closed; never smack lips; eat without noise. Sip your soup from the side of the spoon not from the tip. When done, leave the spoon under the soup cup on the plate. Do the same after eating dessert. Mix your beverage silently. Do not leave your spoon in the cup or glass.

Do not mix all food in the plate at one time. Cut your food with the knife. Do not hold the knife upright. Food should be cut only as it is eaten. Break bread, rolls and other bread stuff in halves, and butter as you are ready to eat each piece. To spread and bite from a large piece is awkward.

7. Always keep your plate looking neat and tidy; do not make it look unsightly by stirring all the food on it. 8. When foods are be dunked, break a small piece and dip lightly into the liquid, never dunk the whole piece.

9. Never drink liquid nor talk when your mouth is full of food.
10. Never reach in front of the person. While you can reach for a platter in front of you, it is bad manners to reach across someone else. If the platter is not within your reach, ask to have it passed.

11. Always keep the tablecloth or mat clean by not spilling any food on it, nor placing used flatware on the table. 12. Never leave food on your plate. In order to avoid leftovers, help yourself only to an amount which you can finish.

13. In case of accidents, simply express regrets, instead of making a fuss about it. 14. Never use your own flatware to take food from a serving platter.

15. Never hold your own flatware with food on it while you talk; nor use this while gesture in talking.

16. Never leave your spoon in the cup o sherbet glass. After using, place this on the underliner provided.

17. When someone passes dishes to you, you need not say anything, just help yourself; but if you do not want it anymore, merely say thank you.
18. Ask food to be passed. Do not reach for the food to the person near you.

19. Eat finger food with your fingers. Do not lick your fingers.
20. Candies served at the end of a meal must not be placed directly on the table. If there is no plate you should take only one.

21. When you need to take out some inedible things from your mouth such as seeds, bones, etc. do not spit it on the plate; instead, remove it with the tip or your spoon or with your hands cupped. 22. It is a very bad manner to make up at the table, especially when you need to use a mirror.

23. Never watch the manners of the others, nor call their attention to it.. 24. Flatware should be used properly for eating. Knives are used for cutting, though some foods can be cut easily with the fork or spoon.

25. When you are through eating, leave your flatware arranged parallel to each other in the middle or side of the plate with knife nearer to the top edge of the late.
26. Do not talk about controversial or unpleasant topics. Mealtime should be pleasant occasions.

27. Napkins should be used properly. Upon starting to dine, place napkin halffolded neatly on your lap. When using napkin to wipe, do so by blotting lightly. Take care that your lipstick does not get imprinted fully on it. Never use napkins to wipe your tableware nor wipe the tableware in full view of everyone.

Iranzo, Jan Kathryn Clemente, Hannah Christina Bito-on, Monica Sapin, Adeth Rufil, Rina

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