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History of the United Kingdom II

Summary of course 1

Primordial times

Britain back in thousands before Christ was scarcely populated, poor, barbaric. Yet, just a hundred years ago it was simply the owner of the world, whose power was lost to the USA, former British colony. The British Islands: Group of Islands that extend northwest of the European coast They are 320, 000 kms2, i. e. more or less the size of Chihuahua. From those, Great Britain is 230,000 km, that means just bigger than Sonora. The primordial, the original name is unknown, however, the Romans started calling it Britannia. By means of the transformation of language, it turned into Britain.

Why is it called today Great Britain?


Britain is the bigger island (3/5s of the whole Islands group) in front of the Continent and the 8th biggest in the world. Its inhabitants escaping from Barbaric Invasions around 15 centuries ago (500 600 a. D.), crossed the water channel and established themselves in the northwestern part of France (Armorica). The region where they established was known as Brittany (Small Britain or Britannia Minor). G.B. is bigger than the rest of the original European Continental nations which fought and conquer each other until Rome and their Pax Romana.

Where did the inhabitants come from?

First theory 10,000 b.C. an ice age occurred and the whole northern Europe was covered in ice, including that which was later going to be known as the British Islands. Hunters following the migrating animals moved north as the ice melted. The land surface in Europe decreased and around the year 6000 b.C. Great Britain was separated from Europe and Ireland from G.B. Nomadic stone-age migrating groups remained trapped inside the newly formed Islands. They, thus, became safe and guarded from possible invasions in the centuries to come, yet not forever, contrary to the continental inhabitants.

Second theory
The Pangaea one.

The Ca.

People of the Beaker

2000 b.C the arrival of the People of the Beaker took place. They brought with them the arts of pottery, weaving, metallurgy. Mainly the use of bronze. Its manufacture requires copper and stain which were not as common. The little there was came Cypruss in the East Mediterranean. It is said that they were the builders of Stonehenge.

The Celts
Origins A

and background.

barbaric group called the Keltoi by the Greeks settles down by 1200 b.C. in Central Europe. Keltoi meant Braves in ancient Greek. As they adopted their foreign given name it slowly turned into Celts. Yet, they were not only warriors, but sheppards as well. Already counted with Iron. The Celts would expand their territories west and eastwards. Their expansion ranged territories of todays Poland, Rumania, France (Gaul) and even Spain.

(Meanwhile, what about the Romans?)

Romans result of Etruscans and Latins, constantly fought against the continental Celts, mainly the Gauls. Are able by 270 b.C. to finally defeat the Gauls. By 220 b.C. already dominated the northern part of the Italic Peninsula (Lombardy). Finally, the Celts in continental Europe were crushed (ca. 100 b.C.) Celts in the British Islands remained untouched for a while, (although later had to face several invasions: two from the Romans, which they survived and some from other German tribes which edged them and even eliminated them). While the Romans invaded northern France, the continental Celts received the help of their brothers from the Island, which called the attention of Julius Ceasear who thus decided to invade them as well.

Origin of the tribes names


then gives us an account of the tribes of Europe, including the tribes, which would settle in England In this account, Nennius further explains the origins of Brutus. He states: "The first man that dwelt in Europe was Alanus, with his three sons, Hisicion, Armenon and Neugio.

Hisicion had four sons, Francus, Romanus, Alamanus, and Brutus. Armenon had five sons, Gothus, Valagothus, Cibidus, Burgundus, and Longobardus. Neugio had three sons, Vandalus, Saxo, and Boganus. Therefore we have to understand the following: From Hiscion arose four nations-the Franks, the Romans, the Germans, and Britons. From Armenon, the Gothi, Balagothi, Cibidi, Burgundi, and Longobardi (Lombards). From Neugio, the Bogari, Vandali, Saxones, and Tarinegi. The whole of Europe was subdivided into these tribes

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