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Bernicia (Northumbria) 1 Deira (Northumbria)

Mercia 3 Anglia 4 Essex 5 Wessex 6 Kent * 7 Sussex


Ethelbert Canonized Reigned Kent from 560 616 First one to establish a written law code First Bretwalda


of Deira Ruled from 560 until 593.


the territories

of Deira. His people, as expanding, formed Mercia.

Etherlfrith Ruled

Bernicia from 593 until 613 Defeated the Scotts Invaded Deira Married Acha (Daughter of Elli) Betrayed Edwin Tried to invade Kent after
the death of Ethelbert

Edwin of Deira Son of Elli Flee from the invasion of Ethelfrith Took over the power of Deria after the death of Ethelfrid Marries Ethelburga (Merovingian) Converts to Christianity under the guidance of Paulinus after a murder attempt Canonized Unified Dercia and Bernicia Founds York as his capitol city Greatest Bretwalda


of Anglia Ruled from 593 until 619 Became a Bretwalda Gave asylum to Edwin Although under pressure by both other enemies, he remained neutral, but killed Ethelfrith at the end.

Penda of Mercia Brutal pagan king Let missionaries preach Declared war to Edwin in 633 Defeated him and killed him Together with his ally Cadwallan of Wales Northumbria returns to paganism Continued generating troubles and Wars until 655 when he is finally killed By hands of Oswy

Oswald, son of Ethelfrith Lived in Ionia Returns to Northumbria after the Death of Edwin Edwin is killed by his younger brother Eanfrith Eanfrith kills Cadwallan and recovers the Kingdoms of Northumbria. Allied Wessex and marries the daughter of the King Is killed in battle by Penda of Mercia.

Oswald is succeeded by two persons:

1) his brother Oswy in Bernicia (North-East) and 2) his rival Oswine in Deira (Yorkshire) later killed by Oswy

Northumbria splits, therefore, once again into two just to be later reunited.

Penda of Mercia seizes Northumbrian land in Deira. He places these under the rule of Osric, a grandson of Edwin.


Picts, who live in central and eastern Scotland, elect Talorgen, nephew of the Northumbrian King Oswy, as their king. Mercians and Welsh are defeated by Oswy. Penda and 30 of his men are finally killed (655). king of Northumbria, is proclaimed Bretwalda. He appoints Penda's son Peada as King of Mercia south of the Trent.



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