Chapter 2

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A cell is the basic unit of life. Its size is too small to be seen with the naked eye.

. We need an instrument called a microscope to observe cells. The cell structures can be observed by using a microscope Plant cells and animal cells differ in their shapes and functions

Part Eyepiece

Function To magnify the image formed by the objective lens. To magnify the image of the object.

Objective lens

Stage clip

To hold the microscope slide in position.

To get a sharper focus of the object. To control the amount of light entering the objective lens. To support the microscope slide.

Adjustment knob Diaphragm



Cell membrane

Structure: Thin elastic and semi-permeable Compose of protein and phospholipids Function: Separate a cell from its external environment Holds the cell contents together Regulates the movement of substances into and out of the cytoplasm.

b) Cell wall Structure: The outer layer of plant cell It is rigid cellulose (fibre) layer surrounding the plasma membrane and provide strength to the cell It also permeable because it has a tiny pores that allow the substances to move freely in and out. Function: Maintains the shape of plant cell. Protects the cell from rupturing/bursting due to the excessive intake of the water.

c) Cytoplasm Structure: It is in the region between the nucleus and the plasma membrane. It made up from jelly likes substance containing organic, inorganic compounds and organelles. Function: Keep water and nutrients which are required for chemical processes in the cell. Support and protects the cell organelles Provides the substances that obtained from external environment to the organelles.

d) Nucleus
Structure: It is an organelle bounded by nuclear membrane(2 layer), containing a nucleolus, chromosomes and nucleoplasm. Function: Controls all the cell activities Also contains genes which decide on inherited characteristics.

e) Vacuole Structure: A fluid-filled sacs with lipoprotein membrane (tonoplast/ semi-permeable membrane), spherical in shape Filled with sugar solution, organic acids, enzymes and pigments. Function: Generally for food storage, digestion and waste removal. Central vacuole in plant cells for storage and cell expansion. Food vacuoles in amoeba for phagocytises and contractile vacuoles in paramecium expel water.

f) Chloroplasts
Structure: Are lens-shaped organelle. Contain green pigment chlorophyll and two layer of membrane. Function: Make chlorophyll which is required for plants for plants to make food.







What kind of instrument that we use to observe the cell? In the microscope which part that we use to magnify the image to the object? What the similarities and the differences between plant cell and animal cell? Which part of plant cell maintain the shape of the cell. Which part of animal cell that control cell activities? Which part in the plant cell that is needed to make sure the plant cell can make a food?

Plant cell Similarities

Basic unit in plan in plants and animals Made of protoplasm Has a cell membrane which enclose a nucleus and cytoplasm Carries out chemical processes such a respiration.

Animal cell

Bigger in size Fixed shape

Size Shape

Smaller in size Shape can be changed

Has a cellulose cell wall

Has chloroplast Usually has a large vacuole when old Contain starch granules

Cell wall
Chloroplast Vacuole Granule

Does not have a cell wall

Does not have chloroplast Only cells in lower animals have a vacuole Contains glycogen granules

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