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About the East African Network for Environmental Compliance & Enforcement (EANECE)

G. Opondo EANECE Secretariat

About the East African Network for Environmental Compliance & Enforcement
Network of government entities in the East African nations of Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Kenya, which have in their mandate environmental management responsibilities. Ethiopia and Zanzibar set to join soon. EANECE is committed to collaborate and cooperate with other players including the private sector and civil society. Formally Launched in Nairobi, Kenya on 7th May, 2010 ( . EANECE is affiliated to the International Network for Environmental Compliance & Enforcement (INECE),

Mission of EANECE
To promote the rule of law, good environmental governance and sustainable development in East Africa through efficient and effective implementation and enforcement of environmental requirements.

Build capacity of environmental management agencies on environmental compliance & enforcement;

Create awareness on the importance of environmental compliance & enforcement;

Promote EANECE as a strong and vibrant regional network and strengthen its affiliate national chapters for effective compliance and enforcement cooperation.

The role of national chapters

Serve as the primary focal point for working with in-country stakeholders, the Secretariat and other partners. Responsible for all network activities within each member country.

EANECE Priority Projects

Combating Climate Change

EANECE Priority Projects/cont.

Tackling Air Pollution

EANECE Priority Projects/cont.

Assuring Water Quality

EANECE Priority Projects/cont.

Managing Solid Waste

EANECE Priority Projects/cont.

Managing Toxic & Hazardous Chemicals

Other EANECE Project Areas

Combating Illegal trade in wildlife and their products

Other EANECE Project Areas Combating Illegal logging

May, 2010: Executive Training on Compliance and Enforcement for 30 government officials from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda and Burundi. Principles of C&E training in November, 2011 for Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. NEMA has recently opened up its Basic Enforcement Course to the lead agencies. Unification of Environmental Inspection and Investigation Manuals for East Africa is currently underway. Improved sharing of information and intelligence among the participating institutions.

Tanzanian chapter launched in September, 2010, ,Ugandan chapter in May, 2011.

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